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Levels of Individual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


When it comes to organizational development, one of the most important topics to discuss is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at the individual level. It is crucial for businesses to establish an environment that is welcoming to all employees, one that recognizes, appreciates, and respects each person’s unique qualities. Donald R. Brown’s book “The Experiential Approach to Organizational Development” describes DEI at the individual level. In this article, we address how organizations can cultivate an atmosphere that is receptive to the growth of a diverse and inclusive workforce. In addition, it gives valuable tools and methods that can be utilized when putting DEI projects into action. This article will present a survey of the academic and practical literature on the subject, as well as an outline of the book’s discussion of DEI at the individual level. In addition, it will explore the potential applications of DEI efforts within the change cycle, the benefits and drawbacks of such initiatives, and the experiences of businesses that have already implemented them (Grubbs 2020, P.25).

A Brief Synopsis of the Book

At the individual level, the Experiential Approach to Organizational Development provides a detailed overview of DEI. It starts by talking about how important it is to foster an inclusive environment that recognizes, appreciates, and respects the unique qualities that each employee brings to the table. Following this, an explanation of the aspects of DEI programs, such as diversity training, cultural awareness, and the formulation of a DEI policy, is provided. The book also includes valuable tools and tactics for putting DEI projects into action, such as conducting surveys, participating in focus groups, and developing action plans. The final section outlines the potential benefits of implementing DEI projects, such as higher employee engagement, enhanced communication, and increased productivity. Experiential Approach to Organizational Development can be utilized to promote DEI in the workplace by providing a comprehensive overview of the various components of DEI and how to implement them effectively. It can be accomplished using the Experiential Approach to Organizational Development (EAOD). This strategy encourages firms to cultivate a culture of respect and inclusion for all employees, irrespective of their historical or cultural origins. In addition, it gives helpful tools and strategies for putting DEI initiatives into action, such as engaging in focus groups, conducting surveys, and building action plans. This strategy can also assist firms in identifying areas in which DDEI activities can be enhanced, as well as the possible benefits resulting from implementing DEI projects. In conclusion, this strategy can assist organizations in developing an atmosphere in which staff members feel respected and at ease and are free to be themselves while doing their jobs.

Literature in the Fields of Study and Practice

The scholarly literature on diversity, equity, and inclusion at the individual level offers insights into the possible advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. For instance, research has shown that activities aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion can lead to increased employee engagement, improvements in communication, and increased levels of productivity (Brown 2021, P.200-300). In addition, studies have shown that programs promoting DEI can result in higher job satisfaction, increased job performance, and reduced employee turnover (Brown 2021, P.200-300). In addition, studies have shown that programs aimed at promoting DEI can result in higher customer satisfaction and improved customer loyalty (Brown 2021, P.200-300).

The empirical literature on DEI at the individual level offers a window into businesses’ experiences implementing DEI initiatives. For instance, a study of the experiences of businesses that have implemented DEI initiatives indicated that those businesses have seen increased employee engagement, enhanced communication, and increased productivity as a result of the implementation of the DEI projects (Brown 2021, P.200-300). According to the study’s findings, businesses that have implemented DEI programs have seen enhanced levels of job satisfaction, greater levels of job performance, and reduced levels of employee turnover (Brown 2021, P.200-300). The research also indicated that businesses that have implemented DEI projects have seen increasing levels of consumer satisfaction and improved levels of customer loyalty (Brown 2021, P.200-300).

Applications within the Process of Alteration

DEI initiatives can be utilized in the change cycle to create an inclusive environment that appreciates and respects the individual differences of all employees. It can be accomplished by creating an atmosphere that values and respects diversity (Gyebi 2018, P.50). For instance, Diversity and Equality in the Workplace (DEI) efforts can be utilized to determine possible trouble spots in a business, such as a requirement for diversity training or the requirement for the development of a DEI policy. In addition, DEI initiatives can be utilized to establish action plans to address these areas of improvement. In conclusion, DEI projects can be used to track how far the company has come in its efforts to cultivate an inclusive culture within the company. Current policy and practice can be evaluated with the help of DEI initiatives. In order to achieve this, surveys can be used to assess the level of diversity and equality currently present in the workplace. After conducting such surveys, one can use the data to pinpoint problem areas and formulate solutions.

Additionally, new policies and procedures that support diversity and equality can be created and implemented with the help of DEI initiatives. All employees may be assured that they will be treated fairly and equitably thanks to these policies and processes, which can be adapted to meet the business’s unique demands (Marina 2010, P.44-60). Finally, the organization’s success in implementing its plans to become a more welcoming place of work can be tracked through DEI activities. One way to do this is to keep tabs on how many staff members have gone through diversity training, how many have received promotions, and how many have been hired from underrepresented groups.

The Good and the Bad

Increased employee engagement, enhanced communication, increased productivity, increased job satisfaction, increased job performance, and reduced employee turnover are all potential benefits of DEI programs. In addition, initiatives based on DEI can result in enhanced levels of consumer satisfaction and improved levels of customer loyalty. However, there is the possibility of several possible negatives associated with DEI projects, such as the requirement for additional resources and the possibility of opposition from workers.

The perspectives of various businesses

Positive outcomes have been reported by a significant majority of businesses that have put DEI projects into action. These businesses have reported greater levels of staff engagement, improved communication levels, increased productivity, job satisfaction, and job performance, and decreased levels of employee turnover. In addition, these businesses have reported greater levels of consumer satisfaction and increasing levels of customer loyalty.


The topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the individual level are crucial topics to discuss when it comes to the development of organizations. The Experiential Approach to Organizational Development offers a complete review of DEI at the individual level and valuable tools and tactics for implementing DEI projects. In addition, the academic and practical literature on the subject provides insights into the potential benefits of DEI projects and the experiences of firms that have implemented them in the past. Moreover, DEI initiatives can be utilized in the change cycle to create an inclusive environment that appreciates and respects the individual differences of all employees (Berry 2016, P.70). This can be accomplished by creating an atmosphere that values and respects diversity. Increased employee engagement, enhanced communication, increased productivity, increased job satisfaction, increased job performance, and reduced employee turnover are all potential benefits of DEI programs. However, there is the possibility of several possible negatives associated with DEI projects, such as the requirement for additional resources and the possibility of opposition from workers.


Brown, D.R. and Harvey, D., 2021. An experiential approach to organization development. Pearson Education.

Berry, J., 2016. Diversity and equity. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.

Gyebi, K., 2018. The Impact of Multicultural Working Environment on Employees at Workplaces.

Grubbs, V., 2020. Diversity, equity, and inclusion that matter. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(4), p.e25.

Marina, B.M., 2010. Managing diversity in communities, workplaces, and society. Diversity and Public Administration: Theory, Issues, and Perspectives, pp.44-60.


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