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Leadership Styles in Workplace Dynamics

Trait and behavioral theories are two types of approaches in the leadership science. They seem different, judging from the fact that they both focus on different areas and assume distinct natures of leadership. Trait theories believe that individuals possess certain natural traits and qualities that make them predisposed to successful leadership. The leadership attributes that can be mentioned include confidence, strength, honor, empathy, and assertiveness (Verawati & Hartono, 2020). Typically, trait theory presumes that such abilities are inherited in leaders, and having such traits indicates their ability to lead people effectively.

Behavioral theories alter the starting point from inherent properties to actions and conduct. Such theories imply that good leadership is not tied to specific personality attributes but skills and behavioral practices that can be learned. Behavioral theories categorize leadership behaviors into two main types: task-oriented and people-oriented. The task-oriented behaviors are goal setting, planning, and performance control; the people-oriented behaviors aim to establish relationships, encourage teamwork, and create a positive climate at the workplace. Character-based theories concentrate on the naturalistic qualities of leaders, which are inherited, while behavioral theories witness the acquired characteristics that actuate effective leadership practices (Verawati & Hartono, 2020). First, trait theories hypothesize that some permanent traits determine leadership success, while behavioral theories assert that leadership success is a consequence of visible actions and behaviors.

In transactional leadership, what the leaders offer to exchange with the followers. This form of leadership is based on a reward and punishment system since the leader is expected to set high standards, reward compliance, and punish deviations. The transactional leader is centered on orderliness, accomplishing specific tasks, and attaining prescribed end goals (Purwanto, 2021). This approach is suitable for situations in which compliance and control are needed simultaneously to solve a crisis or, strictly speaking, simply routine.

Transformational leadership is an improvement of transactional leadership; it does not limit itself to earnings in exchange but seeks to inspire and advance followers into achieving tremendous results. Transformational leaders are interested in developing a vision that appeals to their followers, promoting innovation, creating creativity, and ensuring personal and professional development. This technique is particularly effective during organizational change and growth and when a shared vision and commitment are needed (Purwanto, 2021). Transformational leaders encourage subordinates to surpass their performance and promote the organization’s performance.

Transactional leadership is based on a formal arrangement of incentives and penalties for task completion. On the other hand, transformational leadership uses an inspirational direction, pushing followers to perform heroic deeds to achieve extraordinary results. The decision as to which of these styles to use usually depends on the organizational setting and peculiarities of challenges.

Integrating authentic leadership characteristics in a sales leadership role enables the leader to enhance their performance, contributing to the sales team’s success. Self-awareness is essential for a sales leader to know their strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness enables leaders to utilize their strengths, like good communication and negotiation skills, while actively seeking to address and build upon their blind spots (Gardner et al., 2021). Such increased self-consciousness allows the leader to make better decisions and enables him to lead and support the team successfully.

Relational transparency is an important factor in developing trust in the sales team. Open and sincere communication fosters a cooperative culture, encouraging employees to voice their opinions and issues. Trust is very crucial in sales, and a leader who is an open book can strengthen relationships and improve teamwork and overall performance.

In a sales leadership position, balanced processing is vital because it allows consideration of different views. Sales teams regularly face different client needs and issues. A balanced leader can bring different views together, enabling the team to formulate strategies that can meet the needs of every customer separately (Gardner et al., 2021). This flexibility helps the team in meeting the expectations of its clients.

Internalized moral perspective guarantees ethical reasoning in decision-making. In sales, trust is the essence of maintaining long-term clients. A real leader with an internal moral point of view ensures that ethical issues always come first in every decision, thus ensuring the entire sales procedure is trustworthy.

The path-goal theory consists of four leadership behaviors – directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented – that are functionally applied in the workplace to motivate employees. These four behavior patterns are useful in production because they are essential in increasing efficiency and developing optimum performance.

Instructions are critical, especially in directive behavior, as they serve in effective decision-making, remembering the decision properly implemented to organize the production processes without allowing errors to prevail on the premises (Bans-Akutey, 2021). The clarity of guidance ensures that employees’ parameters are clear such that they clearly understand their scope, deadline, and assumption to deliver effectively and more efficiently without the chances for mistakes.

Supportive employee behavior is highly important for creating a positive working climate, which is one of the necessities for the satisfaction of employees and their performance. In a production space, the growing of an accommodating atmosphere can facilitate a culture of teamwork, lessening tension levels and encouraging a better workplace, eventually causing improved productivity.

Participative leadership gains importance in projects where team members come into play in a production environment. Team members become willing to innovate and begin to see problems from a different perspective, ultimately leading to collective problem-solving, which means owning our decisions.

The force of achievement-oriented behavior makes it workable, especially in complicated situations, as it effectively motivates the employees to overcome the limits of performance and base their decisions on the drive to seek higher targets (Bans-Akutey, 2021). In a production environment, setting high targets and identifying, celebrating, and rewarding employees for meeting or surpassing them improve staff satisfaction and performance.


Bans-Akutey, A. (2021). The path-goal theory of leadership. Academia Letters2.

Gardner, W. L., Karam, E. P., Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2021). Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against. The Leadership Quarterly32(6), 101495.

Purwanto, A. (2021). Leadership in the Innovation Era: Transactional or Transformational Style? International Journal of Social and Management Studies (IJOSMAS).

Verawati, D. M., & Hartono, B. (2020). Effective leadership: From the perspective of trait theory and behavior theory. Jurnal REKOMEN (Riset Ekonomi Manajemen)4(1), 13-23.


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