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North Carolina Essays

Mandatory Reporting Regulations in North Carolina

Social workers play a crucial role in identifying and reporting abuse and neglect, provided that other forms of abuse and neglect (Maguire-Jack et al., 2020). There are no effective strategies to protect the unsuspecting because no one is pointing out their presence. This informational memorandum aims to help newly hired social workers in North Carolina ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1312

Transforming Child Welfare in North Carolina: A Holistic Approach

In the heart of North Carolina, the persistent challenges within the child welfare system have reached a critical juncture, demanding innovative and comprehensive solutions. The scope of the issue is vast, impacting vulnerable children and families who rely on our services for support and protection. High turnover rates among social workers, exacerbated by low pay ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476
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Supporting Black Adolescents in North Carolina Through After-School Programs

Introduction Adolescence is a pivotal period in a person’s development, and major changes in physical appearance, emotional state, and mental capacity characterize it. Teenagers from historically disadvantaged neighborhoods face a particular set of problems that can harm their growth and development (Parker, 2019). This report’s objective is to make recommendations for after-school programs located in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1192

Oral Health Costs and Conditions in North Carolina

Introduction Oral health care costs are high for citizens of North Carolina, but more so for those who live below the poverty line. The average cost of dental services for children from low-income families was almost three times as much as it was for other children. At one point in time, over two-thirds of all ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2123

Financial Reporting Review of Local Government

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is a vital state publication that allows the public to understand how the state authorities are utilizing taxpayer money. Therefore, the Government Accounting Standards Board provides specific accounting standards that every government entity, including states, needs to follow in accounting for expenditures annually. This paper seeks to compare the comprehensive ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1038
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