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New Testament Essays

General Epistle Summaries

Hebrews Key Facts Author Paul Date AD 60- 62 Provenance It needs to be clearly stated. Italy, perhaps Rome Destination The Epistle to the Hebrews Purpose The purpose was to motivate Jewish members of the Church to keep their faith in Jesus Christ and resist reverting to their previous practices. Occasion The purpose was to caution ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5489

Historical and Theological Significance of the Incarnation

Introduction This study begins by exploring the historical context of the Incarnation before delving further into the idea itself. Examining the origins of the Incarnation reveals the complex web of occasions, social forces, and theological forerunners that came together to form this historic occasion, a pillar of Christian history. After this historical immersion, the emphasis ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2378
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Predestination and Free Will

Theological doctrines have always raised debates within their boundaries. The majority of believers often assimilate applied doctrines in various religions. However, there are alternative doctrines that are within a similar context. Predestination is a form of religious d Predestination teaches that God had one plan for eternity: bringing perfection through the world order of events. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3261

Sacred Doctrine: Incarnation and Redemption

The concept of incarnation in the Old and New Testaments has been a central theme in the Christian faith. It refers to the belief that God became a human being, in the person of Jesus Christ, to redeem humanity from sin and death. The idea of incarnation can be traced back to the earliest stories ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2072

“Love” in the New Testament

The virtue of love in the Christian religion has a variety of interpretations and also the Christians themselves practice it based on their knowledge about it. for instance, many Christians demonstrate the virtue by being kind to their fellow Christian or by professing that they love the other brethren, or by the literal spreading of ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3337
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