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Project Management Tool Essays

HIPAA Compliance Recommendation Plan and Compliance Training

Protected Health Information (PHI) must be protected in today’s fast-changing healthcare environment, and HIPAA compliance is crucial to patient privacy and data security. This essay discusses St. Catherine’s Medical Center’s HIPAA compliance approach, stressing PHI management, data disposal, and staff training. Gateway Healthcare System wants to create a culture of compliance that upholds its high ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Building a Remote Team Project Management Tool in the Cloud

Introduction COVID-19 has transformed how we operate, with more work being globally recognized. However, managing small projects is difficult. Groups often work across time zones and locations, making collaboration difficult. We suggest a cloud-based enhanced administration device for inaccessible groups. This IT project aims to provide a user-friendly, secure, and configurable cloud-based extended administration tool ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3458
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