“Parasite” (2019), directed by Bong Joon Ho, is an award-winning movie whose significance is largely based on unraveling some socially relevant phenomena and ideas. The essay will analyze the film and its portrayal of class, culture, identities, race, and user participation with serious consideration of the power of media culture in the form of these issues. This essay tries to leave no stone unturned by providing details about the factors discussed in the film. It also aims to provide insight into the wider implications of media representations on society and culture. A study cannot also give the best insights without strong research sources, such as at least five academic sources. Apart from the module’s required reading lists, journal articles, and other relevant scholarly research, it will help scan the themes and problems of the selected film. This research will be the backbone of the argument, based on a comprehensive assessment of this subject after an intensive engagement with these stated sources.
The specific approach will be the analysis of the film. This research will go beyond mere description and aim to provide a detailed analysis of the characters, the plot, and the movie elements. A critical assessment of the film’s thematic interpretation will be made by establishing links between these elements and the broader social and cultural issues. The presented discussion should, however, be supported by concrete examples from the film to be put in context.
2.0Social Class and Class Divide
2.1. “Parasite” portrayal of social class and the class divide.
“Parasite” portrays social class and the class divide through a meticulous examination of the stark contrast between the wealthy Park family and the impoverished Kim family. One notable scene that exemplifies this divide occurs at the (Bong, 18 minutes). While folding pizza boxes, the Kims discuss their living conditions in their cramped semi-basement apartment. This scene starkly contrasts the lavishness of the Park family’s residence, which is showcased at the scene (Bong, 42 minutes). Where the Parks host a lavish garden party in their spacious backyard, these distinct settings visually emphasize the disparities in wealth and living conditions between the two families. Bong Joon Ho employs visual cues and symbolism throughout the film to accentuate the class divide. For instance, the Park family’s residence is on an elevated hill, physically and metaphorically above the rest of the neighborhood, symbolizing their privileged status.
On the other hand, the Kim family’s basement apartment is located at the opposite end of the basement, which is lower and dark. It symbolizes the family’s position in society. By decorating them with paintings and elaborate structures full of furniture and other luxuries, these social symbols sustain the idea of the elite social group and unequal distribution of resources. Moreover, the inequality in the social class is also shown in the example of “Parasite .”It is evident in the cinema hall when Kim Ki-Teak, the movie’s director, came to see “Parasite” with his crew (Bong, 58minute).
2.2. Representation of Wealth Disparity in “Parasite”
The director of “Parasite” skillfully shows the wealth gap using a dual setting of Parks’ prosperity house and the economic grievances of the Kims. Through a delicate deconstruction of the film, it becomes clear that the way the divide in wealth is presented therein demonstrates and makes readers keep these matters in mind. It is the one that reemerges through the bash, a birthday party organized by the Parks for their son, which one cannot stop as the sharpest contrast between the rich and the poor. Through this (Bong, 35 minutes), in which Ronny plays a role, we, the viewers, are exposed to the opulent and unbridled lifestyle of the Parks (Smith, 2020). The distinguishing characteristics of that place are rich decorations and the crowd, which is populated by people who are represented in smart clothes. This scene is a sharp contrast to what we see visually throughout the film of Kim’s deprived living, which shows us the modest and impoverished lifestyle in different ways.
In contrast to the Kims, who are lower-class, struggling to pay their rent in a cramped semi-basement apartment, and forced to difficult and unpleasant jobs, the Parks are upper-middle-class and hold successful positions. This scene can be found in a dialogue at about(Bong, 10 minutes) that strikingly expresses the very message of the play similarly, when the Kim family is shown folding pizza boxes to earn a meager income (Smith, 2020). Another poignant moment occurs at the (Bong, 50 minutes). Mark further emphasizes the disadvantaged circumstances when heavy rainfall floods their apartment.
2.3. Commentary on the Exploitative Nature of Work and Its Impact on Social Class
“Parasite” offers a compelling critique of the exploitative nature of work and its impact on social class. The film depicts the pressure of class and how it could divide the characters’ lives with the Kim members trying to enter the Park family home. As shown in the drama, the Kims expertly get employed in the owner’s household, replacing their work with the owner’s needs to obtain privileges and luxury that belong to the upper class. However, in Bong Joon Ho’s way of portraying how critical this arrangement is, he unmistakably shows the way the Parks take advantage of people in the lower class, and they do not value their labor. Through this film, the audience is exposed to cruelty when the Parks talk with all sorts of emotions when they think about replacing their workers in their own lives. This canvassing visualizes that such a social gap has roots in society and its inequality. The Kims experiencing poverty pinned them to deception to improve their status. Unfortunately, they lose their morality when standing above the flock.
The film is a turning point that prompts people to face the system issues that hold low-income people from reaching prosperity and the ethical impacts of power relationships. It is possible to arouse critical thinking about dehumanization, especially when society insists on exploiting labor and restricting socioeconomic progress. Being the universal truth, the documentary shows people a way to understand the necessity of transformational change to assess systemic inequalities.
