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Natural Resources Essays

Water Conservation of Farmers

Introduction Sustainable agriculture entails the farming practices that allow for nutrient replenishment and fertility for supporting future population. Due to the continual growth of populations across the world, farming practices should integrate measures for environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, such as water reservoirs and rainwater. The sustainable agricultural practices established in light of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3043

Why Is Africa a Third-World Continent Despite the Massive Natural Resources It Exports?

Abstract Africa, a region with plenty of natural assets, has a long way to go regarding social advancement and economic growth. This research examines the intricate variables that, despite Africa’s significant natural resource exports, contribute to its designation as a third-world continent. This study aims to lighten the contradictory predicament that confronts Africa while offering ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1957
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The Protection and Management of Natural Resources, Wildlife, and Endangered Species by Different States

Abstract The main policy issue that was covered for this study focused on the central policy of protecting and management of natural resources, wildlife, and endangered species in various countries. This policy is crucial since people have had a personal attachment to the significance of their environment since their whole existence depends on it. As ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2663

Argumentative Essay: SYL Canal

SYL is also called the Sutlej Yamuna Link Canal. It is a canal that is under construction in India. This canal is about 214 kilometers (Ghuman, 2017). It was constructed to connect the Yamuna and Sutlej rivers. Once the canal will be completed, it is expected to divert the excess water from river Satluj to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1472

In Order to Progress, African Countries Must Cut Ties With Their European Counteragents and Keep Their Natural Resources to Themselves To Develop

The African continent is rich in natural resources among the other continents, it has large quantities of resources, but ironically it is still dragging in development. For instance, the discovery of new oil sources in Africa has enhanced the economic significance of the commodity. Oil is a major source of income for Sudan and Nigeria. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2772
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