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Management and Organizational Behavior

Leadership is a crucial quality that denotes steering a group of individuals toward a common goal (Butler and Lee, 2017). According to the organizational aim, leaders have a number of significant duties to fulfill. A leader must preserve a solid connection between the work of the organization’s personnel, responsibilities, and effort. As a leader, Craig Poole, the general manager of Hilton, carries out a variety of duties. Adair claims that the action-centered paradigm is used to evaluate the effectiveness of leaders. This paper will suggest this leadership style to the Hilton’s general manager. These models are used to show how well managers perform and provide leadership in various areas of the company.

Craig Poole’s entire performance, including leaders’ individual and team performance, is analyzed using the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid. The depth of leadership as well as any improper leading qualities will be evaluated, according to the Blake and Mouton management grid (Bartosch and Baule, 2017). This grid accurately indicates both the manager’s individual management style and job performance. This argument claims that Blake and Mouton’s grid solely studies these two factors in order to assess leadership ability. Person-centeredness and action-centeredness are these two aspects. This grid assumes that managers would choose their preferred leadership style based on the five possible combinations (Adair, 2019). These five distinct grid types are listed below in accordance with the Blake and Mouton grid: team management, country club management, task management, middle of the road management, and bad management (C, 2021). The Doubletree by Hilton general manager is subjected to this grid. Strong oversights in task-centeredness and action-centeredness characterize Craig Poole as a manager.

He strikes a balance between his care for people and his desire for production by realizing that success relies on both. According to Poole, his philosophy of leadership is built on building relationships with his team and encouraging future communication. As a leader, he will seriously lose the thoughts, viewpoints, and opinions of his group.

Additionally, Craig Pool is successful in fostering an environment at work that promotes participation and job satisfaction. By employing a large portion of input, wants, and potential, grateful always looks to maximize output. He understands the importance of personnel retention, thus they should always make improvements to the workplace. He also adheres to the principle of providing the greatest service possible to clients and goes above and beyond to make sure that visitors to the Doubletree by Hilton are well-cared for. The best example of leadership is seen in the organizational grid with the black mountains.

The leadership style of the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid is appropriate for Craig Poole. Because Poole is firmly committed to fostering an atmosphere of prosperity for all of its employees. He also worries about even the smallest requests and interests of the workforce.

The capacity of an organization to do its responsibilities and yet achieve positive organizational outcomes is something that Craig Poole emphasizes more. The strong relationship Poole has developed with his team members is evident in his leadership approach. In an interview, he emphasized how crucial it is to provide his employees the tools they need to continue producing strong results for the company (Bartosch and Castrillón, 2017). Because of this, Craig established an atmosphere of open communication inside the organization where new issues could be discussed and tasks could be learned. Craig Poole does a superb job with Hilton’s double tree, which he greatly enhanced. The Doubletree Hilton has earned several honors as a result of the strong support of its visitors and patrons. Craig Poole’s superb leadership has considerably helped our organization and raised overall earnings. Additionally, Craig Poole’s leadership skills aid in gradually raising team morale and productivity. The leadership style is adequately portrayed by Blake and Mouton’s managerial grids. Craig Poole has a very flexible approach to leadership. Craig Poole placed a strong focus on collaboration and output. He understands the advantages a powerful duo may have on the organization’s production pace. Craig Poole maintains a harmonious balance between the two.

Team control is a fundamental leadership quality that ties improved performance to happier employees. Craig Poole works with his employees to guarantee the organizational objective in order to accomplish long-term business goals. In order to promote corporate success, Craig Poole’s astute leadership style encourages open channels of communication with the employees. In order for the workforce to provide their best effort, Craig’s management style emphasizes building relationships with them on all levels (Qadach and Schechter, 2022).

The Blake and Mouton management grids demonstrate how much emphasis is placed on both people and production capabilities. In order to maintain a high degree of leadership, Craig, a successful manager, prioritizes both the job and the people (Bienmal and Konan Richard, 2022). A good leader must care about the outcomes in addition to the followers they are responsible for. Craig exemplifies how closely teamwork and results are related. In the business, Craig Poole promotes a friendly workplace culture that raises productivity and employee contentment. He is promoting a collaborative work environment while also highlighting the relationship between customers and employees. The balanced leadership states of the Blake and Mouton Managerial grid result in the best output for consumers.

Some people think that Blake and Mouton’s managerial grids leadership philosophy overlooks important leadership aspects that affect organizational dynamics. Leadership traits will often alter when corporate culture and history do. The internal atmosphere and diversified work environment may influence changes in leadership. Organizational structure and culture eventually produced leadership attributes. According to the Blake and Mouton Managerial grids, Craig Poole’s leadership style is effective in a team environment where production and people are given top priority depending on contextual circumstances (Bienmal and Konan Richard, 2022).

