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Mental Well-Being Essays

My Intellectual Autobiography

My experience as a student has proved to be an example of my unshakable passion for knowledge and improvement, which I studied in the fields of health, business, and personal growth. A topple in my story slowly developed from the battle with the childhood stammer. This stubborn and sturdy enemy motivated me to overcome the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1709

Running and Jogging: Enhancing Health, Fitness, and Mental Well-Being

Running /jogging are the key activities ingrained in promoting a healthy lifestyle with many advantages, embracing physical fitness, mental soundness, and general well-being in most cases. Kouthouris et al. illuminate the critical interface between urban settings, active living, and physical activity, stressing the stimulating action of environmentally minded policies in promoting community health and social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 755
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A Comprehensive Evaluation of Golf From the Players’ Perspective

Golf as a sport has evolved far from being a simple game to becoming quite rich such that it entails various challenges, opportunities, and experiences that go beyond thе actіve manual effort of swinging the golf club. When thinking about golf, people often picture a stroll with the odd swing. However, Those drawn to the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1556

Reiki for Chronic Pain and Mental Well-Being

Pain management and mental well-being are crucial goals of health care. Pain is an unpleasant sensory associated with tissue damage and is often linked to social and psychological components. Pain is frequently related to psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Extensive research exists on interventions that can help alleviate pain and improve the well-being ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3378

The Transformative Impact of Art on Mental Well-Being

Abstract In a world where color, melody, and fiction are abundant, art becomes more than just a sensory extravaganza; it becomes a quiet mental healer. This investigation reveals the latent power in narratives, melodies, and brushstrokes by navigating the deep connections between art and mental health. Get ready to explore the world where art becomes ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1252

Addressing Food Insecurity Among College Students

Introduction and Background Students’ academic success in universities and colleges significantly depends on their mental and physical well-being. Food insecurity is a significant, gradually growing concern causing physical and mental instability among college students, leading to poor academic responsibilities, stress, malnutrition and poor academic performances. The Hope Survey conducted in 2020 portrayed that 38% of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1202
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