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Nursing Science and the Philosophical Trends

Question 1: The Development of Nursing Knowledge: A Historical Overview

Nursing has been around for centuries, and its development has shaped how it is practised today. One of the major trends in nursing was the Enlightenment period (17th-18th century). This period saw a shift in thinking about healthcare from superstition to scientific reasoning (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). Medical practitioners focused more on evidence-based practices than traditional methods or beliefs during this time. This led to an increased understanding of anatomy and physiology and improved treatments for diseases and illnesses. Another trend is Florence Nightingale’s contributions (19th century): Florence Nightingale was one of the first nurses to improve patient care through her work at St Thomas’ Hospital during the Crimean War in 1854–56. She developed many new techniques, such as handwashing before treating patients, which helped reduce infection rates significantly; she also introduced record-keeping systems so doctors could track their progress with each patient’s treatment plan better (Glasper, 2020). Her contributions laid down much of what modern-day nursing looks like today, including emphasizing hygiene standards, documentation processes, and communication skills.

Another major trend is the professionalization movement (20th century): As medicine advanced throughout the 20th century, there were increasing calls for professionalizing nursing education by creating standardized curricula across different countries/regions – something which had not existed previously due to lack of regulation within universities offering courses related to health sciences & professions such as nursing. These efforts eventually formed various national organizations dedicated to promoting excellence among nurses worldwide, such as the International Council Of Nurses, founded in 1899 and remains active to date.

Question 2

Nursing science can be defined as a branch of science that focuses on how nursing and its related services are applied in line with their formulated principles. It primarily focuses on the philosophy of care that describes the nature of the nurses’ relationship with their patients while delivering nursing care. Several philosophical trends have contributed to nursing science development. The Empiricism philosophy is embedded in the notion that knowledge is gained effectively through observation and sensory experiences (Zahavi & Martiny, 2019). This way of thinking has impacted heavily on nursing science by contributing towards the embracement of evidence-based nursing practice thanks to the previously documented experimental observations that are now considered integral to delivering enhanced care. The philosophy of Holism sees the patient as a whole being and thereby sees the need to offer holistic medical care (Zahavi & Martiny, 2019). This philosophy has significantly impacted the nursing science since it has emphasized the nurses to deliver holistic care to the patients that capture their clients’ physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

Question 3:The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Nursing Science

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are essential to developing and advancing nursing science. They are critical in providing evidence-based care, conducting research, and leading initiatives that improve patient outcomes. As clinical experts with advanced knowledge and skillsets related to diagnosing and treating patients’ conditions or illnesses, APNs provide high-quality care based on best practices derived from scientific evidence (Brykczynski, 2022). This includes assessing patients’ needs, ordering tests, diagnosing diseases, prescribing medications, developing individualized care plans, monitoring progress towards goals, and educating patients about self-care strategies. Through teaching activities such as presenting students during clinical rotations or presenting at conferences or seminars on topics relevant to their speciality area(s), APNs help develop future generations of nurses who can apply current evidence into practice settings while also contributing new ideas that may lead to further advances in nursing science.

By engaging in scholarly inquiry projects focused on improving patient safety and outcomes or exploring innovative approaches for delivering healthcare services more efficiently and effectively, APN researchers generate valuable data that inform policymakers regarding changes that need to be made within our healthcare systems. Additionally, these studies often result in publications that add important contributions to the existing literature base (Brykczynski, 2022). Lastly, with expertise gained from years working directly with patients and administrative experience managing staff or budgets, many APNs serve key leadership positions within hospitals by helping shape policies and procedures around delivering safe, effective care. These individuals have an invaluable perspective when making decisions impacting entire organizations since they understand both provider and administrator.


Brykczynski, C. L. M. K. A. (2022). Role development of the advanced practice nurse. Hamric & Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing-E-Book: An Integrative Approach, 98.

Glasper, E. A. (2020). Celebrating the Contribution of Florence Nightingale to Contemporary Nursing. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing43(4), 233-239.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Zahavi, D., & Martiny, K. M. (2019). Phenomenology in nursing studies: New perspectives. International journal of nursing studies93, 155-162.


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