3.0. Class and Culture
3.1. Portrayal of different social classes in “Parasite,”
A journey of social classes between highly contrasting sets of values, attitudes, and daily routines of the two families – Park and Kim – is the main message of the movie “Parasite .”This movie reveals the profound differences between upper-class and lower-class citizens, critiquing society and a person’s life(Ritzer, 2022). As a family, the Parks signify the hit of the social pyramid. They inhabit a spacious mansion, where they are the epitome of luxury, with plenty of abundance. Their conduct communicates an attitude of possessing everything and being superior to the classes below them. They then got a crew to do their household chores and never considered them as people and gave them respect for their individuality and humanity and stopped enjoying their life.
On the other hand, the Kim family is a true representative of the subaltern who both face hardships and have hopes. Being the one to take care of and provide for the child becomes increasingly difficult, especially when the burden of financial instability never lets up. Economic development is the main motive of all these people; consequently, their attitudes and behaviors are directed towards achieving these goals. They are incredibly resourceful, adapt to the new situation, and show their cunning, making their way into the Park family world.
3.2. Cultural capital and its significance in the film
The author of “Parasite” artfully portrays the capital that is the basis for cultural superiority as the mechanism that keeps the rich and the poor in the same position. Cultural capital – which sociologist Pierre Bourdieu referred to – consists of different types of nonfinancial properties that can be transformed into status. The Park family is culturally rich with their awareness, education, and taste, which is evident in their art and high social contact. This further strengthens upper-class domination and attracts even higher classes. Eventually, the gap expanded, marginalizing those from the lower classes. Other than the Kim family, the issue of cultural capital is not present as their private schooling is limited, and so is their experience in cultural matters. The process through which the Parks family accommodates the new community to the other side of the Parks’ world emphasizes the prevalent societal pattern. It also aligns with the work of sociologists Duménil and Lévy, authors of “Capital Resurgent: We address this problem in our paper “Cultural Capital and Class Distinctions,” in which we develop a rapport between the systems of capitalism and cultural capital.
3.3. How “Parasite” challenges or reinforces cultural inequalities
“Parasite” is a film that symbolizes unequal cultures among disparate classes through the conflict between the wealthy and the poor Kim family, which also impacts the existence of various hierarchies. The film brings to light this rift in the context of the Kims trying to find employment in Mr. Park’s house, where their traditions and values defy those of the wider society. In sharp contrast to the Park’s elevated rules, Winston’s unrefined background appeals to the latter’s feelings of discontent, which simmer even though others feel misconstrued due to radiated tension.
The film challenges the Park family’s cultural superiority by exposing their vulnerabilities. It questions the arbitrary nature of cultural hierarchies. However, it also reinforces cultural inequalities as the Kims strive to assimilate into the Park family’s world, resorting to deception. This portrays cultural capital as desirable and defines success. Scholar Stuart Hall argues that cultural inequalities are negotiated and contested. (Hall, 1996). “Parasite” aligns with this perspective, presenting challenges to and reinforcement of cultural inequalities.
4.0. Representations of Identity, Race, and Ethnicity
4.1. Depiction of identity, race, and ethnicity in “Parasite,”
“Parasite” provides a nuanced exploration of identity, race, and ethnicity, effectively portraying how these factors influence the characters’ experiences and interactions. The film showcases various scenes that highlight the complexities of these identity markers and their impact on social dynamics. One significant scene that addresses race and ethnicity occurs approximately (Bong, 19 minutes) into the film. Ki-woo, the son of the Kim family, poses as an English tutor for the Park family’s daughter. The scene highlights how Ki-woo’s perceived ethnicity plays a role in his ability to pass as a qualified English tutor, as the Parks assume he is of a Western background. Another scene exploring identity’s influence takes place during the Park family’s garden party (Bong, 1 hour and 15 minutes). As the Kim family attends the event, their lower-class identity becomes increasingly evident through their appearance, mannerisms, and speech. The stark contrast between the Kims and the wealthy guests emphasizes the social and cultural barriers they face due to their class identity.
Furthermore, the film’s climax involves the former housekeeper and her husband (Bong, 2 hours and 3 minutes). The revelation of their hidden existence exposes the marginalized position of those who have been excluded from mainstream society
4.2. Portrayal of cultural stereotypes
In “Parasite,” cultural stereotypes shape character perceptions and social dynamics. For instance, the Kim family assumes roles as domestic workers for the Park family, perpetuating the stereotype of the cunning lower class preying on the wealthy (Bong, 42 minutes). This influences their self-perception and interactions as they maintain a façade for survival. Moreover, the Parks, representing the upper class, are portrayed as naive and easily manipulated by the Kims, reinforcing the stereotype of the superior intelligence of the lower class (Bong, 1 hour and 20 minutes). This type of stereotype encompasses a large range of issues, which – among others – influence self-appraisal and perception of others(Ritzer, 2022). The Kims subconsciously feel the burden of being underdogs, which develops into shame and an obsession to show who they are worth the attention. Still, the Parks’ innocence also sets in the background of their blindness to exploitation. Additionally, the movie’s display of societal perceptions and stereotypes regarding social classes embodies the power relations. The stereotypes reinforce societal inequalities and the interaction between lower-class and high-class individuals.
