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Mental Health Care Essays

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)

Crisis management and crisis intervention are essential to crisis response but serve different aims and methods. Crisis management involves macro-level planning and measures to avoid, prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises, critical situations, and tragedies. It entails creating protocols, rules, and procedures to handle different emergencies. Crisis management preserves stability and functioning under ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 725

A Reflective Case Study Over a Hypothetical Patient: Jimi’s Case

Overview of the Situation Treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) is a subtype of schizophrenia that manifests in a way that individuals are unable to respond adequately to standard antipsychotic medications despite appropriate trials, which typically require alternative interventions such as clozapine, augmentation strategies, and psychosocial interventions for management. Schizophrenia itself is a complicated mental disorder characterized by ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1402
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African American Barriers to Mental Health Care

Introduction The issue of mental health persists in diverse communities in the United States one pressing issue being the barriers African Americans face when it comes to accessing proper mental health care. Mental health is very important for one’s overall well-being. However, factors such as systemic inequalities, cultural stigma, and limited access to proper healthcare ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2905

Implementing Telehealth Services To Improve Access to Mental Health Care in Underserved Communities

Problem and Focus of the Change Proposal The problem at the forefront of this capstone project is the pervasive lack of access to mental health care services in underserved communities. The barriers include the geographical and cultural divide and span broad socioeconomic lines necessary for one to access healthcare. In these societies, the mentality of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1628

Outline: Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health Care

Introduction The problem of stigma and discrimination in connection with mental health care is still ongoing and continues to prevent the recovery and good condition of those suffering from mental health issues. Thesis: This essay focuses on the definition, causes, implications, and prevention measures of these problems with the hope of bringing about an era ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1116

Ethical Dilemmas in Mental Health Care: Confidentiality and Duty To Protect

We shall discuss the moral conundrum involving confidentiality, mental health, and professional responsibility in the healthcare industry in this essay. This paper’s main goal is to apply ethical concepts to solve a crucial case study, highlighting the challenges medical practitioners face in balancing patient confidentiality and promoting the welfare of individuals and the larger community. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2014

Proposal for a Social Justice Project: Addressing Racism and Discrimination in Mental Health Care.

Introduction As a devoted guiding understudy driven by areas of strength for the standards of civil rights, I propose a task to resolve the unavoidable and significant problem of bigotry and segregation inside the domain of emotional wellness care. My objective is to effectively draw in this worry all through my scholarly excursion and keep ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2021

Navigating Gender Identity and Mental Health Care: Transgender Individuals’ Encounters With Mental Health Nurses

Introduction The conversation over transgender rights and mental health awareness has significantly accelerated in recent years. In particular, their encounters with mental health nurses have provided insight into the circumstances of transgender people seeking mental health care. These two concerns overlap frequently. Transgender people frequently face obstacles linked to identification, societal expectations, and prejudice, which ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

DNP Practice Essay

Mental health care has become an urgent topic of focus, especially after the onset of Covid, when people’s mental health deteriorated due to social isolation. According to a study conducted by CVS Health and Morning Consult, approximately 56% of Americans feel that society has become more ready to participate in mental health care discussions (Khaldun ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 608

Comparative Analysis of Psychiatric Drugs and Psychotherapy

Mental health care incorporates various approaches, the two most general being psychotherapy and psychiatric drug treatment. To determine which is more effective, evaluating their respective merits and drawbacks and the conditions in which one method may be more suitable is necessary. Psychiatric medications, generally known as psychotropic drugs, interfere with the combined action of chemicals ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 949

Seminar on Race and Disability

Minority college students’ mental health disparities have become more prevalent in recent years and have drawn greater scrutiny. This has profoundly impacted the people and society. Students of minority communities going to school, which incorporates Black, Latinx, Local American and Asian American groups, frequently face uplifted degrees of stress, uneasiness, and despondency in contrast with ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1342

Managerial Epidemiology in Healthcare: Creating a Preliminary Market Analysis for a Geriatric Psychiatric Unit

Chapter One: Introduction Background Evidence-based management (EBMGT) is a decision-making method that uses research experience to provide information for organizational practice. In health organizations, EBMGT is usually used to guide the development of services and improve and deliver relevant decisions. This article aims to create a preliminary market analysis for the proposed elderly psychiatry department ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3537
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