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Navigating Telehealth: A New Frontier in Patient Care


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Explanation of Telehealth:

After the global health pandemic, there has been a significant transformation in healthcare, one of which is telemedicine, which is entering greater use. Considering this diversity in technological competence among the members of our community, I am delighted to introduce another telehealth feature for the patients under my administrative position as an administrator of our great medical practice (Ge et al., 2022). In this video presentation, we discuss the definition of telehealth operations efficiency and benefits, along with restrictions on service delivery policy implications and consequences, as well as procedural steps for implementing a new model of communication that goes by the name “telehealth (TED, 2017). Telehealth is one of the newest forms of healthcare delivery that relies on digital technologies to provide medical treatment from a distance.

Pros and Cons:

The advent of telehealth marks the beginning of a wonderful, highly beneficial period in health care. The greatest of these benefits is the greater accessibility that it offers, which is particularly beneficial for people living in rural or underdeveloped areas. Geographical barriers can be overcome to ensure that patients have access to medical care without necessarily travelling long distances (TED, 2017). However, as we delve into the realm of telehealth, it is very essential to recognize that some challenges are inseparable from this specific domain. Some of the possible barriers are technological, e.g., insufficient Internet access or a lack of familiarity with digital devices.

Services Offered through Telehealth:

With many options for the effective delivery of healthcare services presented by telehealth, there are also several limitations. Telehealth is very suitable for follow-up appointments, medication monitoring, and mental health assessments (Ge et al., 2022). However face-to-face visits are required for physical examinations, emergencies, and several specialist therapies.

Obstacles and Workarounds:

Identification of the barriers to telehealth implementation is very crucial. Some of the common challenges are poor connectivity, limited reach of digital devices, and the fear factor (Ge et al., 2022). These can be addressed through technical assistance, financing or lending out gadgets, and by instituting training programs to familiarize patients with the telehealth systems.

Implications of including telehealth:

The inclusion of telehealth will have a very significant impact on our healthcare practice. It improves operational effectiveness, enhances access to healthcare services, and also increases patient involvement (Siemens Healthineers, 2022). Secondly, it showcases our clinic as a very modern and patient-centered medical establishment. For effective and safe change management, these changes need to be adequately managed.

Steps in Implementation:

The telehealth deployment should be very methodical. First, assess the patients’ and their practice technology readiness. Provide patient educational materials and workforce development plans. Ensure cybersecurity best practices to preserve data privacy. Additionally, collaborate with the insurance providers to ensure that the telehealth reimbursement guidelines are enforced (Siemens Healthineers, 2022). Finally, continuously ask for feedback to enhance and optimize the telehealth approach.


One must understand that there are plenty of opportunities and many challenges to venture into the world of telehealth. We will achieve such a smooth and patient-oriented telehealth experience by paying attention to the needs of our pluralistic group of patients, providing adequate notification, and coordinating practice with medical technology, which is evolving at an alarming rate.


Ge, Y., Taha, A., Shah, S. A., & Dashtipour, K. (2022). Contactless WiFi Sensing and Monitoring for Future Healthcare – Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore.

Siemens Healthineers. (2022, April 6). 8 Reasons Why Health Care Providers Should Offer Telehealth Visits – SPONSOR CONTENT FROM SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS. Harvard Business Review.

TED. (2017). How we’re using drones to deliver blood and save lives | Keller Rinaudo [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.


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