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Metamemory, Authoritarian Parenting, and Uninvolved Parenting


An individual’s awareness of their memory processes is known as metamemory (Drigas et al., 2022). It encompasses knowledge about the strategies and skills required for encoding, storing and retrieving information effectively; it also includes reflection on personal learning abilities and decisions regarding effective memory techniques (Drigas et al., 2022). To increase retention capacity while learning new material, users may use tactics like grouping similar concepts or leveraging visual cues for more detailed recollection- these are part of knowing your metamemory. Recognizing one’s metamemory can be beneficial in enhancing the learning process by optimizing it through different effective techniques- this applies similarly in studying specifically too; when preparing for exams, referencing such a skillset allows students to make better decisions regarding how best they will recall requirements – be it through mnemonic devices or spaced-out sessions over time.

Based on personal experience, using metamemory has massively contributed towards improving academic performance. By reflecting on one’s learning style and recognizing which methods work best for oneself, individuals can optimise studying habits to aid their quest for knowledge. A pertinent example is discovering that written notes help with memory retention – this led me to take detailed class notes and review them periodically. Additionally, practising active recall coupled with spreading out studying sessions has proved highly beneficial towards memorizing information for extended periods (Drigas et al., 2022). Having gained self-awareness about my metamemory abilities enables me to approach new knowledge confidently with great certainty of success academically.

Authoritarian Parenting:

Parenting with an authoritarian style prioritizes control over warmth towards one’s children (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019). The emphasis is on strictness – adhering rigidly to rules that require obedience without much consideration for nuance or context. To enforce compliance, punishments are often used in place of nurturing alternatives that could foster more respectful behaviour from children (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019). As a result of these tactics, communication between parent and child can be stifled since there may be few chances for open conversation about how each party feels or thinks about different issues in their lives together.

Throughout my professional journey thus far, I have seen plenty of examples showing how authoritarian parenting can harm employees’ well-being. Managers who use this approach often foster an adversarial workplace culture that leaves workers feeling unvalued and undermined. Such circumstances invariably resulted in low staff morale, higher rates of employee turnover, and decreased productivity levels. As a fellow manager, I aspire to steer clear of authoritarian parenting and adopt a more cooperative style wherein employees feel empowered to share their thoughts and beliefs. By promoting transparent communication channels and treating co-workers with consideration and dignity, I can enable a thriving work setting with enhanced job gratification and amplified output.

Uninvolved Parenting:

Uninvolved parenting is a type of parenting with minimal involvement or responsiveness from the parent towards their children’s lives (Antipkina & Ludlow, 2020). Such parents are often emotionally detached from their kids’ affairs and neglectful of their needs. They do not take an interest in their children’s activities or provide them with emotional support or guidance for healthy growth. Based on personal experience, I have seen how uninvolved parental care affects social relationships negatively from one friend who had neglectful parents while growing up. Due to a lack of emotional strength and mentorship rooted in such an upbringing methodology- healthy connections were complex for them to forge, leading them down paths towards loneliness and difficulties communicating emotions effectively (Antipkina & Ludlow, 2020). Moreover, uninvolved parenting can significantly harm a child’s upbringing. Without parental involvement during childhood can lead to emotional instability accompanied by weak emotion regulation skills along with attachment issues affecting these children during adulthood severely; likewise contributing to behaviour problems, they may experience academic struggles while engaging in risky activities. Hence, it is essential to recognize the adverse impact of uninvolved parenting by actively engaging with children and providing them with full emotional support within a nurturing environment resulting in a healthier growth and development process. In establishing better structures within my personal relationships – I aim to avoid such ways by constantly being emotionally present while offering support towards partners, family members, & friends through active listening coupled with empathy demonstration.


Antipkina, I., & Ludlow, L. H. (2020). Parental involvement as a holistic concept using Rasch/Guttman scenario scales. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 38(7), 846–865.

Drigas, A., Mitsea, E., & Skianis, C. (2022). Metamemory: Metacognitive Strategies for Improved Memory Operations and the Role of VR and Mobiles. Behavioral Sciences, 12(11), 450.

Kuppens, S., & Ceulemans, E. (2019). Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept. Journal of Child and family studies, 28, 168-181.


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