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Project-Based Learning Essays

Fostering Inclusive Learning

Engagement strategies are significant in the educational environment, specifically for encouraging students to motivate themselves and display positive social behavior despite their cultural diversity. The above strategies help the students not only in the development of their academics but also in their social and emotional well-being. When an effective engagement strategy is adopted, it produces ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

Implementing 21st Century Methodologies: Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Introduction Project-based learning is an instructional approach in education that allows learners to develop skills and knowledge through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they might face in the real world (Kokotsaki, Menzies & Wiggins, 2016). Life skills are essential aspects that enable individuals to acquire supportive and adaptive behaviour that help them to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1204
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