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Movie Critique: The Lion King


The story remains as timely as ever in the classic animation masterpiece The Lion King, directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff. It will never stop being an entertainment for people of any age. This is precisely the day when Disney introduced this epic story that takes the audience to the land of the African savanna, where a lion, Simba, a hero, journeys to find himself and to win his chance of redeeming himself. All in beautiful animation with lovable characters and a fabulous soundtrack, The Lion King has since become one of the most cherished Disney films. This review looks at various elements that make this movie a timeless classic.

The Lion King presents an epic plot bringing in the themes of loss, salvation, the journey of self-discovery, and others. The story begins with a little lion cub, Simba, who is supposed to take over after his father’s abdication, Mufasa. However, fate took an ugly turn when his fake brother betrayed and killed him, ironically not his arrogant son, Simba. Such a loss leaves Simba with guilt and directionlessness, with no idea what must be done. Though he runs away in search of himself, Simba faces a lot of impediments and barriers, as well as his guilt and mourning for Mufasa’s death (Mauliansyah et al., 2023). This was fleeing from his problems; it was a flight towards careless living in exile. However, under the mysterious aid of unfamiliar comrades, such as a wise mandrill Rafiki and childhood friend Nala, Simba begins to stand against his past and take up one’s kingship responsibilities.

In the movie “The Lion King,” it is discovered how deep Simba’s grief is through his underlying inferiority, coupled with his extreme insecurity about what will happen to him in the future. Simba suffered from losing his father, feeling guilty and angry with himself (Lammon, 2023). His volition to start from the beginning and to get away from the hurt caused emotionally by the loss of something one loves is a universal need. This multiplicity of loss is a representation touching many at the level of their feelings, signifying how people feel in adverse situations.

The movie “The Lion King” talks about responsibility for personal healing and facing the challenges personally. The change of Simba from a very doubtful and repentant young lion into a bold, definite leader personifies the power of healing, which comes from perseverance and self-finding. His decision to fight against Scar to regain the right place as a king is the one in which personal development is not merely considered, but also one of the most extraordinary powers derived from stand-up against all the odds with a high level of courage. Lessons on resilience and self-empowerment can be said to be one of the best “gifts” one can take from the movie – the other is knowing how far the human spirit can take in terms of loss and adversity. However, the plot also exposes the dark side of manipulation and fakery, as betrayals of Scar by others only cause suffering and division of pride. This gives quite a good warning lesson of excessing rampant ambition and the need for loyalty and honor to the truth as the ideal of the elite.


The film “The Lion King” is a transcendent classic for all generations. Strong themes with stunning characters and astounding animation come together in this tale of courage, redemption, and a bond of family and friendship that endures. The message we get from Lion King is that one should face his or her fears and take responsibility for what one does, even if that means running into the fangs of a lion. At the same time, we are also gaining an understanding of what forgiveness is, both about self and others, while progress is made and a brighter future seeks to be achieved.

Movie critique: Titanic


The romantic disaster film Titanic was released in 1997, directed by James Cameron, and it tells the tragic tale of the doomed Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic’s first and only voyage. Created against the backdrop of one of the most magnificent disasters ever occurring on the high seas, the movie presents the tale of love. This love develops between Jack Dawson, a penniless artist, and Rose DeWitt Bukater, a lovely wealthy girl, as they depart on a journey aboard the majestic Titanic. At the very splendor of the ship, their love story gradually flourishes but ultimately meets the final challenge when disaster strikes. The epic nature of the voyage soon turns into a disaster, as the ship runs into an iceberg and sinks, killing over 1,500 people.

The kind of loss shown in the movie Titanic is complex because, in addition to the end of a great vessel, it includes the loss of hundreds of lives. A punch – to end all punches, the iceberg collides with the Titanic; it begins its fateful plunge to the icy depths of the Atlantic, foreshadowing its terrible, historic saga. The wake of the disaster leaves many survivors with a wide range of emotions, including deep sorrow and deep regret. The tragedy of the sinking is engraved on the minds of those who miraculously survive the icy waters as they grapple with the loss of their loved ones and flashbacks of that terrible night (Cameron, 2002). These individuals are guilty survivors, which is typified by the fact that they feel guilt for friends and family who died.

The approaches toward the issues depicted in ‘Titanic’ are equally numerous, reflecting numerous coping mechanisms that people tend to use when dealing with loss and trauma. Some survivors found comfort in their traveling companions; they got strength in unity and unity. Others grieve in agony of silence, finding solace in their melancholy shell. In addition, the films cover the preservation of memory and remembering that is needed to be done as people try to reconcile the present with the past. Even though the film Titanic is a powerful story that conveys resilience and perseverance under adverse circumstances (DANDA, 2023). It also opens the scope of disaster prevention advancement regarding general awareness and readiness (Marko et al., 2020). Safety precautions and emergency procedures may help prevent future disasters, thus ensuring that the lessons from Titanic are not forgotten.

In conclusion, Titanic provides a moving and shocking account of the loss, sorrow, and strength in the aftermath of an unthinkable catastrophe. By creating powerful and memorable characters and telling an epic story, the film creates a clear perspective of the mortal perimeter and the value of living every moment with loved ones. The film’s final shot, however harsh it may seem, is a source of hope and testimony to the resilience of the human spirit, particularly in times of tragedy and sorrow. However, “Titanic” teaches us vital messages on safety, preparedness, and mental support during a disaster. It emphasizes the strength of human nature and the efficacy of love and compassion despite hardships.


Allers, R., Minkoff, R., Hahn, D., Mecchi, I., Roberts, J., Woolverton, L., … & Cummings, J. (1994).

Cameron, J. (2002). James Cameron. Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers, p. 81.

DANDA, I. S. (2023). AN ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CHARACTERS IN THE “TITANIC” MOVIE (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar).

Lammon, M. (2023). The Ashes of Tragedy: Parental Death and Child Character Development in Bambi and The Lion King.

Mauliansyah, A., Fitriani, S. S., & Aulia, M. (2023). An Analysis of Moral Value of and Intrinsic Elements in the Lion King Movie.

Marko, M. D., Gilman, L. G., Vasulingam, S., Miliskievic, M., & Spell, C. S. (2020). Leadership lessons from the Titanic and Concordia disasters. Journal of Management History, 26(2), 216–230.


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