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Power and Politics: Apple Inc

The qualities that set one organization or group apart from another make up the culture of an organization. The norms and the expectations that must be adhered to by all members of an organization are determined by its culture. They are the essential elements necessary for the business to function properly. The members of the group hold the characteristics in high regard. Organizations utilize these documents to explain what they do and how they function. The distribution of political and military power within a group is one factor that has the greatest impact on how it functions. This study aims to investigate how Apple Inc. is managed by individuals who hold positions of authority and influence. In addition to this, it investigates how politics and power influence the organizational structure and operations of Apple Inc.

  1. Influence of Power and Politics

Politics and the strategic deployment of power are incredibly significant considerations to keep in mind when it comes to corporations and other organizations. If you want to be a manager or a leader in a company, you need to have the capacity to exert influence over other people and direct them. This is necessary. Individuals and businesses can benefit from developing the skill of being able to convince others of their point of view. The leadership structure makes it possible for politics to continue, which is good for the organization’s mission and goals. Thus this should be encouraged. The means through which an organization’s philosophy is communicated to its members are significantly influenced by factors including politics and power (Newton & Van, 2016). When workers are given the option to submit bids for employment and deliver services, the competition level on the market grows to a higher level. The ability of the incumbent president to achieve tactical objectives and cultivate a positive atmosphere in the workplace is the source of the power that comes with incumbency. Another factor contributing to the determination of an employee’s obligations and responsibilities is the level of influence that the employee possesses inside the company for which they work. People are made to take greater responsibility for their activities, and as a direct result, they are less likely to comply with instructions meekly. Apple’s marketing team is keenly aware of the contribution they make toward the overall achievement of the company’s objective, and they take this responsibility very seriously.

  1. Sources of Power

Many different approaches can be taken to get things done in a company. To begin, Apple’s employees have a great deal of influence thanks to the company’s functional structure. The president of Apple is responsible for various important and strategic responsibilities. Senior vice presidents are in charge of each department, and they report directly to the president. This helps ensure that plans are carried out properly. Because of this, people need to cooperate to find solutions to problems and achieve success in a challenging environment (Getty et al., 2016). He plays a significant role in the deliberation and selection of options. Because of the way the organization is set up, department heads are in the position to be able to direct the work that the rest of their team should be doing. People end up working together and sharing their thoughts directly due to this. Having the sensation of being a part of something. The quantity of time and experience that a person has spent working in a particular industry is another factor that contributes to their level of authority in that field. A formidable adversary is somebody who has prior experience working in marketing, design, or software development. We will do everything in our power to fulfill their requirements. These problems are affecting multiple departments within Apple at the same time. The external conditions in which businesses operate and the managerial practices employed are subject to ongoing transformation. They serve as the bedrock around which the company’s culture is built. These professionals incorporate their marketing, hardware, and software development recommendations into their practices to bring in new customers (Singh & Rani, 2017). Other Apple workers who have more years of seniority and more experience influence those who have fewer years of seniority and less experience. You must also have a working knowledge of the Internet and have a degree from an accredited institution or university. Apple is in a position to make use of an asset consisting of the capability to develop and maintain websites and software. Apple may seek the assistance of a qualified professional to design innovative user interfaces and operating systems for its products. They are in charge of molding and fostering the culture of the manufacturing companies in which they work. Businesses that provide valuable services to customers typically profit from those offerings. As a direct consequence of this, the company’s reputation and bottom line will both improve.

  1. Leadership Behavior and Culture

As a direct consequence of Apple’s singular approach to management and distinctive business culture, the company has evolved a hierarchical organizational structure founded on the products it manufactures. The goods and services are used to categorize its staff members. Despite this, high-quality services must be delivered by a group of specialists from various fields who collaborate. Tim Cook uses a structure divided into functional domains to manage people effectively. Customer service, graphic design, and marketing are all functions that a corporation must perform. The collaboration between the hardware and software departments enables the company to give its clients the highest level of support. Within the corporation’s structure, the president and senior vice presidents are responsible for a significant proportion of the individual units. It helps cultivate a sense of cooperation and mutual respect in the workplace (Davis, & Cox, 2016). As a direct consequence of this, the organization’s leadership structure cultivates respect and professionalism.

  1. Leadership Influence

The leadership of an organization affects the decisions that are taken at every stage of the implementation process. Apple’s leaders have an impact on the company’s inventiveness. The company’s organizational structure was conducive to the conception of innovative ideas for internet services. Leaders are willing to take risks to cultivate a culture that places a premium on service. There is a continuing push to identify novel and improved approaches that will make the internet available to many people (Singh, & Rani, 2017). Their strategy aims to put them to compete more effectively against established businesses.

