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Nonprofit Workforce Structure

Creating an organizational culture is a fundamental managerial strategy for enhancing working conditions by highlighting core principles required for corporate and individual success. A company’s culture is essential to developing a good work environment. Also, an inclusive organizational culture is vital for top management to incorporate leadership behaviors into deliberate organizational structure. Creating a thriving corporate culture consistent with its ideas and values is in the organization’s best interest. Moreover, a successful company’s structure and culture increase its growth and improve performance and service delivery (Brimhall, 2019). For instance, the Helping Hands for Families Agency proposal considers the workforce structure and culture by setting distinct goals and clearly stating the organizational plan.

Brimhall (2019) states that nonprofit human service agencies rely heavily on strong management and work environment to drive growth. The proposal clearly states the strategy for creating recommendations for effectively delivering programs and services within the community. The recommendation method involves a transparent and clear evidence-based mechanism for evaluating the programs’ efficacy and safety. It also considers other aspects like implementation (McClung, 2020). In addition to scientific evidence and implementation feasibility, the Helping Hands for Families Agency workforce structure indicates guiding values to help formulate guidelines for delivering programs and services. These values include promoting equality, encouraging transparency, maximizing benefits while minimizing harm, and reducing health disparities.

McClung (2020) states that ethical principles can assist in guiding and supporting choices on prioritizing scarce resources. Based on the agency’s moral values, the programs and services offered should provide maximum benefits for individual recipients and the wider community. Likewise, promoting justice ensures that all persons are protected and enjoy the full benefits of the programs (McClung, 2020). Therefore, the agency’s structure should ensure that all persons have equal opportunities to receive the services as recommended. Similarly, transparency is critical for developing and maintaining public trust during program setup and execution.

Besides acquiring personnel, nonprofit managers’ immediate worry is retaining them once they have them. Although tiny nonprofits are likely to get volunteer assistance, they still require trained workers to help sustain operations in the organization. Leaders should, therefore, understand elements that may challenge employees’ commitment to meeting the requirements of clients and other stakeholders. Factors including working environment, income, organizational rules, and job satisfaction significantly impact staff commitment and the intention to stay in the position (Slatten et al., 2020). A study by Slatten et al. (2020) shows that workers who believe the organization’s beliefs are similar to theirs are more likely to want to work for a nonprofit organization. Mission-driven employment can give individuals a sense of value and purpose while helping the company realize its objectives.

Furthermore, nonprofit staff care less about their job responsibilities and more about how employers handle them, implying that specific managerial methods may enhance job fulfillment and reduce turnover. For instance, personnel who receive sufficient support from their company work harder, exhibit a positive mindset and conduct, and form profound connections with the organization. This aspect influences employee commitment, enhancing the completion of desired individual and organizational goals. This strategy is vital for companies and managers because it allows them to comprehend what motivates employee commitment in various domains and to impact and promote individual commitment within firms (Slatten et al., 2020). Employee dedication can also come from companies that inspire employee loyalty and keep a concise and unambiguous focus on fundamental principles. Consequently, employers should constantly monitor employee feedback to understand how to establish and sustain strong relationships, leading to improved staff satisfaction and commitment and low turnover rates. Moreover, offering opportunities for career advancement by attending conferences and workshops can improve employee commitment.

Appreciating the influence of the company’s culture on turnover is critical since cultural standards permeate all parts of company operations, even when leadership is not available. Effective recruitment and management strategies that encourage innovation are crucial for the success of organizations. Human resource managers should foster inclusive work environments by implementing practices and policies that value individuality, capitalize on individual strengths, and offer personalized training and coaching. Human resource management methods that enable an inclusive workplace include soliciting the employees’ opinions and facilitating problem-solving from several perspectives. Likewise, communicating a shared purpose and vision for the future fosters an inclusive company culture, making people feel valued and essential (Brimhall, 2019).

Research shows that individuals attached to a company’s values and mission are more likely to be satisfied and engaged. While this may not compensate for low pay or restricted career development opportunities, it is still a critical factor in recruiting competent workers to the organization. Transformational leadership uses idealized influence and inspirational motivation to encourage teamwork and build an inventive work environment to increase organizational performance. As a result, when employees notice a supportive work environment, they are more willing to share ideas, believing they have control over their work situation (Brimhall, 2019). Thus, recruiting new personnel using transformational leadership enhances the agency’s performance.

The proposal is inspired by developing trends in human service delivery that emphasize community partnership, conferences, and a diversified approach to service provision. According to McClung (2020), maximizing human resources requires an effective workforce structure that ensures regular collective talks that involve strategy review and collaboration with professionals in health equity and ethics to influence the establishment of a morally principled decision-making method. These groups should frequently review the available literature and frameworks for planning and service delivery. Furthermore, due to the probability of slow initial service delivery, the management collaborates with the necessary work groups and specialists in ethics and equitable healthcare to determine which community groups should first receive the services.


Brimhall, K. C. (2021). Are We Innovative? Increasing Perceptions of Nonprofit Innovation

Through Leadership, Inclusion, and Commitment. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 41(1), 3-24.

McClung, N. (2020). The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ Ethical Principles for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report69.

Slatten, L. A., Bendickson, J. S., Diamond, M., & McDowell, W. C. (2020). Staffing of small

Nonprofit organizations: A model for retaining employees. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge6(1).


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