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Plato Essays

Moral Principle of Life in Socrates’ Apology

Moral principles can be described as guidelines that human beings live by to ensure that they behave the right way and that their actions are appropriate. These ethical principles include qualities like equality, fairness, and honesty. However, these moral principles are different for different people because they are dependent on a person’s background and how ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 594

Permanent Versus Progressive Time

Part one In his passage, Murray uses several examples to characterize a permanent life. He calls it “the main web of life,” which are simply the things that cannot be changed and are constant to everyone. To explain the ‘main web of life’ or permanent life, Murray illustrates its’ contrast, which is progressive life. According ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953
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Allegory of the Cave by Plato

Topic One The most famous passage in Western philosophy history is the allegory of Cave by Plato. The context of education alludes to the Seventh book of Plato. One of the most incredible things in life for Plato was education. Plato offers his view on the ultimate nature of philosophical education (Boyum, 559). Putting knowledge ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1151
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