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Law Enforcement Officers Essays

The Cause(S) Police Deviance, Abuse of Given Power, and Corruption

Section 1: Introduction The issue Law enforcement officers have a crucial role in keeping the peace, safeguarding the public, and thwarting criminal activity. Yet, in recent years, worries about police corruption, power abuse, and criminal behavior have increased. Problems like these may lead to a decline in public confidence in law enforcement, a weakened criminal ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3149

Higher Education and Law Enforcement Officers

Annotated Bibliography McKenney, J. P., & Houston-Kolnik, J. D. (2021). Higher Education and Police Misconduct: Examining the Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Disciplinary Actions. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 44(3), 469-482. McKenney and Houston-Kolnik’s article investigates the relationship between higher education and police misconduct. The authors analyzed disciplinary data for ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3757
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Law Enforcement Officers on Social Media Regulations

INTRODUCTION The article social media: Establish criteria for law enforcement use is published by Robert D. Stuart, M.S. Social media availability has become vast thus can be found in law enforcement. It has affected several officers and departments in both negative and positive ways. Its misuse can lead to contradictory events like endangering an officer’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950
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