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Online Gaming Essays

Empathy and Competition in Online Gaming

Introduction The growing prevalence of online competitive gaming in recent years has drawn significant attention to the complex relationship between empathy and competition inside the virtual domain. This concern comes from the impact of violent conflicts and fierce competition on players’ behavior, both within the gaming environment and in real life. Online gaming can help ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 957

The Shift From Local to Online Multiplayer

Local and online multiplayer refers to a player’s gaming experience when playing against or with other players. Local multiplayer is when two or more players are connected to the same gaming platform and playing with one another in the same physical space. This type of gaming was popular during the early days of video games, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1625
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Literature Review: Excessive Usage of Social Media and Online Games

Social media and online gaming have rapidly increased in recent years. Many young adults are always on social media platforms due to the availability of internet services. Spilkova, Chomynova & Csemy (2017) conducted research intended to analyze adolescents’ increased rate of internet usage in the Czech Republic. Normal internet usage and online gaming should not ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2129
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