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Neoliberalism Essays

Speculation Incentives and Housing Dispossession: Testing Theories of Neoliberalism in Amsterdam’s Housing Crisis

Abstract This research examines whether Amsterdam’s continued adoption of neoliberal urban planning based on incentives for real estate speculation can relieve the city’s growing affordable housing scarcity or deprive its citizens of access to such homes. The “accumulation by dispossession” theory put out by David Harvey, which connects market-oriented policies with elite interests uprooting communities ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3003

Sustainable Seafood Practices and Their Impact on Tourism in the Maritimes

Introduction The evolution of sustainable practices in the Maritimes goes beyond economic concerns and makes it a popular destination for coastal tourists. For instance, in the Caribbean, the amalgamation of people, goods, ideas, and practices led to the growth of local communities.[1] The Maritime’s evolution shows that being mindful of the environment when fishing and consuming ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3053
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Analyzing the Role of Ideology in Media Texts and Its Influence on the Audience

Introduction Media texts are a powerful tool for shaping societal perceptions and constructing ideologies. An ideology refers to a set of beliefs and values that guide individual and societal actions. Media texts can communicate ideologies that shape how people perceive the world and themselves. The Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist intellectuals, believe that the ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2167

Major Projects for the UN Reform Neoliberal Perspective

In 1945, the United Nations (UN) was established as an international entity to foster harmony, collaboration, and human rights. Since then, the organization has performed a crucial role in tackling global problems like inequalities, deprivation, and degradation of the environment. However, several critics assert that the United Nations is ineffective, bureaucratic, and unaccountable. From a ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2240

Liberal Institutionalism and United Nations

This paper is majoring in Neoliberalism and international organization. It views Neoliberal Institutionalism as the determinant bureaucratic philosophy scaling international relations. Neoliberalism identifies with the policies of the state’s governing body. It alienates the activities of major unifying bodies, including but not limited to the World Bank, and aids developing nations in progressing their economies ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332
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