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Nursing Theory Essays

Exploring the Connection Between Nursing Theory and Research

Introduction This paper seeks to evaluate Katharine Kolcaba’s mid-range theory of comfort and the way it was used in a study on palliative care conducted by Meghani (2004). Initially, Kolcaba’s main concepts and theoretical relationships will be described. Secondly, the design of Meghani’s study methodology and findings will be summed up. Lastly, the evidence of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 707

Theory Evaluation: Swanson’s Theory of Caring

A variety of models that comprise nursing theory guide nurses toward better patient care. Swanson’s theory of caring emerges as a notable mid-range theory in nursing, expertly braided with the complicated reality of nursing practice. This is an attempt to interpret the author’s reasoning for selecting Swanson’s theory of caring over other existing nursing ideas. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1482
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Understanding and Applying Callista Roy’s Grand Nursing Theory

Brief Description of the Theory Callista Roy’s grand nursing theory, the Roy Adaptation Model, emphasizes adaptability. This concept holds that nursing primarily aims to help people adapt to environmental changes. Based on systems theory and adaptation science, the idea describes adaptation as a dynamic process in which people seek balance and stability among changing stimuli (Hanna ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1132

Leadership Styles and Nursing Theory in Addressing Nurse Burnout: A PICOT Approach

Introduction The PICO framework іs a mеthodіcal way of framіng and respondіng to clinіcal questіons іn evidence-based practіcе. It іs impossible to ovеrstate thе importance of finding a solution to this problem because nursе burnout jеopardіzes not only the health of healthcare professionals but also the еffectіvenеss of the healthcare systеm as a wholе and ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2391

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia

Koulenti, Zhang & Fragkou (2020) described nosocomial pneumonia, commonly known as hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), as an infection of the lungs people contract while residing in a healthcare institution. The condition tremendously impacts the American healthcare system, with thousands of patients impacted annually. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate around 157,500 HAP cases ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3253

Prevention As Intervention Middle Range Nursing Theory

Significance of the Study The importance of studies researching Vasoplegic syndrome in post-cardiac arrest patients is not debatable. This condition is a mainstream complication after cardiac surgery that affects numerous patients. Vasoplegia leads to high vasodilation levels, hypotension, and inadequate tissue perfusion. These outcomes affect the patients adversely, affecting their quality of life. The patients ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1572

Interrelationship Among Theory, Practice, and Research in Nursing.

The interrelationship between nursing theory, practice, and research is essential in shaping the profession and advancing patient care. These interconnected components rely on each other to enhance nursing knowledge, inform clinical decision-making, and promote evidence-based practice. This essay delves into exploring how theory, practice, and research intertwine and contribute to the development of nursing. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 627

Theories and Nursing Practice

Theories guide all fields and disciplines. Theories explain how and why things happen or work the way they do. They are derived from observations, experiments, and other empirical evidence. Theories are used in many ways, but primarily, they are used for predicting future outcomes and providing a more thorough understanding of different phenomena. In nursing ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1266

Rosemarie Parse Theory of Human Becoming

Introduction Rosemarie Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming is a nursing theory that emphasizes the unique and individual nature of each person’s experience and views health as a process of continually being made. The theory suggests that individuals are co-creators of their health and well-being and that nursing care should focus on facilitating the patient’s unique ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1606

Culture Care and Universality Among Young African American Men With High Blood Pressure

Applying Leininger’s Middle-Range Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality In our modern society, health reports indicate that 1 in every six adult citizens in the United States is diagnosed with high blood pressure, sometimes referred to as hypertension. High blood pressure is among adults’ leading causes of early death (William, 2020). This paper includes ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3483

Comfort Theory Analysis

Nursing theory refers to an explanation of some facets of the nursing profession. In order to provide the widest and most applicable knowledge for use in nursing practice and research, this explanation or description is proposed in a methodical approach. Three main categories of nursing theories can be distinguished based on their focus on either ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2190

Metaparadigm Concepts and Nursing Theory

The nursing profession comprises various aspects as it is a comprehensive profession dealing with varying patient needs within the control of different dimensions. Nursing theorists developed concepts incorporating theories to guide the profession and its practice. Nurses utilize theories in various categories, including behavioral, biological, and sociological sciences (McEwan & Wills, 2019). A grand nursing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1440

Nursing Theory Paper

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory The changing theory describes a balance that is subject to changes from the opposing forces acting upon it. The theory has three primary concepts, with driving forces being the first concept that acts in the direction that causes a change. On the other hand, restraining forces are the forces that act ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 659

Theory in Nursing

Many existing scientific theories define practice in nursing. They are developed from the evidence-based study with valid data to improve health care and patient outcome. My experience with nursing theory involves understanding what nursing theory is and how it should be used when handling patients. Moreover, some nursing theories exist, and understanding them can be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 673
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