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Oppression Essays

“King, Douglass and Vuong, History, and You:” Testing King’s “Ways of Meeting Oppression”

Introduction Oppression, an inescapable power throughout humankind’s history, is characterized as the drawn-out horrible or low treatment upheld by the exercise of power. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s exposition “Three Ways of Meeting Oppression” offers a convincing investigation of reactions to this inescapable power, pushing steadfastly against passive consent and savagery while supporting the reason ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

Exploring the Perspectives of Audre Lorde and Marilyn Frye on Anger as a Tool for Social Change

In the face of systemic oppression and discrimination, anger can be a powerful tool for marginalized groups to reclaim their power and demand justice. Two influential feminist writers, Audre Lorde and Marilyn Frye, have written about the role of anger in responding to oppression and injustice. Lorde’s essay “The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1485
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Understanding Power and Oppression in Everyday Life

Thought #1: Recognizing Power and Privilege Reflecting on my experiences and interactions with others, I am increasingly aware of how power and privilege operate daily. These reflections align with research on power and privilege, which suggests that individuals and groups may hold varying degrees of power and privilege based on factors such as economic status, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1045

Collaborative Presentation Materials – the Theme of Privilege, Oppression, and Discrimination While Working With Asian American Population

Introduction Asian Americans have a unique and complex relationship with power, privilege, and oppression issues. While Asian Americans are often considered a “model minority” and assumed to have achieved success through hard work and cultural values, many Asian Americans also experience discrimination and marginalization (Keum et al., 2022). Additionally, there is significant diversity among the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1345

Examining My Implicit Biases

IAT Results Analysis Before taking the Harvard’s Implicit Association Test (IAT), I considered myself as a person free of racism, even at the subconscious level. I used the IAT to measure my implicit attitudes at the unconscious level, and I was surprised by the results. Schlachter and Rolf (2016) identify the IAT as a test ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1912
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