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Nursing Essays

Unsafe Nurse-Patient Ratio

The role of nurses in patient care and safety cannot be overstated. While doctors may spend limited time each day with their patients, nurses are responsible for providing continuous care and monitoring their health. Nurses are often the ones who first notice changes in a patient’s condition. They are knowledgeable about protocols and current weaknesses ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1643

The Importance of Nursing Informatics in Clinical Practice and Beyond

Nursing Informatics is a discipline that combines nursing science with information science and computer science to improve patient care outcomes. It is valuable in the healthcare industry as it facilitates the integration of technology in patient care, improves patient safety, enhances the quality of care, and increases efficiency. In my examination of this course, I ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1258
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The Future of Nursing and the Role of the Consensus Model

The nursing profession revolves around caring for the sick and other clinical duties that contribute to promoting health and the prevention of diseases. Nurses have been among the frontline workers charged with ensuring improved health and well-being of the public and overall patient outcomes. In other words, these professionals intersect health and societies, indicating their ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1048

Graduate Nursing Roles

Introduction Public health nurses and clinical nurse consultants are vital in providing healthcare to individuals, families, and communities. These nurses have different responsibilities as healthcare professionals, but all are essential for providing the best quality of care. This paper discusses the key roles of public health nurses and clinical nurse consultants and how they help ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1437

Legal Profession Paper

Disclosure of medication errors can improve patient safety, increase transparency, and foster trust. Nondisclosure, however, can result in legal liabilities and negatively impact a healthcare provider’s reputation. Having a clear medication error reporting and disclosure policy is crucial to balance patient safety and legal considerations (Flanigan, 2017). This paper aims to explore the ethical and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1326

Implementation Plan for Telehealth Technology

Introduction Telehealth technology is becoming increasingly significant in the healthcare delivery system. The use of telehealth technology in medical care delivery has the potential to improve patient outcomes and boost the level of care. This implementation plan aims to identify all of the items required for a healthcare institution or practice setting to deploy a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1278

Reducing Nursing Burnout

Abstract Overall, this senior project aims to propose a method for reducing the incidence of nursing burnout, which has been linked to poor patient outcomes. What is more, the recommended intervention in the capstone project will improve the outcomes for the nurses. With the COVID pandemic on the rise, it is more important than ever ... Read More
Pages: 35       Words: 9473

Personal Spirituality, Faith-Based Nursing and Self-Reflection

In the rapidly evolving world of spirituality, millennials are leading the charge as “spiritual free agents” who are breaking away from traditional religious institutions in favor of a more personalized approach (Ekwonye & DeLauer, 2019). This new approach to spirituality is driven by access to information and diverse perspectives made possible by technology and the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1161

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Practice-Based Evidence (PBE)

When it comes to patient care, the gold standard is providing the very best treatment possible, and evidence-based practice (EBP) and practice-based evidence (PBE) are crucial in getting there (Portney, 2020). Decisions concerning patient treatment should be based on the best available data, which is why EBP and PBE are utilized. The most fantastic treatment ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 779

Evaluation of Qualitative Research Study

The quality of our work as professionals depends on our ability to critically assess relevant studies’ findings. This is especially true for medical professionals, as the outcomes of their actions and advice can have far-reaching effects. This paper will evaluate an article titled “Patients’ and partners’ health-related quality of life before and four months after ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2356

Nursing Informatics Self-Assessment

In the current dynamic healthcare system, providing quality patient care requires the deployment and integration of information technology within the healthcare system. As a result, competence in nursing informatics has become a core requirement for nurses because it enables nurses to combine nursing with technology to manage and integrate health information effectively” (Simamora, 2019). Ideally, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1177

Evaluating a Quantitative Research Study: The impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP Trial)

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the quantitative exploration study conducted by Harris et al.( 2013), “The impact of a brief lifestyle intervention delivered by generalist community nurses (CN SNAP Trial). ” The study sought to estimate the impact of a life intervention on the health issues of community-dwelling aged adults. The study ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1385

Comfort Theory Analysis

Nursing theory refers to an explanation of some facets of the nursing profession. In order to provide the widest and most applicable knowledge for use in nursing practice and research, this explanation or description is proposed in a methodical approach. Three main categories of nursing theories can be distinguished based on their focus on either ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2190

Nursing Theory Comparison

Marudhar and Bashir (2019) define theories as interconnected ideas, models, definitions, prepositions, and conceptions drawn from assumptions that provide insights into a phenomenon, often naturally predictive and explanatory. Nursing theories are derived through inductive and deductive reasoning. Both forms of reasoning have proven critical in nursing as the field thrives on effective decision-making and efficiency. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2819

The APN Professional Development Plan

The American healthcare delivery system depends heavily on advanced practice nurses (APNs). The roles of APNs are becoming more complex as healthcare delivery and services do. APNs’ practice areas are outlined in many state laws and regulations, along with the fundamental skills they need to perform their jobs well. APNs must have the necessary leadership ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1767
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