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Empathy and Competition in Online Gaming


The growing prevalence of online competitive gaming in recent years has drawn significant attention to the complex relationship between empathy and competition inside the virtual domain. This concern comes from the impact of violent conflicts and fierce competition on players’ behavior, both within the gaming environment and in real life. Online gaming can help individuals to develop various feelings, including empathy, as they interact with other players (Pallavicini et al., 2022). Therefore, online gaming competitions are important for children because they facilitate the development of empathy and healthy competition, despite the criticism that they suppress empathy.


Online gaming spaces promote empathy despite being highly competitive. Empathy encompasses the ability to understand and participate in the emotions experienced by individuals. Empathy in online gaming can be seen in various ways, such as engaging in cooperative gameplay, providing assistance to team members, and displaying emotional involvement in the experiences of fellow players (Soshani et al., 2021). The demonstration of prosocial activities within the gaming community, such as offering instruction to less experienced players or providing emotional support to suffering colleagues, serves as evidence of empathy’s beneficial influence. These behaviors promote a feeling of solidarity, stimulate cooperation, and establish an environment that is favorable to social bonding.

The phenomenon of players organizing charity events or fundraisers within gaming communities is an example of the empathic benefits of online gaming. In various online competitive games, participants have collaborated to organize fundraising events for charitable causes. Typically, these events involve lengthy gaming sessions, gameplay streaming, and encouraging viewers to donate to the designated charity. By recognizing the impact of their actions on real-world problems, participants cultivate empathy through these efforts. They have compassion for those in need and channel their competitive spirit into a worthwhile initiative that benefits others. Moreover, witnessing the collective generosity of the gaming community fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose, resulting in heightened empathy and a deeper bond between players. This demonstrates how online gaming transcends virtual boundaries and enables players to utilize their empathy to impact the world positively.

Additionally, online competitive games have the potential to foster healthy competition. These games often provide structured environments where players can engage in challenging gameplay, enhancing their abilities and strategies. This competitive urge fosters self-motivation and a commitment to personal development. In addition to mutual challenges and mutual respect, a sense of unity among participants also contributes to a positive environment. Players can learn to control their emotions and tension, enhancing their capacity to accept victory and defeat gracefully. In addition, healthy competition in these games encourages players to set objectives, practice perseverance, and develop a strong work ethic – all essential life skills that transcend gaming (McCauley et al., 2020). Through cultivating empathy for opponents and teammates, these activities can also foster an appreciation for diverse perspectives and the importance of teamwork. The environment where players can engage in constructive competition sharpens their gaming skills and fosters personal development and positive social interactions.


However, critics have often criticized online gaming competitions for suppressing empathy. They claim that during intense competitive situations, the desire for triumph may override the capacity for empathy, causing individuals to prioritize their accomplishment above the welfare of others. The lack of empathy is seen in situations where individuals taunt their enemies, demonstrating an incapacity to understand the irritation or negative feelings felt by the opposing player (Lemercier-Dugarin et al., 2021). The excessive emphasis on achieving victory may result in players disregarding chances to engage in prosocial actions, diminishing empathy’s capacity to thrive within the gaming milieu. However, this is invalid because playful banter, competitive banter, and even a certain degree of rivalry have the potential to enhance the whole gaming experience. The concept of “positive aggression” can foster a sense of healthy competition and motivate players to enhance their skills. Within this particular framework, aggressiveness fosters unity and bonds, enabling participants to partake in competitive endeavors while upholding a shared sense of respect.


Overall, although individuals have criticized online gaming competitions because they lead to the suppression of empathy, it is essential to acknowledge that these games foster a sense of empathy and healthy competition among players. The complex balance between these psychological principles influences the dynamics of online gaming and provides valuable insights into broader human behavior. The actions of different players as they negotiate the challenges and achievements in gaming reflect the complex dynamics between empathy and competition. They enhance our understanding of gaming culture and also offer a more comprehensive viewpoint on how psychological principles influence human relationships in other circumstances.


Lemercier-Dugarin, M., Romo, L., Tijus, C., & Zerhouni, O. (2021). “Who are the Cyka Blyat?” How empathy, impulsivity, and motivations to play predict aggressive behaviors in multiplayer online games. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(1), 63-69

McCauley, B., Nguyen, T. H. T., McDonald, M., & Wearing, S. (2020). Digital gaming culture in Vietnam: an exploratory study. Leisure Studies, 39(3), 372–386.

Pallavicini, F., Pepe, A., Caragnano, C. C., & Mantovani, F. (2020). Video games to foster empathy: a critical analysis of the potential of Detroit: Become Human and the Walking Dead. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Practice: 14th International Conference, UAHCI 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II 22 (pp. 212-228). Springer International Publishing.

Shoshani, A., Braverman, S., & Meirow, G. (2021). Video games and close relations: Attachment and empathy as predictors of children’s and adolescents’ video game social play and socio-emotional functioning. Computers in Human behavior, 114, 106578.


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