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Natural Law Essays

Is the Christian Conception of Natural Law Indispensable to a Coherent Moral Theory of the State?

Arguably, the state must invoke the natural law to promote a comprehensive display of its moral theory. Nonetheless, the response to the question posed goes beyond simply saying yes due to the complex nature pertaining to their relationship. The traditional natural law is not only based on morality but also comprises legal principles, whereby its ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5685
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Ideas of Aristotle on Equity

Aristotle is one of the most famous philosophers of all time, and his ideas on equity, law, and justice are still studied and debated today. In this article, Beever (2004) explores some of the critical ideas that Aristotle presents on these topics. According to Beever (2004), Aristotle argues that there are three types of law: ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 602
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