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Healthcare Disparities Essays

Nursing Ethics Case Study

Healthcare ethics consists of numerous complex cases, such as the one presented in the story of Breeze, and they are handled with a high degree of multi-directionalness, which is an endeavor of compassion, professionalism, and the observance of ethical standards. This case provides a multidimensional view of the subject area, where a boy aged 13 ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2609

An Exploration of Introduction and APA Chapter 5

Creswell and Creswell (2023) elucidate that an effective introduction necessitates jotting down ideas to help organize one’s thoughts and cultivate a regular writing routine. Employing consistent terminology, varying narrative levels, and ensuring coherence is essential to enhance writing skills. Additionally, utilizing the active voice and robust verbs and engaging in thorough revision and editing processes ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1222
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Analyzing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Policy

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), or “Obamacare,” has been a critical piece of healthcare legislation in the United States that sought to address the long-standing problems of accessibility to affordable healthcare. In 2010, the ACA mandated a broad range of reforms aimed at increasing insurance coverage, improving healthcare quality and reducing financial accessibility for many ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1306

Navigating Discrimination and Its Behavioral Effects

Behavioral diversity can be profoundly influenced by the uneven power dynamics generated externally from factors such as discrimination, oppression, prejudice, and aggression, affecting an individual’s ability to make sound decisions. This innate relationship between these societal forces impacted on individuals brings out different outcomes as everyone reacts differently to the other, emphasizing a need to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 853

Enhancing Healthcare for the LGBTQ+ Community

Introduction. For decades, and possibly even centuries, the gay community has been marginalized – a pressing issue that persists to this day. Despite recent progress in LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance, gays continue to face discrimination, which ultimately affects their ability to communicate health issues effectively or access healthcare services. This introduction sheds light on these ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2915

Final Strategic Plan for Acme Clinic

Executive Summary Acme Medical Center (AMC) is a clinic in Eureka Springs, created with the aim of enhancing healthcare standards among vulnerable communities in rural areas. In most rural settings, there are multiple healthcare accessibility barriers, resulting in lower standards that contribute to the disparity within the country. Moreover, chronic healthcare issues are some of ... Read More
Pages: 19       Words: 4986

Healthcare Disparities; Annotated Bibliography on Healthcare Disparities

Overview of Healthcare Disparities Disparities have been a concern in healthcare for quite some time, as they are influenced by historical, social, and structural factors that result in unequal health outcomes and treatment for different communities. While there are numerous definitions of “healthcare disparities,” Ndugga and Artiga (2023), define them as “differences in healthcare and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1913

Eliminating Disparities in Rural Underserved

The idea of health inequities is not novel, but efforts have been undertaken to rectify this imbalance. Because of the increasing diversity in the United States, it is more important than ever to identify health disparities and work toward eliminating them. It should come as no surprise that nurses are often at the front of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 733

Cancer Care and Access to Health Equity

Introduction Non-communicable diseases such as cancer contribute to increased morbidity and mortality rates. Globally, the mortality rates associated with cancer account for many disease-related deaths. Therefore, there is a need for interventions and strategies to address healthcare inequities and ensure equitable access to health for all populations. Currently, several advancements in cancer screening and treatment ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1621

Black Women Mortality Disparities

Black women have a higher hospital mortality rate than other demographic groups, a serious medical issue. Black women had a greater incidence of chronic diseases and maternal mortality than white women (Singh 31). This difference has lasted decades. Additionally, healthcare inequities like lower quality care and unconscious bias by healthcare providers are more likely. This ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1221

Mary Johnson Case Study –Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Description. I intend to employ the Clinical Yarning method, which entails active listening and a culturally appropriate communication style that respects and honors the patient’s cultural background and experiences, to build rapport and trust with Mrs. Johnson. Before the meeting, I’ll take some time to consider how my cultural prejudices and presumptions can influence how ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1602

Structural Racism in Healthcare Systems in Canada

Although the Canadian government has changed these practices, the implications of this racism are still felt to date. According to (Dryden & Nnorom, 2021), during the Canadian colonial period, the nation’s healthcare system was premised on the idea that people of color deserved less care than other Canadian citizens. These medical myths and beliefs are ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2116

The Difficulties That Elderly People of Color Face in Nursing Homes

 Introduction  Background information Neglect, abuse, and unequal treatment of older adults of color in nursing homes are significant problems that result from systemic racism ingrained in the industry. Healthcare disparities exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic have further highlighted these issues, which have severe physical and mental health consequences for elderly individuals. Thesis statement: Examining multiple ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2297

Health Injustices Faced by Elderly People of Color Living in Nursing Homes in the U.S

Introduction With the growing number of elderly people in need of care, nursing homes and long-term care facilities have become more vital than ever. However, these institutions pose significant health disparities for aging individuals from minority communities, which could lead to a lower quality of life, limited independence, and untimely death. To build evidence supporting ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Healthcare Discrimination Against Black Americans

Racial discrimination has been one of the most significant challenges faced by the healthcare system in the United States for an extended period. Some causes of racism in the healthcare system include non-inclusive laws, discrimination against other individuals, and personal interests, which have hindered the proper provision of reasonable care to all individuals regardless of ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3099
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