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Patient Compliance Definition and Its Importance in My Field

Patient compliance is the extent to which a patient follows strictly the treatment plans, lifestyle changes, and medical advice that healthcare professionals have recommended to manage their health condition. Patient compliance includes attending medical appointments, making the necessary lifestyle adjustments that the healthcare professional has ordered you to adjust, following the medical schedules strictly, and adopting exercise and dietary regimes (Sukartini et al., 2020). In my field, patient compliance is essential in preventing complications related to chronic conditions and achieving positive health outcomes.

Patient compliance is very crucial because it has a direct impact on the overall health outcome of the patient. When the patients strictly follow what their healthcare professionals have told them regarding their health conditions, they are more likely to prevent the progression of the disease, experience relief from the symptoms, and improve their quality of life. Patient compliance is also essential as it directly impacts the effectiveness of the treatment. Non-compliance can, on the other hand, lead to increased healthcare costs, worsened health conditions, and unnecessary hospitalization.

Health Care Professionals’ Role in Compliance and Examples of Ways in Which the Health Care Professional May Contribute to Noncompliance

The role of the healthcare professionals in compliance is promoting the compliance of the patient by offering support and education, providing them with clear guidelines, promoting open and effective communication, and also addressing the barriers that are more likely to prevent the patients from adhering to the policies that they have been given by the healthcare professionals (Ashinyo et al., 2021). Healthcare professionals can, however, contribute to non-compliance by, for example, needing more cultural sensitivity, adequate and effective communication with the patients, and providing treatment guidelines without considering the patient’s preference patient’s preference.

Comparison between compliance and collaboration.

Compliance is a one-sided approach that involves the patient being expected to adhere well to the instructions that they have been given by the healthcare professional who is delivering care to them. On the other hand, collaboration is the partnership between the healthcare team and the patient. The collaboration is made to make joint decisions where the preferences and values of the patient are extensively considered as the treatment’s goal.

Comparing and Contrasting Patient Education in The Past with That Practiced Today.

Patient education has dramatically evolved. In the past, healthcare professionals relied entirely on the paternalistic models, held most of the knowledge, and also the patients were passive recipients. The communication could have been more effective as it was hierarchical, the patients were not involved in decision-making, and if they were concerned, it was occasionally. Also, the information could have been more extensive. Today, patient education focuses on empowerment and collaboration.

The healthcare providers engage the patients as their partners when providing care to them, encourage them to ask questions in case they have any issues, give the patients comprehensive information, and also consider the values and preferences of the patients. Technology has revolutionized patient education by offering telehealth options, online resources, and interactive tools where patients can manage their health conditions effectively. Also, today, health literacy and cultural sensitivity are well recognized as crucial factors when delivering health care, thus contributing to more tailored approaches.

 Importance of Professional Commitment in Developing Patient Education as A Clinical Skill

Professional commitment is essential in developing patient education as it ensures that healthcare professionals empower their patients, foster rapport and trust, and prioritise their well-being. Committed professionals continuously update their communication techniques and knowledge, thus ensuring that the dissemination of the information to patients is very effective and accurate. The dedication to patient education ensures that better health outcomes are promoted by enhancing the understanding of the patient regarding their health condition, preventive measures, and treatments. Additionally, it encourages active participation in the healthcare journey and patient compliance, thus resulting in more adherence to treatment plans (Ten et al., 2022).Top of Form

Three Categories of Learning and How They Can Be Used in Patient Education.

The three learning categories are cognitive learning, affective learning, and psychomotor learning. Cognitive learning is the development of intellectual skills and the acquisition of knowledge. Cognitive learning is used in patient education to provide factual information regarding their health condition and treatment (Wei et al., 2021). Affective learning deals with attitudes, values, and emotions, and it can be used in patient education to address how a patient is feeling, as well as their beliefs and motivation regarding treatment adherence (Wei et al., 2021). Psychomotor learning involves the development of coordination and skills. It can be used in patient education to teach the patients about medication administration, how to manage their symptoms, and medical device usage.

Three Problems That May Arise in Patient Education and Their Solutions

One of the problems that may arise in patient education includes health literacy challenges. This challenge can be solved using visual aids, plain language, and teach-back methods to ensure comprehension. Another challenge is limited time and resources. This challenge can be resolved by providing follow-up resources, prioritizing the essential information, and encouraging patients to ask questions. The last one is the language and cultural barriers. This challenge can be solved by utilizing interpreters when necessary and providing educational materials in multiple languages.

Some Methods of Documentation of Patient Education

  • Electronic health records systems have designated fields for documenting the education sessions.
  • Progress notes that are found in the medical record of a patient
  • Educational handouts that are provided to the patient


Ashinyo, M. E., Dubik, S. D., Duti, V., Amegah, K. E., Ashinyo, A., Asare, B. A., … & Kuma-Aboagye, P. (2021). Infection prevention and control compliance among exposed healthcare workers in COVID-19 treatment centres in Ghana: A descriptive cross-sectional study. PloS one16(3), e0248282.

Sukartini, T., Widianingrum, T. R., & Yasmara, D. (2020). The Relationship of Knowledge and Motivation with Anti Tuberculosis Drugs Compliance in Tuberculosis Patients. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy11(5).

Ten Hoeve, Y., Brouwer, J., & Kunnen, S. (2020). Turnover prevention: The direct and indirect association between organizational job stressors, negative emotions and professional commitment in novice nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing76(3), 836-845.

Wei, X., Saab, N., & Admiraal, W. (2021). Assessment of cognitive, behavioural, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: A systematic literature review. Computers & Education163, 104097.


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