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Management and Leadership for Museum Management

This paper discusses the differences between management and leadership in museums, referring to the Manual of Museum Management by Barry Lord & Gail Dexter (2018) and Museum Administration by Genoways et al. (2019) as sources to test this theory. The former distinguishes five fundamental roles in museum management by mentioning an efficient way to complete tasks based on the utilization of resources that lead to successful attainment of organizational objectives.[1]. Conversely, the latter refers to introducing leadership as multidimensional terminology encompassing practices, i.e., visionary shared and innovation-based. From Lord’s and Lawer’s interpretation, management is well fixated on the tasks and processes that enhance efficiency in operations,. At the same time, in Genoways et al. opinion, leadership drives people, creates an environment of Innovations, and shapes healthy organizational culture.

The management and the leadership shall have different approaches when focusing on the same process in a smooth and healthy function because both were harmonizing each other’s activities that took place in the museum.[2]. Philosophical fields recognized by Lord and Lord in ‘The Manual of Museum Management’ in addition to basics of leadership not only as revealed in Genoways et al. but ‘Museum Administration authors propose a more comprehensive understanding of these distinctions.

Focus on Tasks vs. People

Management by the way it is represented through the Lord and the Lord focuses on pathways of proper task coordination, resource employment, and productivity.[3]. On the other hand, leadership manifests itself in individuals such as those in Genoways et al. It focuses on awareness, motivation, and team cohesion from the leadership level. Execution efficiency in management is one, but its effectiveness is another assertion of leadership. This section presents the range of elements necessary for museum management, which combine task-oriented productivity with a ‘total person’ approach to hit a compromise between objective realization and humanistic leadership.

Control vs. Innovation

In all its aspects, control has been advocated by management in an attempt to ensure stability through adherence to standard guidelines.[4]. At the same time, leadership centers on innovation, keeping its limits with the norm and creating an environment of constant improvement.[5]. A culture that leadership fosters is based on creative imaginations that work occurs to be the one that becomes the motivation for reform and change to adapt to new ideas. This illustrates a point of tension between control and innovation, and this dynamic tension is crucial to the organization’s growth and development when faced with challenges.

Short-term vs. Long-term Goals

The characteristics of such managers are usually focused on short-term goals as they want to approach effectiveness and frontal movement toward specific tasks[6]. In contrast, leadership is accompanied by a highly strategic approach that addresses the need for long, medium, and short-term goals.[7]. The leadership fosters the strategic planning and visioning of a universally accepted road map for organizational success that provides endurance to the capacity of the entity to react adaptively to future traumas. This marks the complementary nature of short-term and managerial efficiency and visionary long-term leadership that is needed for the holistic success of the organization.

Decision-Making vs. Inspiring Change

The role of management is founded on the decisions which are made according to the process and procedures which have previously been defined.[8]. However, leadership entails more than average decision-making and strives to set change, transform situations that require different solutions, and teach others to address challenges as the development circumstances.

Practical Examples:

Management Strategy

Museums to be ready for a large-scale exhibition, the play of effective management in managing multifaceted components becomes crucial. These include preparation for the curatorship, the setup of the exhibit, marketing, and, ,logistics.[9]. Resources are presented efficiently, and the discipline of deadlines, as well as ideal logistics through which everything is arranged perfectly and the event, turns out to be a success with the help of management, makes sure that. This carefully designed and planned exhibition runs smoothly since it delivers the required level of quality dictated by the nature of the cultural sector, as well as reinforcing the museum’s image that offers immersive and compelling exhibitions to its audience.

Leadership Strategy

As such, leadership turns into the absolute imperative in certain cases of drastic changes in industrial matters or if there is a technological revolution.[10]. For instance, as virtual reality exhibitions in museums emerged and were adopted, the leadership strategy might focus on corporate teams’ creation of collective visions along with accepting these changes as tech trends’ breakthroughs and exploring new talents. Through deletion moments, we are directly practicing an entrepreneurial leadership-based change in all the landscapes that constantly change with time.

Combining Management and Leadership

Proper financial restructuring and management are all important to keeping costs down, ensuring efficient delivery, and attaining viability.[11]. However, the appropriate leadership, in this case, promotes awakening and channeling enthusiasm among the team members. Leaders provide information about the big picture, making employees feel that they are part of a mission and dedicated to the long-term goals of an organization regardless of apparent financial problems.

Lastly, the relationship between management and leadership in a museum is reciprocated.[12] . For that reason, a museum must be able to distinguish well the differences between these highly varied challenges and thus realize equal peculiarities and individual advantages of every strategy. At least two of the approaches stated will represent how operation efficiency, innovation, and organizational culture resilience could be achieved in an evolving environment for culture organizations.


Although management and leadership are not discussed in terms of museum management, taking a closer look at both shows that they are intertwined;. Both can only work with the other because they coordinatecoordinate toto supportsupport the success of cultural institutions. The content of “The Manual of Museum Management” and “Museum Administration 2.0”, on the other hand, point out the subtleties between these concepts. Management is task-oriented, process-oriented, and efficient, ensuring that most of the day-to-day activities undertaken are guaranteed by the processes that must be followed to accomplish a large trade show. Instead, the business still needs people orientation, innovativeness, and visionary leadership during transformations within the industry or technological innovation that takes the museum into the future.

Summation of the management and leadership approaches has been proven to be one of the best strategies, which are still widely used, especially during financial restructuring. Leadership does what management cannot do: provides the energy and ambition that will inspire a team to stay committed to the organization in the long run despite facing obstacles in the short term. This relationship helps establish an indelible cultural structure in museums that creates a permanent scenario for both short and long-term growth as the field of culture continues to evolve.



Griffin, D. J. G. 2021. “Managing in the Museum Organization: I. Leadership and Communication.” International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 6 (4): 387–98.

Griffin, Des, and Morris Abraham. 2021. “The Effective Management of Museums: Cohesive Leadership and Visitor-Focused Public Programming.” International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 18 (4): 335–68.

Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum ManagementGoogle Books. Rowman Altamira.

Genoways. 2020. “Museum Administration 2.0 |” 2020.



[3] Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum Management. Google Books. Rowman Altamira.

[4] Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum Management. Google Books. Rowman Altamira.

[5] Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum Management. Google Books. Rowman Altamira.

[6] Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum Management. Google Books. Rowman Altamira.

[7] Genoways. 2020. “Museum Administration 2.0 |” 2020.

[8] Lord, Barry, and Gail Dexter Lord. 2020. The Manual of Museum Management. Google Books. Rowman Altamira.

[9] Griffin, Des, and Morris Abraham. 2021. “The Effective Management of Museums: Cohesive Leadership and Visitor-Focused Public Programming.” International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 18 (4): 335–68.

[10] Griffin, D. J. G. 2021. “Managing in the Museum Organization: I. Leadership and Communication.” International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 6 (4): 387–98.




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