Action-Centered Model of Adair

The three phases in Adair’s action-centered approach for evaluating leadership effectiveness are quite successful. This model focuses on the key roles that a leader must embrace in order to successfully manage a team and possess the necessary leadership abilities (Adair, 2019). Adair’s three main components of action-centered leadership are as follows: team building, task completion, and individual growth. To accomplish the job, to lead and grow the team or group, and to manage Individuals are three essential components that Craig employs (Yun & Kim, 2017). The Adair action-centered approach encourages leaders to maintain excellent leadership abilities in order to accomplish the organizational objective. This model assists in obtaining the typical leadership style that is most effective in the business by carrying out a number of duties, including job completion, team building and maintenance, and individual growth.

completing the mission An accomplished hotel manager with excellent managerial skills is Craig Poole. Due to his knowledge of the three essential elements of the Action Centered Leadership method and his shown ability to employ each element in the right situation, he also has the potential to be a leader (Kuttner & Mayer-Glenn, 2022). Because of the outcomes, confidence boosts, support for the performance of professional teams, and productivity growth that follow from Poole’s ability to achieve all of this while keeping the proper balance, Poole is recognized as a superb manager and leader. As a result, his organization becomes more effective.

Creating and Maintaining a Team Craig Poole of the Doubletree Hilton employs each element of John Adair’s technique in an endeavor to attain parity in importance and success, which is expected to occur when the proper ratio between all three is struck (Armitage and Sowman, 2020). As a strong leader, Craig will adapt his level of focus on the three variables to each circumstance while keeping in mind how each one influences the other two in his business. A dynamic manager and regional director of marketing with experience in the hotel sector, Craig Poole. By developing solid connections and forging consensus, a strategic leader may boost top and bottom-line sales (Kuttner & Mayer-Glenn, 2022). This concept was inspired by John Adair’s action-centered management mission paradigm, which is well suited to the demands of modern executive leadership and helped him make substantial success (Yun & Kim, 2017). Craig considers the many performance-related aspects in his surroundings. Craig uses the performance characteristics that are essential for success in his situation while constructing his assessment, as well as locally relevant data, into the framework.

Creating Personal Needs: Given that his managing duties for completing the job are as follows, Craig Poole has shown to be a very useful management strategy for him: He has shown his ability to describe the activities conducted in line with the task-based management style of the organization as well as the goals, objectives, reasons, and direction of the group. For his position, he has considerably contributed in the identification of resources, personnel, policies, processes, strategies, and methods (particularly those relating to finances, communications, and IT) (Kuttner & Mayer-Glenn, 2022). Additionally, Craig Poole has created a plan for completing the assignment that includes project specifications, KPIs, timetables, a strategic plan, and methodology. Craig has clearly shown that using an informal contract and a negotiating team makes it possible to describe rules, dependability, timing, and data delivery features in addition to regulating. Establish the role and responsibilities, as well as the objectives, metrics, and reporting criteria.

Craig has been monitoring the strategy’s overall efficacy and evaluating updates on the group’s progress. He has done this by modifying, reviewing, and reevaluating the software. Craig Poole and his team concentrate on competency, morality, openness, and a laser-like attention on objectives while anticipating and resolving group disputes, conflicts, or disagreements (Li, G. and W, 2018). In order to develop the group, cooperation, inspiration, and team spirit as a whole, it is critical to regularly assess the group’s composition and content. This will gradually increase the group’s independence and authority (Müller & Jain, 2018). The team will be motivated as a consequence to complete its tasks and goals. Make sure that the Craig has made an effort to motivate the group, promote their unity, and facilitate their recognition. This has served to both draw attention to their flaws and greatly benefit and promote group conversations both inside and beyond the group (Montgomery, 2020). Craig Poole has been tasked with interacting with the public, gathering feedback, and giving constructive criticism on overall development. The following commitments you have as a manager to each employee: Knowing each team member as an individual, including their personality, skills, accomplishments, wants, goals, and worries, has been very useful (Yun, J. and Kim, 2017). Additionally, it has supported them as they cope with suggestions, problems, obstacles, and changes inside the company. The determination of each person’s educational objectives and responsibilities has also been greatly aided by this, as well as by the provision of social recognition and praise, confirmation of effort and exceptional achievement when required, and the following characteristics with added responsibility, advancement, and social standing (Kengatharan & Puviraj, 2021). In order to train and develop each team member to achieve personal independence and authority, Craig Poole’s excellent leadership has made sure that each team member’s abilities and attributes have been recognized, developed, and exploited (Kuttner & Mayer-Glenn, 2022). By providing his best kind of leadership, Craig Pooles consistently makes the link between the team’s efforts and results.

Finally, according to Adair, the relationship between collaboration and people authority demonstrates Craig Poole’s leadership as being relevant and successful inside the business to produce the maximum output (Kuttner & Mayer-Glenn, 2022). Focusing on a team’s development while also addressing each member’s requirements via insightful development is Craig Poole’s area of expertise in leadership. The harmony of the workplace and production is central to Craig Poole’s leadership philosophy. He is a leader with exceptional vision, the ability to develop teams, excellent management skills, and analytical prowess. Additionally, building good relationships inside the business is essential for a leader to show their leadership skills.


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