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Psychological Manipulation Essays

A Profound Analysis of William Devin Howell’s Serial Murder Case

The case of William Devin Howell emphasizes the importance of the deeply rooted nature of serial killers, which needs to be articulated as these offenses constitute the crux of criminology. A period of terrorism perpetrated by Howell, and specifically aimed at women in the New Britain area in the early 2000s, provides a refined and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1683

The Push by Derren Browns

The Push is a British reality film, which is essentially a social experiment by Derren Brown performed to determine if humans can be manipulated to commit murder. In the movie, Derren works with a special effects artist, a stunt coordinator, and a team of 70 professional actors. They organize a fake youth charity and hire unsuspecting ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 558
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Pervasiveness and Complexity of Domestic Violence

Universally, domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that develops power and control over another individual by intimidation and fear. However, while exerting violence on a person, it often encompasses the threat of violence. In daily living domestic violence occurs in numerous dimensions, including physical and emotional abuse, threats, isolation, and economic control. Power and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1441
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