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Outcomes of Moderate to Severe TBI

Traumatic Brain Injury is a severe disease since it affects the brain, a very vital organ in the human body. The skull has a significant role in protecting the brain from any damage. However, some accidents could result in damage, hence more damage to the brain. TBI can result from several factors and can have outcomes ranging from moderate to severe. One of its common symptoms could be experiencing a headache, which leads to loss of consciousness. The effects of such an injury could be long-term or short-term and could result in serious brain damage. Also, Traumatic Brain Injury could ultimately lead to death. The fact that it affects a very sensitive organ of the human body shows how severe it can be. Patients with moderate Traumatic Brain Injury must be treated immediately to prevent further damage to the brain. Furthermore, outcomes of moderate Traumatic Brain Injury often lead to the next stage, which is Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, which can be fatal. Therefore, this essay will address the outcomes of moderate to severe TBI and prevention measures to avoid such problems.

As mentioned, the effects of Traumatic Brain Injury can either result in short-term or long-term damage to the brain. According to Fatuki et al. (2020), patients with TBI often have worse health results compared to other people in the population. The authors also established that TBI caused by a physical accident, such as a car accident, can lead to serious damage to the brain. They suggest public health initiatives, such as implementing high-quality patient care as a prevention measure. Therefore, the measures will reduce the severity of TBI and help prevent its health problems.

Another effect of severe to moderate TBI is that it leads to loss of consciousness. According to Kowalski et al. (2021), most patients with moderate or severe TBI can regain their consciousness during the acute stage or at the end of their treatment. After a head injury, proper assessments can be applied to prevent further damage, such as loss of consciousness. Another way is doing a prognosis, which will help to plan the patient’s health accurately (Dijkland et al., 2020). Additionally, as stated by Jochems et al. (2021), moderate and severe TBI can cause death and disability, especially in patients who are traumatized. Also, it is believed that TBI is what causes disability in adults. Therefore, proper prevention measures can be taken to prevent loss of life. One of the prevention measures can be through environmental modification to make it convenient for everyone and reduce the risk of injury. Another prevention measure is applying policies that will improve safety and prevent accidents.

In summary, both moderate and severe effects of TBI can be fatal. Hence, prevention measures must be applied to prevent any serious injury that can lead to the loss of life. Also, through education, the general public can understand more about TBI and how to prevent it. Effects such as the loss of consciousness, which can be long-term or short-term, can lead to further damage to vital organs such as the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Besides that, the fact that TBI can cause death and disability shows how everyone must be cautious of their surroundings to prevent the outcomes of moderate to severe TBI.


Dijkland, S. A., Foks, K. A., Polinder, S., Dippel, D. W., Maas, A. I., Lingsma, H. F., & Steyerberg, E. W. (2020). Prognosis in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review of contemporary models and validation studies. Journal of neurotrauma37(1), 1-13.

Fatuki, T. A., Zvonarev, V., Rodas, A. W., & Bellman, V. (2020). Preventing traumatic brain injury in the United States: significance, new findings, and practical applications. Cureus12(10).

Jochems, D., van Rein, E., Niemeijer, M., van Heijl, M., van Es, M. A., Nijboer, T., … & van Wessem, K. J. (2021). Incidence, causes, and consequences of moderate and severe traumatic brain injury as determined by Abbreviated Injury Score in the Netherlands. Scientific reports11(1), 19985.

Kowalski, R. G., Hammond, F. M., Weintraub, A. H., Nakase-Richardson, R., Zafonte, R. D., Whyte, J., & Giacino, J. T. (2021). Recovery of consciousness and functional outcome in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. JAMA neurology78(5), 548-557.


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