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Non-Verbal Communication (NVC)


“Non-verbal communication” (NVC) means conveying meaning between individuals without using spoken language. Body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the use of objects are all part of nonverbal communication. The tone of voice, paralanguage, and touch are a part of this, as well as social cues, kinesics, proxemics, distance, and physical environments/appearance (haptics). The three components of any communication are the signal, the message it is trying to convey, and the receiver’s interpretation. The success of these signals depends heavily on the knowledge and compassion of the sender. Time (chronemics), eye contact, looking while talking or listening, glance frequency, fixation patterns, dilated pupils, and blink rate are all possible factors to include.

Tone of voice

According to Merriam-Webster, “tone of voice” means “the way a person is speaking to another.” It boils down to how your voice sounds when you speak. However, “tone of voice” is often used interchangeably with “written tone,” particularly on marketing blogs. The tone of one’s voice can change the meaning of a sentence in English. Depending on the context, this sentence can end on a high, neutral, or sour note (Oh, & Ki, 2019). A high-pitched question betrays insecurity or fear. Most declarations end on a tepid note. A low tone at the end of a sentence conveys a message of peace and is typically employed to defuse tense situations. A statement like “I am fine” exemplifies why the tone of voice is so interesting. Approaching it with a level head indicates that the person is doing well. A closer examination of the statement might reveal that the person is trying to avoid an argument or is bored with the topic of discussion. Putting the information in a firm tone could suggest the person is angry. In specific contexts, people’s tone of voice can be read as an indication that they are not doing fine. The low volume conveys a wide range of feelings. Someone who ends a sentence or paragraph on a down note may signal disapproval or disinterest (Oh, & Ki, 2019). Depending on the character being portrayed or the action being implied, one’s tone of voice can give off a wrong or exciting first impression. A person’s tone of voice is a nonverbal cue that can either damage or strengthen interpersonal relationships.

Posture or body language

Communicating our true feelings and highlighting essential points in our messages requires using both words and body language. Words are just one piece of the communication puzzle. In addition to words, there are nonverbal cues such as tone of voice and body language (Çadır, 2019). A genuine smile, with mouth slightly open and eyes slightly wrinkled, is a straightforward example of body language. Tilting one’s head, standing straight, and making gestures with one’s hands and arms are all ways to express one’s thoughts, interests, and instructions. Body language awareness also includes avoiding defensive gestures like crossed arms and fidgeting.

Posture, or body language, is another fascinating facet of non-verbal communication. Communication is based on facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language. Body language can convey various emotions, from confidence to nervousness to discomfort. Slouching and avoiding eye contact can give the impression that the speaker is not engaged. However, you are likelier to take someone seriously if they make eye contact and sit up straight. One of the most important aspects of communicating effectively is picking up on and acting upon non-verbal cues (Çadır, 2019). People’s reactions and feelings can be read through their body language, even if they do not say a word. It is valuable knowledge but can only be noticed if you are on the lookout. What passes for politeness in one country may be considered rude in another, and not everyone will share your cultural background. Think about how you come across to others and avoid making hasty assumptions. Ask the person directly if they are sending you mixed messages. After all, reading body language is meant to supplement your other communication skills, such as speaking and listening, rather than replace them.

Objects or clothing (could relate to cultural items worn)

Using objects or clothing, such as traditionally worn cultural items, is another fascinating aspect of non-verbal communication. Wearing or carrying around a particular item is a common tactic. For example, if someone is wearing a hijab or yarmulke, that indicates they are Muslim or Jewish. One possible effect of wearing a business suit is to make the wearer appear more authoritative or professional. Learning the significance of everyday items and garments is one way to increase one’s understanding and appreciation of other cultures. The physical body is the last bastion of an individual or humanity. Clothing is one of a person’s earliest opportunities to convey meaning without using words. Clothing expresses not only one’s physical self but also one’s personality and values (Pratolo, 2019). What we wear makes a statement about who we are. We express our opinions on the likeability, social acceptability, morality, etc., of various ideas and concepts through the clothing we choose to wear. An individual’s selection of apparel, understood in the context of the norms and expectations of their culture of origin, can be interpreted as a symbolic message. One’s true identity emerges through the actions one takes in such conversations. The eyes are our primary means of communication and information processing. One form of nonverbal communication is a person’s attire for a public appearance. Jewellery, ties, purses, hats, and eyewear are all components of an individual’s ensemble. A person’s clothing can tell you much about who they are and where they come from, even if they do not speak a word. The clothes a person wears can reveal much about their culture, self-assurance, mood, interests, age, authority, values, and sexual orientation. It is essential to think about the impression you are making with what you wear. Uncared-for appearances, such as unironed clothes and messy hair, contrast the seriousness of the situation, which is best emphasized by a well-considered ensemble (Pratolo, 2019). Wearing a skintight dress with a plunging neckline at a public speaking event may be attractive, but it sends the wrong message. Dress standards shift and change over time and between different social contexts. For instance, the suffragette’s “liberated” attire of the early 1900s may seem formal and “unliberated” today, but it was a powerful statement of empowerment for women’s right to vote.


The study of nonverbal communication, which encompasses various behaviors and signals, is fascinating and complex. The tone of voice, body language, and the effects of objects and clothing on communication and behavior are all fascinating areas of study within this broader field. Learning to recognize and respond to these nonverbal cues can enhance our communication and relationships with others.


Çadır, V. (2019). Non-verbal communication (body language) and cultural differences (Master’s thesis, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi).

Oh, J., & Ki, E. J. (2019). Factors affecting social presence and word-of-mouth in corporate social responsibility communication: Tone of voice, message framing, and online medium type. Public Relations Review, 45(2), 319-331.

Pratolo, B. W. (2019). Integrating body language into classroom interaction: The key to achieving effective English language teaching. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews7(3), 121-129.


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