The leadership style influences the quality-maintenance culture. Apple places a high value on accuracy and customer satisfaction. According to the company’s leaders, everyone at the organization is committed to providing the best online services. The organization’s leadership closely monitors the entire department to ensure its goals are met (Kornberger, 2017). Thus, the company’s culture is transformed into one of excellence.

The significance of leadership in a company may be deduced from watching how the people at Apple collaborate. There is a strong correlation between the caliber of leadership in an organization and the capacity of its members to collaborate productively as part of a team. Collaborating is the best way to ensure that the hardware and software you sell to customers are compatible. Because of this partnership, industrial design and customer needs were brought together. As a result, it is possible to make high-quality items while keeping the consumer’s needs in mind.

The management style of an organization has a direct bearing on the organization’s longevity and rate of expansion. Apple has achieved both quick expansion and stable growth in recent years thanks to the company’s organizational design and the jobs it has created. Tim was elevated to the CEO position for the company to successfully meet the evolving demands of the market and thrive in a competitive economic environment. How leaders run their companies is a driving force behind creative problem-solving. It satisfies the criteria of both the current customers and those who might become new clients in the future (Huhtala & Feldt, 2016). Rules are put in place to guarantee that every instance will produce the same results. For Apple to accomplish its goals, every employee must adhere to the abovementioned standards. Apple’s products and services will be accessible for evaluation and purchase by end-users.


Apple needs to establish a company culture that places high importance on quality assurance and working together as a team. In order to maintain everyone’s attention on the common objective, it is critical to highlight the productive collaboration within each department. In today’s extremely competitive business world, managers of companies must place a strong emphasis on developing connections among their employees that are advantageous to all parties involved. Utilizing their roles to bring the country together should be a top priority for the president and vice president. Junior employees need to have access to training and mentorship to learn and become proficient in providing exceptional customer service. A well-designed organizational structure should make it simple to generate innovative ideas and information and facilitate productive collaboration with clients.

The chosen management style directly impacts the organization’s potential for growth and continuity. As an employer, Apple has a responsibility to its employees to help them grow professionally and personally. The basis of a company is built on a solid foundation of evaluation and promotion possibilities for employees. Workers will be motivated by a culture that sets a high value on job evaluation. It equips people with the knowledge and skills to reach their maximum potential and become the best versions of themselves. As an internet service provider, Apple has a role in this fast-paced sector. Workers would require ongoing education or training to keep them abreast of the most up-to-date information and capabilities. Management, software application development, and game platform development are some areas that need to be improved. When creating interactive interfaces, talent and knowledge of current trends are required. Apple is expected to uphold high-quality standards and employ the most efficient methods possible in its daily operations. The use of power and politics must be employed to persuade employees to work together and provide the best possible service.

The last step is for individuals in charge of Apple to put their positions of power and political clout to advance the fundamental principles that guide the company. Creating a culture calls for striking a balance between the authority and influence that come from experience and those founded on ideals. Every online service needs to be fully functional and centered on the end-user to be successful. If Apple’s leaders want the company to continue to be successful in the future, they need to foster a culture that values the free exchange of information. Inclusion of all relevant stakeholders in consultations and decision-making processes is another way to guarantee high-quality service. As a result of this, we anticipate increased collaboration between the departments. Because of this, the workers at the organization will experience an overall improvement in their quality of life. As a direct consequence of this, the Internet services provided to subscribers will get better.


Getty, R. M., Worrall, J. L., & Morris, R. G. (2016). How far from the tree does the apple fall? Field training officers, their trainees, and allegations of misconduct. Crime & Delinquency, 62(6), 821-839.

Huhtala, M., & Feldt, T. (2016). The path from ethical organizational culture to employee commitment: Mediating roles of value congruence and work engagement. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1(1).

Kornberger, M. (2017). The visible hand and the crowd: Analyzing organization design in distributed innovation systems. Strategic Organization, 15(2), 174-193.

Newton, K., & Van Deth, J. W. (2016). Foundations of comparative politics. Cambridge University Press.

Singh, R., & Rani, A. (2017). Human Behaviour: In Group, Emotional Intelligence & Organizational Culture. Notion Press.

Davis, M. A., & Cox, M. Z. (2016, January). The Influence of Relative Performance and Bad Apple Succession on Organizational Misconduct. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 14208). Academy of Management.


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