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Moral Philosophy Essays

Atheists Are Not Capable of Leading Moral Lives Than Theists

Introduction In his article, Julian Baggini proposes an intriguing position claiming that atheists can be good, if not better than the moral behavior of theists. This claim denies traditional assumptions that religiosity is a necessary requisite for ethical behavior. Baggini’s argument ignores the moral structure offered by religious doctrines and the power of communal ethical ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174
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Views of Philosophers

Socrates and Thrasymachus In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and Thrasymachus argue over justice. Thrasymachus claims that justice is the interest of the stronger, meaning that the ruling class or the most powerful people decide what is right and unjust based on their self-interest. He believes this term accurately describes society and that justice only benefits the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1402
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