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Health Care Database “EPIC.”


Healthcare practitioners routinely submit clinical and laboratory data into healthcare databases. The central database that powers my suggested database design, the Epic database, is called Chronicle. The Epic database aims to give its clients the resources to maintain it and conduct queries, reports, and analyses. Data can be stored in a non-tabular format using Chronicles, which transfers it to Clarity’s relational database. After that, it is used for more complex reporting. Its hierarchical structure has been designed for quick access, display, and administration of data about patients, occurrences, incidents, and interactions and is founded on the Intersystem Cache database management system (DBMS). In order to enhance clinical and administrative choices, Epic’s Reporting Workbench and Radar analytics tools give perspectives on current Time Chronicles data. These reporting capabilities are most helpful to individuals who need immediate outcomes since user-entered information is instantly accessible in Chronicles.

Detailed description

Patient, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcome are the four key tables that will comprise the database. These tables will be connected through connections to store and manage patient data, medical diagnoses, recommended therapies, and treatment results. The health practitioner will insert each patient’s unique identifiers, demographic information, contact details, and other pertinent personal information in the Patient table. The diagnosis table will provide information on patient medical diagnoses. Each diagnosis will be connected to the relevant patient through the Patient ID. Information regarding the treatments given to patients in response to particular diagnoses will be kept in the Treatment table. Every treatment will have a patient and a diagnosis associated with it. The outcomes of each patient’s treatment will be tracked in the Outcome table. It will indicate the result of a particular therapy and be in a one-to-one relationship with the therapy table. The following table will have a one-to-many relationship between them: patient to diagnosis, patient to treatment, and diagnosis to treatment table. Treatment to the outcome will have a one-to-one relationship since each treatment can have only one outcome recorded in the Outcome table.


Because of how user-friendly the medical system is, users may access all of their personal and family health information using the MyChart application. Three key advantages of the Epic database exist: to improve workflow, reduce capex, and create higher compliance. Workflows are enhanced by the epic system’s increased customization and improved work practices and are made using procedures most effectively (Folio3, 2023). Epic Systems also eliminates significant expenditures by moving to the cloud because the cloud provider pays for all infrastructure costs. Furthermore, even though the optimization process adds more effort, it reduces the work needed to meet compliance standards.

However, the user interface and implementation of the Epic database system also have certain disadvantages. Considering Epic’s efforts to make the system user-friendly, many users complain it is complicated. A report published by Folio3 (2023) suggested that due to Epic’s numerous functionalities, it frequently gets challenging to traverse the settings. Since healthcare businesses need a straightforward EHR system, Epic’s intricate design could be challenging for healthcare users. Additionally, enterprises must define and communicate their plans, objectives, and goals inside their company before installing Epic. With so many factors to consider, enterprises need help to embark on Epic.

Literature Review

Epic has five different practice management systems where applications share a single patient record with Epic’s integrated clinical software. According to Ford (2017), Practice management is ranked as the top industry evaluation. A patient must always be registered to receive services in an inpatient or outpatient setting. Prelude Enterprise Registration is used to complete the registration process and delegate follow-up testing or care to the appropriate staff. Epic utilizes wizards and error checking, making registration more efficient and nearly error-proof. Some of the benefits of a single ambulatory and inpatient chart (Johnson, 2010). A single chart is the foundation for accountable care’s quality and cost goals. A single chart creates medication reconciliation work.


In conclusion, patient care operations like scheduling and registration can benefit from Epic database functionalities. Extensive clinical systems are available for nurses, doctors, paramedics, and other healthcare professionals. The epic database boosts compliance while streamlining processes and lowering costs. Epic has spent a lot of effort creating and developing its EHR to ensure user-friendliness.


Folio3. (2023, May 30). Cerner vs. Epic Pros and Cons: Which One do you prefer and why?. Folio3 Digital Health.,things%20difficult%20for%20healthcare%20users.

Ford, E., DeCamp, L., Kim, J., Kharrazi, H., Gleason, K., & Gumas, D. (2017). A guide to using data from Epic, MyChart, and Cogito for behavioral … John Hopkins.

Johnson, A. (2010). Epics database principles – argonne national laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory.


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