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Multiculturism Management and Communications


The concept of multiculturalism amazement indicates the acceptance, recognition, values, and respect of people’s differences (Kivisto, 2008). Diversity in society is included when people have different views and opinions about a specific topic but relate in harmony. For example, identity and rituals are some words that communicate and relate to each other in society. Globalization has proven to increase migration processes, which changes the relationship and socialization procedures among people in society. There is a need to manage diversity and multiculturalism in society beyond human resource management (Awang, Muhammad, Sunawiri-Long, Zaizul, & Al-Muslim, 2018).

Most organizations can benefit from increasing their relationships with their employees and social levels. Diversity is one way to ensure the strategic alignment of existing people and their different societal views. Identities and relationships involve exploring beliefs, values, and identity that constitutes a person in society. In addition, power and restrictions outline the basic rules and regulations that drive and outline people’s behavior, norms, values, and beliefs in a community. Finally, rituals and space are interrelated as they create a sense of belonging and memory. Multiculturalism is the plural lifestyle, transformation, and mobility of a certain population in society.

Identity and Relationship

In society, human beings are considered impressionable varieties that come to the world to absorb and take in information. Young children understand the world through their visceral and sensory ways. The caregivers and the sensory experiences influence children. As children grow old, they adopt awareness techniques about their culture, age-specific expectations, gender, and social factors (Antrim, 2021). The main question that people should ask themselves is, how did they form such identities, and how can they encourage themselves to evolve into the people they wish to be? Self-awareness is one important factor that is considered to help people develop their identities and their future relationships with others in society. While people are growing up, they can become better through various changes in their daily practices. The first important factor to consider in this section is how relationships help to create different people’s identities. Observation of others in the society and the family members can talk about who a person becomes in the future.

A person who surrounds themselves with compassionate, supportive people, it is clear that they the individual will be experiencing a foundation of connections. Relationships are mutually beneficial, showing how inclinations can be genuine—trustworthy, and honest with other people (Rogers, 2018). Also, individuals who become more irrational and neglected always connect with others negatively, which is not good in society. Relationships are important as they define who we become in future and also how people identify us in the society. I agree that a person becoming compassionate and more focused depend with the existing relationship with other people.

People continue to engage with relationships that they feel are more sensical and positive in reinforcing societal changes. A person in society relates with others through their activities and what they observe others do, which reflect their success without critiques. In addition, a personal relationship is also important in outlining the identity of a person in the future (Ehala, 2017). How a person treats themselves reflects how they treat others in society. It is difficult to change a person’s identity but to help them become better people through their relationship with others.

Relationships are also the best aspects that form intercultural changes in society. Relationships bring people with different identities and values to relate with each other. I have encountered different people from different ethnic backgrounds in society, which has helped me connect with others in the community to help in development (Flori, 2018). However, it is not easy to maintain and manage relationships in an intercultural environment. Sometimes, we have different opinions and values, which affect how we relate with others in society and entirely affect our views about a certain topic and destroy the relationship.

Let us take an example of the contemporary pop culture that sparked a great difference and topic of concern in society; the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Meghan Markle had to give up her carrier and everything in her life to marry into the royal family. The intercultural relationship involves people from different backgrounds who have different values and identities, affecting their relationship with themselves and society. Relationships and identity are more interconnected, affecting intercultural management and societal development.

Rituals and space

In society, multiculturalism seeks to include the contributions and views of the existing diverse individuals in the society while they maintain respect for their differences without holding the demand for assimilation into the dominant culture. Rituals and space are factors that operate and indicate the views of the people that exist in society (Nyangulu, 2021). That affirmation can take the types of acknowledgment of commitments to the social existence of the local political area overall, an interest for uncommon security under the law for specific social gatherings, or independent freedoms of administration for specific societies. Multiculturalism is both a reaction to the reality of social pluralism in present-day vote-based systems and a method of repaying social gatherings for past rejection, segregation, and mistreatment.

Most present-day popular governments involve individuals with different social perspectives, practices, and commitments. Numerous minority social gatherings have previously encountered avoidance or denigration of their commitments and characters. Multiculturalism looks to consider the perspectives and commitments of the assorted citizenry while deference for their disparities and keeping the interest for their digestion into the dominant society. Rituals in society represent a symbolic expression of status, roles of different individuals, and actual social relations. In addition, rituals are described as the ultimate values, spiritual reality that reflects on the community’s ultimate value. Ritual also includes individuals’ emotion and agreement with each other’s values in society.

Space in society reflects on the exact existing relationship with other people. Space activities play an important purpose that influences society through the ability to increase human capacity to relate with the celestial bodies and existing substances on the planet (Welsch, Von Castell, & Hecht, 2019). people regard space as their region surrounding that helps them encounter their psychological challenges. Personal space is interrelated intimately to the existing relationship between the involved individuals. Space and rituals help a person become more concerned with their health and the betterment of society.

