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Organizational Learning Essays

Strategies for Encoding, Retention, and Retrieval

Preparing for my certification exam, an important step to job promotion number two, I have noticed major difficulties in memorizing and grasping the meaning of many complex terms. Often, words similar to or resemble each other, so is hard work. Throughout this journey, I have discovered three effective strategies that have significantly improved my learning ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 905

Cognitive Learning Theory and Situated Learning Theories

Introduction Organizational learning is how groups, teams, and organizations acquire, create, and apply knowledge to improve performance and adapt to environmental changes (Shipton & Defillippi, 2012). It involves continuously developing skills, insights, and capabilities within the organizational context. In today’s dynamic business landscape, where adaptability and innovation are crucial to success, understanding different learning theories ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3809
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Issues in Organizational Learning and Strategies for Improvement

Introduction This essay identifies the issues the organization faces in transitioning from individual learning to organizational learning and highlights the significant barriers that impact the learning process within the organization’s culture (Graham and Nafuko 4). Additionally, it also proposes a suitable OLM to facilitate this transition and two actions management can take to raise trust ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 675

Reflective Essay Using Business Tools

Introduction As someone who is business-oriented, I have developed a passion for being an entrepreneur in my future as my career. I have always wanted to be the CEO of my company. However, I cannot go there directly due to the lack of ready capital and the necessary knowledge and skills. My career path involves ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476
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