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Our giant database of free essay examples will be useful to all those who write essays and are looking for examples for inspiration.

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Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing experience for most mothers, and taking care of them during the antenatal period is crucial to ensure the good health of the mother and baby. During pregnancy, mothers are cautioned against several teratogens and hazards that threaten the appropriate prenatal development of the baby. Teratogens are harmful agents that have the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 654

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Prescription painkillers, benzodiazepines, caffeine, and nicotine rank prominently among the most commonly abused substances globally, with far-reaching psychological, behavioral, physical, and social effects on the users and society. The drugs contain psychoactive components, which affect the user’s brain functions, and trigger changes in behaviors, awareness, mood, feelings, and thoughts. For instance, the misuse of such ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1842

Essay on Alcohol Addiction

Many substances, both legal and illegal, have the potential to cause addiction. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance worldwide and can potentially cause addiction. The topic of alcohol addiction is important because it highlights the problems associated with the drug and how they can be prevented. The topic can also help people understand how ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2454

Air Pollution in Houston, Texas

Introduction Many public health concerns are identified, and policies are offered to solve them. For this reason, policies are crucial in solving the problems people encounter. This study aims to provide a policy brief for reducing air pollution in Houston. This paper will give some background on the health policy issue. The problem’s scope and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 984

Africa Is Not a Poor Continent

Introduction Over the past few decades, Africa has been portrayed in various ways, such as a helpless kid in need of development, a growing economic power, an immediate threat, and a tinderbox for terrorism, famine, forced migration, and disease. However, the truth is, like always, more nuanced. Indeed, the continent of Africa has changed drastically ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2103

Aetna Case Study

Problems/Issues Numerous issues plague the American healthcare system and need fixing. The United States GDP grew by $3.2 trillion, or 18 percent, between 1980 and 2015. In 2014, healthcare accounted for 11.3% of Germany’s GDP and 9.1% of the UK’s (Henderson et al., 2018). Aetna acknowledges that these observations are alarming. A major factor in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 838

Addressing Patient Safety Issues

Improving patient safety in the healthcare sector remains a paramount issue despite years of research, policies, and development. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report, To Err is Human. The report estimated that American hospitals experience between 44000 and 98000 deaths from preventable medical errors (King et al., 2008). In the report, IOM ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2115

Addiction as a Spiritual Crisis

Addiction is not a new idea. People have long sought to change their feelings and attitudes towards addictive behaviors impacting certain parts of their life, though quitting an addiction is a challenging prospect. Chances are nobody expects to find themselves in such a situation, and many people suffering from addiction often wonder why they cannot ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1148

Adam Smith’s Theory of Economics

Introduction The economic realm forms the bedrock of human existence, and its fundamental role can never be ignored. The continuous phenomenon of allocation of scarce resources, distribution, and consumption has been at the heart of human existence since time immemorial. The economic world has, over the years, witnessed remarkable strides that have resulted in to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2944

Academic Cheating Annotated Bibliography

Introduction Academic cheating has been on the rise in the current times, with many cases of academic fraud increasing daily. The issue has been brought to the limelight through the media, raising global institutions’ attention to ensuring academic integrity. Academic cheating has been heavily criticized because it contributes to poor career performance. Once a student ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1088

Academic and Career Planning

Being in college calls for diversified learning to help in future career planning. To have a good career calls for or to have a better academic plan. The academic plan requires one to be in a better position to acquire specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely skills. Therefore, my personal goals and academic plans are ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 679

Essay on Abstract Expressionism

Art has been part of life since immemorial and has evolved depending on its time, creating impact. One of the significant renowned art movements is abstract expressionism. The movement surfaced after the Second World War, and its inception was in America. The art dates back to the 1940s in New York City. Abstract expressionism was ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1288

A Study on Shakespeare Literature Works & Stylistic Devices

INTRODUCTION Literary critics and academics have frequently noted that tragedy may make the audience feel dread and sympathy. One of William Shakespeare’s most great tragedies is said to be Hamlet (Cartmell & Deborah, 2006). It is centered on Hamlet, an obscure English drama by an unidentified author. William Shakespeare portrays Hamlet as the monarch of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3695

A Reflection on Zizek’s Pandemic! Chronicles of a Time Lost

The COVID-19 pandemic surprised the world when it started spreading as spontaneously as it did. The pandemic affected people’s mental and physical health and forced governments to create restrictions to control its spread. Therefore, philosophers such as Slavoj Zizek set out to explain the dynamics around the pandemic and the restrictions that ensued. He addresses ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1008

A Reflection on the “A Farewell to Arms” Novel

Ernest Hemingway’s novel “A Farewell to Arms,” tells the story of Frederic Henry, a World War I veteran who has significantly changed his thinking about war. The death of Henry′s best friend, the brutal reality of trench warfare, and his disillusionment with the futility and costliness of war all contribute to Henry′s shift in perspective. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 661
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