4.3. Identity and belonging
“Parasite” shows us how people construct the meaning of who they are and what their place is within an unequal society. The movie highlights the characters through which the audience can experience their feelings and struggle with finding themselves and standing in a system where everyone has a definite position. Significant scenes captured this theme include (Bong, 1 hour 20 minutes). The movie’s beginning is exactly when Ki-woo, the son of the Kim family, worries about his future and proclaims envy to move up the ladder. This interlude is deemed to be the most decisive moment of all the parts of the book since it represents his nervous longing for a better life as well as for a feeling of identity that would not be ephemeral and which would be not dependent on his lower class status, they demonstrate the significant discrepancy of the Kims’ small, lower level accommodation and the Park family’s luxurious lifestyle through a particular scene. This image, with its contrasting scenes, highlights the sheer divide between the social classes and stresses the difficulty of the Kims in getting acceptance into an overwhelmingly wealthy society. During the movie, the characters’ search for identity and feeling of belonging goes hand in hand with the storyline to bring out the negative consequences of social distinction on individuals. “Parasite,” a masterpiece in this regard, delves into the intricacies of identity construction and the impediments encountered when moving around trying to live in a society whose economic and social status are greatly divided.
5.0. Participatory Culture and Power Dynamics
“Parasite” unveils the participatory culture in portraying characters who cross social boundaries and deal with the power problem. Unlike the text, which highlights how the various class-divided people deal with and mold their social structures, the film exposes the same concept further. The scene introducing participatory culture underbraced by the Kim family, who devise a plan to crash the Parks’ party, is an ideal illustration observed (Bong, 30 minutes). This moment showcases their active participation in the social structure as they strategize and adapt their behaviors to fit into the higher-class environment. It highlights their agency in navigating and influencing the social dynamics, emphasizing how individuals from lower classes actively engage with and shape the systems they are a part of.
5.1. Power dynamics and characters’ agency
Throughout “Parasite,” power dynamics shape the characters’ agency and relationships. (Bong, 1 hour and 5 minutes). The scene where Mr. Park asserts his authority over his employees exemplifies the power dynamics. His control over their livelihoods reinforces the hierarchical structure and showcases the manipulation and control exerted by the upper class over the lower class. Furthermore, at approximately (Bong, 1 hour and 40 minutes). The scene where the former housekeeper attempts to regain control over the Park household highlights a moment of resistance against the established power structure. Her actions challenge the power dynamics and disrupt the social hierarchy, revealing the potential for resistance within the narrative.
5.2. Film’s commentary on social hierarchies.
“Parasite is also an excellent commentary on social hierarchy. It talks about the chances of action within these boundaries. The movie reveals hidden iniquities, oppressions, and biases of current affairs, resulting in unequal statuses and wrongdoings. (Bong, 2 Hrs and 10 Mins). The film’s climax highlights a point where the two families, Kim and Park, face each other head-on, revealing the subjacent strife and asking for discourse on the existing power relations. This part of the film shows clearly that the oppressive social order and the exploitation of the less fortunate are the realities of this world and that the only way to fight for justice is to stand up. The film also illustrates how the Kims actively shape the strategic situation and their efforts to rise in the class hierarchy, as their results are bound to the political environment. Kim’s family becomes like a hidden cancer and gradually kills the public image they have. However, they provoke and defy with all their might existing power inequalities for a little while.
6.0. Conclusion
In conclusion, the movie strives to analyze numerous societal aspects, including identity, class structure, culture, and participatory culture. This movie’s depiction of social classes, power balances, and the central character’s quest for self-discovery and acceptance into a new environment throws new light upon the mystery of today’s mass media. Through the eyes of “Parasite,” media has gained much recognition in cultural studies. Identifying and belonging in a class struggle is a recurring theme: “The narration of the social dynamics and the role of power is a constant theme in the film.” The film portrays the characters as they try to deal with their given circumstances within the class system, which promotes many important discussions like inequality, cultural stereotypes, and media representation of the issue from different social classes. With it, the audience will be looking at how it best reflects and perpetuates the dominant narrative of our media culture, which is to enforce and maintain the underlying social norms.”Parasite” stands out as a very important movie providing critiques of social hierarchies of power relations issues that are especially thought-provoking. This is a hyper challenge to the audience to think critically about how media impacts individuals` concepts of perception, class identity, and cultural attitudes. “Parasite” uses an evident and striking way to show sometimes critical and other times obnoxious media culture; it is a movie that leaves a deep impression on the viewer’s mind. With the topics of identity, class, culture, and participatory culture being in the spotlight, the film makes us aware of the complex society we live in and also encourages us to understand how the media plays a role in molding our ideas of this society.
Bong, J. H. (Director). (2019). Parasite [Film].
Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste. Harvard University Press.
Hall, S. (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
Ritzer, I. (2022). Media and Genre: Dialogues in Aesthetics and Cultural Analysis. Springer International Publishing Ag.
Smith, J. (2020). Examining Social Class: A Critical Analysis. Journal of Film Studies, 25(2), 45-63