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Exercise & Physical Activity in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes

Clinical Guideline:

The document, known as the “American College of Sports Medicine Expert Consensus Statement on Exercise/Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes,” signifies a complete collection of expert understandings and research outcomes in the field. It was developed in February 2022 and is a contemporary guide, merging the latest exercise and physical activity knowledge for individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Its development inculcates an alliance amongst professionals in practice physiology, diabetes management, and public health.


This guideline inscribes the varying demographics of individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). It reinforces the significance of its proposals amongst various age groups, highlighting the general significance of physical activity in the productive management of T2D. By distinctly aiming at this population, the guideline sought to offer tailored and evidence-based submissions that resonate with the distinct provocations and considerations correlated with T2D.

Recommendations and Grades

  1. Postprandial Exercise: The guideline firmly champions associating light- or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise postprandially to reduce acute glycemic spikes. Whereas the actual grade or level of recommendation is not universally provided in the available excerpt, the emphasis on postprandial exercise proposes a thorough endorsement, showing high confidence in its effectiveness anchored on available proof.
  2. Healthy Eating Plan: Building a healthy eating pattern is one of the guidelines’ other key submissions. This comprises eating a day-to-day calorie intake that is appropriate, stressing fruits and vegetables, nutritious grains, lean meats, and consuming unsaturated fats. Whereas the grade or degree of recommendation is not brought out clearly, the significance placed on a healthy diet plan urges that it is highly advocated as a pillar of managing type 2 diabetes.
  3. Regular Physical Activity: The recommendation stresses how important it is to lower sitting time, increase rates of activity breaks, and engage in regular physical practice. A firm recommendation anchored on the body of collective data and a professional point of view is recommended by the repeated interest in certain lifestyle improvements without the presence of an accurate grade or degree of recommendation.

Interpretation of Grades or Levels of Recommendation

To grade the recommendation in clinical guidelines, it is important to measure the quality of the evidence underlying certain recommendations. The proposal has used a grading scheme that ranges from strong, moderate, weak, or consensus-based recommendations. Solid data support a strong recommendation and suggest that the advantages exceed any possible drawbacks. A weak suggestion, on the other hand, is based on low-quality evidence or expert consensus, and moderate advice is backed by evidence of a mediocre caliber. Expert opinions are the source of Application in Practice.

Healthcare professionals can seamlessly integrate the guideline's recommendations into their practice through many approaches. To treat T2D, proper planning is required to customize individuals by incorporating specific types and duration of physical activity alongside healthy diet strict adherence. Patients ought to be well informed by medical professionals. The patient’s recovery can be monitored and assessed through procedures that are compared to the guideline’s recommendations.


In conclusion, the American College of Sports Medicine Expert Consensus Statement on Exercise/Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes is an important contemporary and authoritative guide. The main aim is to assist individuals with type 2 diabetes; it provides evidence-based recommendations encompassing postprandial exercise, adopting a healthy eating plan, and promoting regular physical activity. While the specific grades or recommendation levels are not explicitly detailed, the recurring emphasis on these lifestyle modifications suggests robust endorsements. Healthcare professionals can leverage this guideline to optimize treatment plans, enhance patient education, and establish effective monitoring strategies, thereby contributing to improved T2D management and overall patient well-being.


KANALEY, JILL A.; COLBERG, SHERI R.; CORCORAN, MATTHEW H.; MALIN, STEVEN K.; RODRIGUEZ, NANCY R.; CRESPO, CARLOS J.; KIRWAN, JOHN P.; ZIERATH, JULEEN R.. Exercise/Physical Activity in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes: A Consensus Statement from the American College of Sports Medicine. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 54(2):p 353-368, February 2022.


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