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Network Design Report: Connecting Caguas and Mayagüez Offices


Secure and efficient data and information communication and seamless data exchange are critical for organizational success. Data and information are often passed top-down for instructions and directives and bottom-up for reports and feedback. The goal of this lab is to create a robust, secure, and scalable network infrastructure that not only meets the current requirements but also anticipates future growth.


The primary objective of this lab is to design a secure, optimized network that performs in both metropolitan area subnets by improving the security of information exchanged through VLANs. Additionally, this lab design aims to leverage the knowledge of VLANs in reducing the installation and maintenance costs of network applications.

Network design

In designing the LANs for the Caguas and Mayagüez offices within Packet Tracer, several fundamental principles and practices were adhered to ensure an efficient and scalable network infrastructure. Additionally, several tools and components of theoretical knowledge were deeply considered in coming up with the constraints of the simulation environment. The VLANs were set up by having all the sales, Finance, and HR virtual networks on two physical switches. Even though this appeared to have further segmented the devices into two networks, all the devices are logically connected to a single switch, and all assume the default network IP of the immediate router.

However, in creating virtual networks, all the devices that physically share the same resources are subdivided into a virtual network, functioning like a new independent router. This is achieved by using multiple broadcast domains (Alimi & Mufutau, 2015). The user needs for creating these VLans may range from segmenting departments, functions, or security requirements. Trunk and access mode alterations were also made, with access mode set to the ports with devices or needing a single VLAN interface. Trunk mode was only used for the interfaces with devices that required multi-VLAN interfacing and connecting the switches.

Since the switches are layer two devices in the network, they only use MAC addresses to forward frames within a network. Additionally, switches create separate collision domains, and therefore, the quickest fix to obtain a broadcast domain was through virtual LAN (Mahmood et al., 2020). Other factors, including VTP, cable type, and HSRP for redundancy, must be more clearly set in the network design since the simulation tool autoconfigures.

Department VLAN (ID) Connected devices
Finance 10 8
Sales 20 8
HR 30 8
Warehouse 100 8
Factory 200 8
Routers 3
Switches 4
Servers 2

Security and access control implementation

Access control and segmentation are achieved by implementing VLANs 10 for Finance, 20 for Sales, and 30 for HR. All are assigned a dedicated VLAN, creating a dedicated broadcast domain and achieving control Isolation and network traffic organization. Inter-VLAN routing implemented also allows communication between VLANs. This achieves monitored communication between VLANs while maintaining logical separation. The Routing protocol RIPv2 used provides secure network control and management.

Complete Network Diagram

Complete Network Diagram

The network design is not only focused on connectivity, but it is also about empowering the organization to thrive in an interconnected world (AL-Khaffaf.,2018). By meticulously segmenting VLANs, enabling inter-VLAN routing, and ensuring server accessibility, we have laid the groundwork for efficient operations. The budget allocation reflects a commitment to quality, and the additional features enhance user experience. As the organization evolves, this adaptable design will seamlessly accommodate growth.

The security implementations done on the Routers and Switches can also be improved with the implementation and configuration of Access control Lists and set to filter on specific criteria.


In summary, this network design for linking the Caguas and Mayagüez offices prioritizes secure, efficient, and scalable communication. We have established a robust foundation through the strategic implementation of VLANs, thoughtful switch configurations, and the choice of RIPv2 for routing simplicity. The network diagram visually represents meticulous planning, showcasing connectivity and a strategic approach to empower the organization in an interconnected world. This adaptable design positions the organization for growth and success amid evolving technological landscapes.


Alimi, I. A., & Mufutau, A. O. (2015). Enhancement of network performance of an enterprise network with VLAN. American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services1(2), 82-93.

Mahmood, S., Mohsin, S. M., & Akber, S. M. A. (2020, January). Network security issues of data link layer: An overview. In 2020, the 3rd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics, and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET) (pp. 1–6), IEEE.

AL-Khaffaf, D. A. J. (2018). We are improving LAN performance based on IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN switching techniques. Journal of University of Babylon for Engineering Sciences26(1), 286-297.

Komilov, D. R., & Tajibayev, I. B. (2023). Improving the use of virtual LAN (VLAN) technology. Web of Discoveries: Journal of Analysis and Inventions1(7), 6-11.


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