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Navigating Mi’kmaw Worldview: A Personal Journey

Introduction and Background

I am Simranjot Singh from the vibrant Indian state of Punjab. My childhood amidst this culture-rich area influenced my own identity, linking me to the very spirit of the Sikh heritage. Being brought up in an intimate Sikh family, the warmth of my joint family gives me unbelievable support and strength. The bonds developed in our home go further than the bloodline connection, promoting a sense of unity and common experiences that have been crucial to my personality.

For me, Punjabi is not just a simple language; it sounds like a melody every day in my life. This is my natural language as the medium with which I communicate my most intimate thoughts and feelings. This linguistic link to my roots makes me a part of a cultural tapestry that carries as much diversity and also colorfulness in it.

Schooling has been a great milestone in my life. Not only has the educational system of Punjab benefited me through knowledge, but it has also taught me values that transcend academics. This is where I have developed and learned the values of community, teamwork, and the acceptance of others.

In Punjab, I have had a chance to see tradition and modernity living in harmony. Sacred shrines in every corner of Punjab are a testimony to the spirit of resilience, religion, and progress, which is also brought out at the busy markets where tradition fuses with great innovation. As a Sikh, the messages of equality and also compassion taught by our Gurus bring inspiration to me. These tenets help me to steer through the mazes of modernity being driven by my cultural identity.

My Cultural Background and How it Shaped my Understanding of Indigenous People

My cultural identity as a Sikh residing in Punjab and being part of the Indian society has largely shaped my views on the Indigenous communities. Based on a tradition that respects every man, my upbringing focused much upon principles such as equality and peaceful coexistence. These concepts are in tune with the bonds that indigenous peoples share with nature, community, and also spirituality. Observing the tapestry of many customs within my community has promoted a sense of appreciation for the preservation of indigenous identity. The common values of resilience, acceptance of diversity, and living in harmony with nature have informed my perception of the challenges faced by aboriginal people, together with their distinctive viewpoints. This cultural lens encourages me to push for the safeguarding of native cultures, highlighting recognition and appreciation of their contributions to weaving human diversity across the globe.

My Reflections and Personal Insights on Relationship and Interests in The Course Content and On Mi’kmaw Worldviews

The course materials on Mi’kmaw worldviews have been very transformative and prompted me to rethink my relationships and interests. Looking at the nature of Mi’kmaw culture, I have gained a better understanding that through our interdependence, we all are dependent on each other in society. Such a holistic approach has led me to reassess my relationships, causing feelings of human responsibility for not only myself but also the environment in general. Furthermore, the course ignited in me even more interest in indigenous knowledge systems, which made me strive for a better and more sustainable life. The teachings of Mi’kmaw that harmony with the land and spirituality resonate well with me, creating a new understanding regarding the interconnectedness of nature. When I look at these insights, there are many elements of Mi’kmaw worldviews that I have incorporated into my ethos and created a much more conscientious compass in terms of how to address relationships and interests.

Why I Took This Course and Something I Am Excited to Learn

I have chosen the course on L’nu Treaty Rights to learn more about the indigenous ways of seeing the world, especially from the Mi’kmaq people. The course offers a detailed overview of the historical and legal issues related to the treaties in Canada, focusing on the Peace and Friendship Treaty in Mi’kma’ke. Exploring the long history associated with treaty-making processes, implications on indigenous rights and land, and self-governance makes me feel connected to my passion for instilling cultural consciousness into society through social justice. I am particularly looking forward to addressing the historical advantages of Peace and Friendship Treaties. This supports my view on the need for very effective communication to close cognitive gaps and also foster inclusivity. In pursuing this course, I will gain a better understanding of the different perspectives of colonial settlers and also indigenous people. It will facilitate a deeper appreciation for history’s interconnectedness with modern society. My interest in this course is not merely as a student but also towards creating an all-inclusive perspective.

Some Similarities and Differences Between My Culture/Identity and The Mi’kmaw Creation Story

A key factor that stands out in the Mi’kmaw creation story is how there are unique similarities and differences to my own culture. First, the fusion of interdependency and communalism in the Mi’kmaw story has a deep significance in my Sikh upbringing (Cheema, 2016, p.15). Both traditions highlight the value of collective cohesion, emphasizing a responsible attitude towards others. Second, the Mi’kmaw Creation Story seems very close to nature, like my Punjabi heritage, which is reverent towards the land and its produce (Rose, 2019, p.40). However, the differences become apparent in the details and pantheon of deities that are interwoven into each story, reflecting separate cultural mythologies. These subtle similarities and differences provide a complex fabric of understanding that reflects the diverse ways in which cultures understand their relationship to the world and divinity.

My experience through this course has been a deep study of the native views, in particular, Mi’kmaw worldviews and creation stories. Based on my Sikh and Punjabi background, the significance of communal values and the respect for nature have furthered my awareness of culture. However, the minute distinctions highlight a wealth of different mythologies. Moving on, I am very eager to keep untangling the complex traditional knowledge and also helping create a more holistic view of social justice.


Cheema, R.K. (2016). core values in Sikhism: a way of life. International Journal of Asian History Culture and Tradition Vol 3(2),14-20.

Rose, K. (2019). The Whole Issue. The APLA Bulletin82(4).


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