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Adverse Events or Near Miss Analysis

Introduction The Healthcare setting is associated with many events which significantly affect the provision of care. These events have influenced the creation of policies that regulate healthcare advancement and ensure patients’ safety. Regardless of these policies, healthcare settings have continued to witness increased adverse events, resulting in claims of malpractices leveled against healthcare institutions and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1739

Case Study (Administrative Strategic Shifts in Trump and Biden Administrations)

Different presidents of the United States are associated with various foreign policies. During the Obama Administration, the federal government implemented a strategy to rebalance the Asia-Pacific and joined the 2015 Paris Agreement. The subsequent administrations adopt some policies and alter others to fulfil the promises made during election campaigns and enhance national security and their ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3136

A Shade of Colonialism

Freedom is sweet, and no one wants it taken away from them. After world war I, London declared Egypt a British protectorate, and this feeling of Egyptians’ freedom was snatched from them. They needed a revolution to revolution so that they could get their freedom. The first reaction to this “colonialism” was seen after Sa’d ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1416

A Comparison of the Concepts of Justice and Morality in Paganism and Christianity

Paganism is a polytheistic religion that worships multiple gods and goddesses (Althaea Sebastiani, 2020), while Christianity is a monotheistic religion that worships only one God. Paganism and Christianity have many different views regarding justice and morality. To start with, let us first define what each of these terms means. Justice can be defined as the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1910

9–1 Final Project Submission: Handbook Assignment

Introduction In an increasingly digital world, ensuring ethical and legal compliance is of utmost importance when conducting digital communication activities. Creating a handbook on digital communication’s legal and ethical aspects is a crucial step in this direction. Drawing on the latest case studies and examples, this handbook analyses the relevant legal and ethical considerations. It ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2711

Validity and Reliability

Any measuring device, whether a rod or a depression inventory, must possess two qualities: it must produce consistent measurements or be trustworthy; it also must measure the variable it claims to measure or be valid (Gremigni, 2020). Therefore reliability and validity are two critical concepts in psychological testing that are crucial for ensuring the accuracy ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 560

To What Extent Are Gender, Stereotypes, and Identity Relevant Within Contemporary Organizations?

Introduction Gender, stereotypes, and identity are highly relevant topics within contemporary organizations. These topics influence how employees are hired, promoted, and treated within the workplace. They impact how employees interact with each other and with customers or clients, as well as how the organization is perceived by the public (Morgenroth et al., 2021). In many ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1164

Theory: How Many Senses Do We Use To See?

‘Seeing’ is a sophisticated and multifaceted concept. While the traditional idea of seeing is that we utilize our eyes, theorists such as Mitchell and W. J. T. suggest that our experience of seeing is a multi-sensory process. Mitchell contends in his essay “There Are No Visual Media” that our brains synthesize information from several senses, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

The Socrates’ Method

The Greek philosopher Socrates used a philosophical technique known today as the Socratic Method to reveal inconsistencies through critical thinking. This approach provoked a procedure that often started with Socrates posing a question to one of his students. Socrates persuades his peers to accept a statement that directly opposes the response or definition they initially ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

An Investigation Into the Methods of Mitigation and Adaptation To Combat Climate Change in City Residential New Builds

Abstract In light of the pressing issue of climate change, it is imperative to discover and implement strategies that effectively decrease the environmental impact of new buildings. This research is founded on thoroughly examining literature, case studies, and interviews with relevant actors in the construction sector. Its goal is to pinpoint the most productive ways ... Read More
Pages: 34       Words: 9215

The Role of Social Media and Technology in Criminology

Social media and technology have revolutionized our modern societies in unprecedented ways. It has transformed the way people communicate, interacts, and share information. However, the same technology has also been utilized for criminal activities, making it a significant concern for the criminal justice system and law enforcement agencies. This essay will explore the role of ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1850

The Islamic Religion

Cultural competence and ethnic diversity are significant factors in the current century. This is because it plays an essential role in developing social skills and increasing individuals’ self-awareness. Growing up in a Christian home is indeed a tremendous experience. This is brought about by the numerous beliefs and Bible stories we have been taught since ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1946

Support Group Experience

Introduction Support groups provide a safe and non-judgmental environment where individuals can share their experiences and provide emotional and practical support to one another. As an advanced practice psychiatric mental health nursing student, I attended a support group for caregivers of individuals with dementia. Caregivers of individuals with dementia face unique challenges that can significantly ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2062

Strengths and Weaknesses of Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory

Introduction Erik Erikson’s theory of human psychosocial development is well-known and was developed by the American-German psychologist. Throughout the path from infancy to adulthood, individuals pass through eight stages of development, according to Erik Erikson’s idea of the progression of psychological maturity. Before going on to the next phase, you must overcome the psychological obstacles ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2064

Strategies for the Operational Efficiency of Lyft

Introduction Lyft is a ride-sharing company facing several challenges in recent years. These challenges include declining revenue, high operating costs, and increasing regulatory pressures. As a result, Lyft has hired me as a consultant to help the company overcome these challenges and present a plan to the Board of Directors that will keep the company ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1811
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