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Law Changes and Business Impact

Backgrounds and Facts

Apple Inc. is known for its firm grip on the iPhone Store and is among the leading multinational technology companies. The company is also known for its technological advancements in innovative technology products. Apple is also responsible for its app’s distribution and any in-app payments. A closed ecosystem arises as a result of. A lawsuit was then brought against the company against this monopoly. This lawsuit argued that the company suppresses competition, which causes higher prices for all consumers. A ban had been issued to Epic from the Ios APP Store, which made Epic file for a lawsuit because Apple was using the walled-garden approach regarding its Ios and violated U.S. antitrust laws (Robertson, 2024).

Courts Holding

The Supreme Court granted the lower court orders. This meant that Apple could loosen its control over its App Store. The court’s decisions were not based on the merits of the antitrust allegation but were shaped by the plaintiff’s right to bring an action against App Store practices. The court’s decision was guided by Apple’s control over its app store and how developers such as Epic were obligated to use Apple’s App Store to access “in-app” items such as power-ups and other digital goods. This highlighted Apple’s monopoly in the business (Robertson, 2024).

Epic Games claimed that Apple’s dominance highlighted its illegal monopoly as it stifled competition and innovation while generating significant profits. Epic suggested an alternative way to acquire its mobile app within the app store without paying the developer fees. When Epic tried to go around Apple restrictions, Epic was ousted from the Apple app store because Apple wanted to protect the security and privacy of iPhone users. Most of Apple’s claims were rejected, and the Appeal Court of the Ninth Circuit affirmed this decision. In both rulings, the courts ruled that Apple acted in an anti-competitive way by refusing developers to advise their users on other payment methods. In turn, the court ordered Apple to permit other calls to action and links that bypass Apple’s payment system (Robertson, 2024).

Business Impact

The court ruling could highly impact the business world, more so the businesses distributing their services and products through the App Store. So, these impacts range from increased competition, consumer choice, and low prices. Moreover, this could mean businesses must adjust to the payment systems or even embrace more competition (, 2024).

Increased competition arises from the opening up of the store to other payment systems. Consumers would, therefore, benefit from increased choices and lowered prices. However, businesses distributing their products through the App Store face increased competition. Businesses also would have to adjust to the new system business, which could bring changes to the pricing strategies, user experience, and app development. Since the App Store’s practices have changed significantly, existing business models have become disrupted, which forces businesses to become more proactive to meet the changes and mitigate risks (, 2024).

For my company, it is essential to be aware of the potential changes in the App Store when distributing our services and products. For instance, the shift in pricing systems might be called for, or other platforms for distribution might be considered. Also, it is essential to keep up with ongoing legal proceedings to keep up with further App Store practice changes. Notably, legal appeals have delayed part of the change and, in the process, won a legal appeal and a reprieve in the Supreme Court’s consideration of the case.


The Supreme Court’s decision in the Apple Store Antitrust Case has the likelihood of influencing how apps become monetized and distributed. The court’s decision to allow the lawsuit could disrupt Apple’s control over its App Store. The court’s decision has many implications for consumers and businesses, although the case’s outcome is uncertain.

References (2024, January 16). Supreme Court rebuffs Apple’s appeal on app payments, threatening billions in revenue. AP News.

Robertson, A. (2024, January 16). Supreme Court rejects Epic v. Apple antitrust case. The Verge.


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