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Navigating Business Etiquette in Japan: A Canadian Perspective

In order to run a business in Japan, one needs to be aware of this country’s cultural traditions and business etiquette. This paper presents major considerations for Canadian enterprises sending business delegates to Japan, addressing topics like relationship management, business card practices, technology adoption, dress codes, meeting protocols, and trade relations.

Relationship-building is the key to business success in Japan. Establishing relationships with an approach that is polite and respectful is necessary to generate goodwill. The bow gesture, a sign of humility and respect, is a common way of greeting people. In addition, the “meishi” exchange is a standard ritual. Accepting and looking at a business card with attention and care shows a sign of respect and a basis for a beneficial business relationship (For & Multinationals, 2017).

Networking in Japan is a different ball game. Hands are used to hold and accept cards, accompanied by a slight bow. Caring for these cards shows they are valuable in Japanese business culture.

Cell phone usage is not allowed during public gatherings, particularly during the meetings. Displaying a reserved attitude towards technological means and placing phones in silent mode demonstrates professionalism and respect for fellow attendees (Mente, 2011).

Formal business wear which is known to be conservative and dark in color is the norm in Japan. A tidy appearance is important; it is a sign of commitment and that you honour cultural norms.

Time management and punctuality are key factors that are greatly venerated in Japan. The hierarchical structure of a company is one of the main focus areas, as most of the decisions are made collectively. These cultural particularities have the potential to help create an agreeable and successful business environment.

Invitations to meals during business conversations are almost usual, and demonstrating appreciation is a must-have. The meeting can have gift giving as a protocol at the start or end. It is imperative that gifts are well wrapped and people should display humility when they are given theirs.

Bribery is a crime in Japan, and a very high ethical standard is observed by companies. Corruption often causes perpetrators to face severe penalization, which underscores the need for unblemished business interactions.

In such cases, making personal introductions through intermediaries as well as through the government is quite usual. Relationship management with people of importance is crucial for the success of business relationships in Japan, as in the country we have to master the system of social and business networks.

Differences in language and culture may appear difficult at the onset. Having a view of understanding and respecting the culture of the Japanese companies is a very important commitment that Canadian companies must have in order to be successful in this market.

Canada and Japan enjoy good trade relations, which are enabled by agreements like the CPTPP, The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. Export Development Canada (EDC) provides Canadian firms with financial assistance and risk management services that help to solve the complexities associated with market access to Japan.

Being up to date with Japanese economy policies, trade agreements, and political events is of utmost importance for Canadian companies (JETRO, 2023). This knowledge helps to maintain a competitive edge and, therefore, enhances the effectiveness of business strategies.

Tokyo, which is the capital of the country Japan and home to the most populous city in the globe, with a population approximately 126 million people. This city stuffed with people is a unique mix of modernity and tradition. Japan’s political system is that of a constitutional monarchy, with the Emperor having only ceremonial functions and the National Diet being the parliamentary government. The parliamentary government, formed by the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, runs within the constitutional structure (Canada, 2021). This political setting provides stability and continuity to the economic and social fabric of the city. The status of the city as a major global economic power and a cultural hub is reinforced by it.

In the end, it takes more than just an oversight of Japan’s custom and tradition alone to succeed in its business arena. Canadian businesses should be willing to deal with this Japanese system of intricate relationships and business etiquette, remaining attentive and humble all along the way. Thusly, they create the groundwork for quality relations based on trust and on mutual understanding. By maintaining protocols like attentive introductions, strict business card manner, and thoughtful participation in business talks and social events, Canadian businesses can show their seriousness about making the true connection in Japan. Using these cultural insights in developing their business strategy will enable the Canadian companies to navigate the difficult waters of the Japanese market with confidence, spawning mutually beneficial partnerships and opening the way for greater success.


For, I., & Multinationals. (2017). DOING BUSINESS IN JAPAN.

JETRO. (2023). JETRO | Japan External Trade Organization.

Canada, G. A. (2021, August 6). Canada and Japan. GAC.

Mente, B. L. D. (2011). Japan’s Cultural Code Words: Key Terms That Explain the Attitudes and Behavior of the Japanese. In Google Books. Tuttle Publishing.


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