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Literature Essays

Critical Analysis of Dagoberto Gilb’s Love in L.A Story

In his short story Love in L.A., Dagoberto Gilb depicts a fascinating tale that explores the intricate nature of human relationships, individual desires, and difficulties encountered by immigrants living within American borders. The setting of the story is in Los Angeles which represents a city where ethnicity mix and American Dream exists. The plot of this story ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 840

Second Attempt Crossing

The poetry “Second Attempt Crossing” by Zamora Javier is a lyric that discusses immigration and the experiences of individuals to tend to move beyond the border. However, the poem takes its setting on the border of the United States and Mexico. Whereby the speaker and Chino attempt to cross the border illegally. The lyric’s setting ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 666
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How Essayist Langston Hughes “Shows” Us His Childhood Experiences in “Salvation”

Short stories, essays, poems, and other literal works often mirror the author’s experience and interaction with the social environment. Authors consciously or unconsciously express their beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions on different aspects through fictional or factual narrations, creating a relatable mood or tone among the audience. Langston Hughes’s Essay, “Salvation,” captures his teenage experience with ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1415

Imagery in the Handmaid’s Tale

Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” is about Gilead in a dystopia where women, under the guise of religion, were treated as sub-humans. The women had no self-identity and played handmaids, Econowives, wives, and Martha’s roles. The women survived in a highly patriarchal society that saw them stripped of their individuality, including their original names. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885

Balancing Justice and Empathy: Anik’s Struggle Untethering in Moral Hazards

Literature has the compelling and unique ability to present stories that foster empathy and offer perspectives that transcend geographical or cultural boundaries, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the emotional complexities of the characters. Jamil Zaki, in the War for Kindness, argues that there are ways to achieve an increase in empathy, with the common element ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1840

Social Resistance in Literary Work

Literary work serves a crucial role within society through its ability to depict change and social norms. Social resistance is a common theme within the novels “Things Fall Apart” and “White Teeth” as they show diverse experiences in social resistance within Europe and Africa continents. Chinua Achebe and Zadie Smith employ the social resistance theme ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2383

Exploring the Theme of Resilience in the Wind and a Boy and Iron Child

“The Wind and a Boy” and “Iron Child” are captivating stories that each paint a special picture of the human journey set against unique backgrounds. These tales resolve the complexities of life, resilience, and the human spirit in the face of adversity. The theme of resilience is the main idea that connects both stories. Both Friedman ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1845

Transformation of the Imprisoned Sole

In the captivating poem “To the Foot from Its Childhood” by Pablo Neruda, readers see the changes that transpire in a child’s foot, showing that community policies affect people’s visions. Through an interplay of rhyme, rhythm, words chosen, pictures, order of words, hidden meaning, voice, and the foot’s personality, it becomes easy to show the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1085

Cultural Reflections in Shakespeare’s Othello

Historical and Cultural Context The Elizabethan worldview, primarily based on concepts of racial superiority and ethnocentrism, is shown in “Othello,” where the title person’s Moorish beginning will become a source of mistrust and hostility. The drama is about a generation in which change and exploration were the most important elements influencing the mentality of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 764

How Does Shakespeare Present the Character of Lady Macbeth?

Shakespeare’s seminal tragedy, “Macbeth,” presents the theme of evil through the protagonist’s character. Through the theme of evil, Shakespeare demonstrates how ambition is driven by an individual’s will to do evil. Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s ambitious characters are the leading causes of evil. Moreover, Shakespeare uses the character of Macbeth to explore the effects of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1447

Study on Min Jin Lee.

Min Jin Lee is a popular South Kean Author born in Seoul, South Korea, but later settled in the United States in 1976 with her family. However, Min Jin Lee is known across the globe basically for her work which often dealt with Korean American and Korean topics and is graded best because of her ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1695

A Certain Lady

The theme of Dorothy Parker’s poem A Certain Lady is unrequited love. She talks about her intense emotional bond with her partner and the complicated façade she must maintain to keep them around. The poem tells the story of a woman’s love for a mysterious man. It seems to be a monologue demonstrating how the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 763

Madness and Murder in “What a Thought” and “Time and Again”

In Shirley Jackson’s “What a Thought” and Breece D’J Pancake’s “Time and Again,” the explanation of surprising and unsettling revelations about human psychology is an impulse for violence that is unexplainable and unjustifiable. Margaret and the narrator are thus the main protagonists of “What a Thought” and “Time and Again.” In any event, it is ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1383

Divergent Paths of Beneatha’s Love: Unveiling Themes Through George Murchison and Joseph Asagai in a Raisin in the Sun

Introduction Many of Lorraine Hansberry’s theatrical adaptations, like A Raisin in the Sun, set the action squarely in the present day. Racism and social inequality are symbolized by the Younger family’s precarious financial status. The great George Murchison, Joseph Asagai, and Beneatha Younger will co-host a conversation on love and self-improvement. This essay explores the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 632
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