Allowing an individual to enter personal space and another person’s own space marks how the two individuals view their relationship. There is a private zone saved for sweethearts, kids, and close relatives. There is one more go-between zone utilized for discussions with companions, to talk with partners, and in bunch conversations. Outsiders and colleagues utilize a different zone; lastly, a zone is utilized for public talks, talks, and exhibitions. The size of one’s feeling of personal space is not set in stone and relies upon the nuanced relationship of the two conversationalists (Watcharataechachotinon, 2019). Those residing in thickly populated spots will more often than not have a more modest feeling of personal space. Also, the personal feeling of the room has changed generally like the ideas of limits among public and private spaces have developed over a long time.

Feelings of personal space are personally attached to the connection between the two people. Entering somebody’s very own space is ordinarily considered a sign of commonality. In any case, in current culture, especially in jam-packed metropolitan networks, it is now and then hard to keep up with individual space, for instance, in a jam-packed train (Glevarec & Pinet, 2017). Many individuals view such actual vicinity as mentally awkward, yet it is acknowledged as a reality of present-day life. Sociologists concentrate on close-to-home space unequivocally due to the social ramifications of distance concerning connections. Space helps people engage with their different rituals that outline how they relate and converse with other people in society.

Cultural diversification relates to how people have sanity with their mental health (Glevarec & Pinet, 2017). In society, intimate relationships are reflected by how people relate to other people’s personal space. Negotiating the existing boundaries reflects on the social proximity, which is affected by rituals that people undertake in the community. Sociologists understand that rituals and personal space relate because of the social implication that distances the cultural relationship. People in the Western culture have different norms about rituals and space than others, which helps create a better relationship with others.

Power and restrictions

In society, power encompasses different groups that compete for control over influence and resources. Power is the most dominant system of any government that allows one group to dominate others due to balances and checks (Kaplan, 2017). Restrictions, in other words, encompasses laws, policies, and regulations that define other people’s relationship. This is most ordinarily found in just government frameworks because nobody can overwhelm all others because of an arrangement of balanced governance. The public authority directs the political course of rivalry for power and utilitarianism for the society for three primary reasons. First and foremost, any antagonism and struggle are given an appropriate channel for articulation through the political cycle. Besides, it allows each gathering to battle for their beliefs and accomplishes their objectives.

At long last, government oversight guarantees that the result of the political cycle is in light of a legitimate concern for most of society (Lasswell & Kaplan, 2017). Yet, there are additionally a few defeats of the pluralist model. It accepts that all groups have an equivalent possibility of portrayal in society. Power defines the relationship of people with different cultural beliefs. Respect is an essential factor in avoiding oppression by people with power. Restriction powers that define how people relate with others in the society include the constitution of the country that entails laws and give people the power to respect and relate well in the society.

I struggle to think that the government should create a law that revolves around privacy and management with an example of valid arguments by increasing the security of the entire nation and the society. I believe that people with greater power in society should be considered and respect the restrictions and laws that govern relationships of various individuals. We live in a free society where we can tell our opinions ad to outline the different factors that define how we live and relate with others.

Despite people’s power in society, a lack of restrictions can affect how people relate to society despite their different existing cultures. No person in the community can hope to enjoy the absence of restrictions and constraints that govern their relationships (Flori, 2018). Conflicts might exist in society when people feel they have more power than others which calls for restrictions to protect others and promote diversity. Society should have some mechanisms to help control violence while settling disputes.


Multicultural management is an important factor in society. Multiculturalism is an essential aspect because there is a need to create and manage competitive advantage. The current world and society focus on an approach that articulates and develops relationships. As Selasi explains, relationships, rituals, and restrictions help to create a person’s identity. We think of ourselves and others in a context that does not outline gender, race, and nationality depending on the labels they get. Relationships, restrictions, and rituals help recognize a more picture and helpful identity and experience of a person. When we celebrate others in society, we consider how much effect they have on our emotions which also change our views and opinions about important societal issues despite our differences.


Antrim, N. (2021). Seeking identity: Language in society.

Awang, J., Muhammad, F., Sunawiri-Long, A., Zaizul, R., & Al-Muslim, M. (2018). “Interreligius Peace in Multicultural Society: A Critique to The Idea of Peace Multiculturalism.” . International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.

Ehala, M. (2017). Signs of identity: The anatomy of belonging. Routledge.

Flori, S. (2018). “Formal and informal norms: their relationships in society and in the economic sphere.”. Review of social economy, 198-226.

Glevarec, H., & Pinet, M. (2017). “Is cultural eclecticism axiological and a new mark of distinction? Cultural diversification and social differentiation of tastes in France.”. Cultural Sociology, 188-216.

Kaplan, A. (2017). Power And Society: A Framework for Politicai inquiry. Routledge.

Kivisto, P. (2008). Multiculturalism in a global society. John Wiley & Sons.

Lasswell, H., & Kaplan, A. (2017). Power And Society: A Framework for Politicai inquiry. Routledge.

Nyangulu, D. (2021). What’s in a Name? Renewing Socialism via Decolonization. From Marx to Global Marxism: Eurocentrism, Resistance, Postcolonial Criticism.

Rogers, L.-O. (2018). “Who am I, who are we? Erikson and a transactional approach to identity research.”. Identity 18, 284-294.

Watcharataechachotinon, N. (2019). “Personal space.”.

Welsch, R., Von Castell, C., & Hecht, H. (2019). “The anisotropy of personal space.”.


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