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Power Structures Essays

The Importance of Culture, Gender, and Positionality in Transformative Learning

One of the key themes that has emerged in research on transformative learning is the role of culture, gender, and positionality in shaping and influencing the process of perspective transformation. Transformative learning involves a shift in one’s perspective and worldview resulting from critical self-reflection and questioning assumptions (Hoggan & Kloubert, 2020). Transformative learning centers on ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2492

Discuss What Urban Theory Helps Us To Understand the Nature of Race and Community Conflict in Cities Today.

Institutional Racism Urban theory elucidates the race issues and community conflicts in modern cities by pointing out institutional racism. That concerns the maintenance of racial fictionalization and urban riots through societal arrangements, policy decisions, and institutions. In this sense, urban theorists pose that institutional racism is deeply embedded in even systems through systemic practices and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1919
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Language as a Cultural Repository

Introduction Communicating verbally is only one aspect of being able to speak a language. As a major component of national identity, it is also a means of passing on principles, ideas, and customs from one generation to the next. The study’s overarching objective is to decipher the tangled web of cultural processes and their effects ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2606

The Social Contract Theory and Its Implications for States and Democracy

The Social Contract Theory, a foundation of political philosophy, explains state-individual relations. This viewpoint states that people give up certain liberties to the state in exchange for protection and security. Governance relies on this exchange, establishing citizen-state duties. The Social Contract Theory’s voluntary compromise of rights for communal well-being has significant consequences for state creation ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1410
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