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Report on Best Practices for Wireless Security

Intrusion to the networks by cybercriminals and other individuals with bad intentions has become rampant in recent years. The population using a wireless network to connect to their business and friends is increasing, causing the mechanism to contain crimes like hacking, phishing, and poisoning network and systems hard to deal with. So as the use ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2354

Rebound Effects in the Trucking Sector

Introduction In recent years, new technologies and policies have facilitated the improvement of efficiency associated with heavy-duties trucks in the transportation system not only in the USA but also across the globe. Indeed, these improvements to no small extent have reduced the transportation costs of firms in terms of dollars per mile. However, the reduction ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1759

Emergency Preparedness in Healthcare

Introduction September 11, 2001, incidence and the subsequent terrorist attacks that followed demonstrated that states and the USA as a whole require expertise and resources in place to address emergencies. Indeed, terrorism and natural disasters such as hurricanes, storms, floods and droughts are a significant concern in today’s world unlike in the previous centuries. Undeniably, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 789

Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Hospital Workers in Nursing Care Hospital

The COVID 19 pandemic is a respiratory disorder that was first detected in Wuhan, China. Due to its rapid spread, the infection was declared a global pandemic. Besides, as the coronavirus cases increase, hospital workers are subjected to a more workload, increasing their chances of facing the adverse effects of the pandemic. Several studies reveal ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1104

Protocol For A Systematic Review: Exploring the Psychological Aspects Behind Alcohol Consumption

Background/ Rationale There isn’t a single, clear-cut reason why some people have alcohol issues. Numerous studies examining the psychosocial origins of alcohol use have shown various ways to engage in harmful behaviour that includes alcohol use. Alcohol consumption is caused by a combination of biological and psychological variables, and it is wrong to think of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3849

Proposal To Change Coding Associated With “Incident To” Billing

Introduction It is evident that healthcare systems across the globe in both developed and under-developed are evolving and changing rapidly. Nurses are a significant part of health systems, and as such, it is essential if they were to adopt and embrace the changes. For nurses to fully accept the changes, it is indispensable for all ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1558

Programming Tasks Report

Programming tasks Report Through programming, several lessons are learned through the use of the assigned tasks and programming tools. Firstly, verifying the credit card numbers helps determine if the credit card number is valid. The coding accepts the 16 digit string, and then after running the numbers, the program should determine whether they are valid, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885

Program Evaluation Essay

Abstract A systematic and scientifically rigorous program evaluation is essential in building best practices and integrating evidence-based practices in behavioral health care. However, program evaluation has many challenges that often shun away many health workers from practicing it. Funderburk and Shepardson (2017) therefore carried out a research to identify the common challenges facing the conduction ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2341

Poverty in America

Introduction For many years, the United States has been experiencing high rates of poverty due to various social and economic processes. The living standard in the United States has been rising for the last 45-years, with the GDP per capita doubling since the 1950s. Despite the country having wealthy people, the living standards for millions ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3011

Post Brexit Effects on Logistics and Manufacturing of Goods

Introduction The current economic climate and the impacts posed on the trade and logistics industry has affected almost every part of the world, by the increased restrictions and outweighed immediate economic impacts. Further, it is evident from the market studies of different companies that Brexit effects in the overall economic harm posed to the organizations ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 781

Poor Eating Habits Amongst Mental Health Patients in Rehabilitation Units

Introduction and Background The welfare of the patients in various rehabilitation centres has been a matter of contention for a long time. Here, the individuals face and have to put up with differential treatment that ranges from various limitations that are enacted. The measured liberty and choices that these individuals are granted exposes them to ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2953

Policy and Evaluation in Public Health

Introduction Over the years, childhood obesity has not only become a significant global public health concern, but also an enduring clinical and public health priority throughout the 21st century (Noonan, 2018). Across developed countries such as the UK, childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels with the NHS reporting one of the highest annual rise in ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3546

NYSYS Fluent Analysis of CFD Elliptical Pin Fin Heat Sink

Abstract The goal of this work is to gain numerical physical insights into flow and heat transport properties. A non-uniform orthogonal staggered grid, as well as a finite difference technique which is a control-volume based one using a power-law scheme, are used to solve the governing equations. Computational fluid dynamics is used to solve the momentum equations’ ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3263

Philosophy, Nursing, Cultural Care and Florence Nightingale

Abstract Florence is likely the most powerful English lady the world knows minimal about. She has put forth consistent attempts to work on the wellbeing and cleanliness of English soldiers and regular people in the Assembled Realm and states. Her work in the Crimean Battle in Skutari was her most prominent accomplishment and her public ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1285

Philosophy of Education

Introduction As a mathematics teacher, the most pressing need for and for a philosophy of education today is the urgent need to make the social nature of its aim plain in thought and successful in practice, as well as the social standards of worth for school operations. The purpose of education is to help people ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1893
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