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KFC & South Park Media Strategy

Marketers must make their advertising campaigns in this emerging fast-food market practical, attractive, and relevant. The fact that it is South Park is fascinating as far as KFC, a well-known yet widely perceived problematic company, is concerned. The second media and promotion strategy should identify target audience channels and communication techniques and provide mixed budget allocation details for each appropriate medium.

Target Audience

The partnership seeks to exploit Generation Z, whose desire for new experiences can never be satisfied. This strategy also focuses on those searching for new communication items for chilling, gossiping, and entertaining.

Budget Overview

In return for their $5 million, KFC targeted as many people as possible, including these individuals, through several media forms. This depends on the premise that everything in the design of a good campaign will be included in this result. Such an approach aims to ensure the target audience’s continuous interest during the campaign period. The content will be exciting and attractive if the financial plan leads to such a situation. These partnerships, however, must continue, with their collaboration levels remaining as well.

Media Mix

Paramount: Specialized Edition shows and banner advertisements.

Display Ads: For instance, the network carrying South Park, such as Paramount, is another opportunity to publicize advertisement products. This will amount to approximately $1.5 million, about thirty percent of the budget on display ads. First, a central field contains information about imminent cooperative episodes and South Park things associated with KFC (Amir & Mital, 2021). Special Edition Episodes: Special South Park episodes are created as part of the media strategy, with KFC being a significant item. These special episodes will cost $2 million. Forty percent of that amount will be used for production, promotion, and airplay. They will play fresh and funny with KFC-themed storylines to seamlessly enter the South Park world.

YouTube: Short Commercial

Considering the KFC-South Park collaborations, up to 15% or $750,000 go toward YouTube. The company can use the broad user base to make short, catchy adverts. As a result, these teasers will enable users on YouTube to sample what is yet to come regarding their favorite flavors (Holm, 2023). These advertisements or commercials will appear funny and exciting but mainly hilarious to attract public interest rates and ensure that people watch, enjoy, appreciate, expect, and participate in the collaboration.

Instagram: Images and Display Ads

Of the $5 Million, it allocated 10% of its expenses on Instagram, amounting to $500,000. So, instead of words, this platform’s visual nature will communicate through intriguing images like behind-the-stage shots and South Park characters combined with KFC parts and other pictures appropriate for marketing promotions. Such teaser posts aim to arouse the audience’s interest, making them look forward to the main event. At the same time, approximately 5% of the budget (equal to $250,000) will be channeled toward paid display ads on Instagram. The well-crafted ads aim at a general audience who may find some interactive parts that allow the customer to experience and explore the collaboration aspect. For this purpose, it tactfully uses hashtag tags and other mentions to make the campaign visible.

TikTok: Short Ad Videos

The company should give 10% or approximately $500,000 of its $ 5 million budget to TikTok, which will help it capture this trend culture. “These will comprise short and humorous videos showing how ‘South Park’ characters interact with “KFC” products by doing so in unexpected ways. Thus, the KFC-South Park project launch strategy will further enhance consumer participation based on the TikTok UGC dynamics. The approach is convenient as TikTok is a vibrant platform for user-generated content, which tends to help spread word of mouth about a brand (Holm, 2023). As a result, the sums of money reserved for TikTok demonstrate its importance in reaching out to fashionable youth focused on the latest trends and ensuring this mixture with South Park is as up-to-date as could be imagined imaginable.

KFC & South Park Media Strategy Budget

Table 1: KFC & South Park Media Strategy Budget

Scheduling and Fighting

The collaboration will extend for approximately half a year, from the start of January to the end of June. Such a long timeframe gives continuous relevancy to such avenues as Paramount and YouTube. “Special edition episodes and display ads on paramount will ensure engagement throughout the campaign. As part of KCF marketing plans, a TV special edition of South Park will be jointly developed and released monthly to build anticipation. It is a part of this campaign that keeps itself fresh by introducing something new at every flight (Holm, 2023). The staged broadcast of the South Park series ensures a flow of fresh content to sustain the collaborative momentum for the longevity and impact of the campaign.

Events and Promotions

The upcoming month of October will feature a peak festival, the South Park x KFC extravaganza. It will naturally coincide with the USA’s National Fried Chicken Day. It is a promise for a profound experience comprising stimulating conversations, unique edition products, and the showing of South Park made to KFC-inspired episodes (Phyu, 2023). This is designed as a part of this campaign and will form part of what may be referred to as a cooperative storyline in this way. Because of this date, it is a remarkable place where the ludicrousness of South Park meets with the heavenly kingdom of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


The plan would be implemented precisely to ensure the audience has a good time. Because of this, Instagram ads are naturally attuned to those made in several South Park series specifically for this purpose. The “South Park” x “KFC extravaganza” that shall take place in October will have been topped by the creative fusion of Paramount, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Coordinated integration toward this complete storyline involves creating one storyline where the various platforms focus on the critical topic line, leading to a fascinating drama that crosses different media channels (Schlegelmilch, 2022). Combining the constituents will naturally result in integration between South Park and KFC, forcing customers to confront several aspects simultaneously.

Communication Objectives

The crucial purpose of this scheme is to project the KFC brand among the top global brands. Its purpose is also to associate positively with the world in South Park, which evokes laughter and cultural significance. This can also lead to happy and satisfied emotions in individuals (Holm, 2023). Thus, this collaboration aims to spark consumers’ interest and create a favorable impression on the state of mind of potential clients about the trademark once again.

Strategy Challenge

This issue is mainly concerned with fluctuating public interest, which tends to vary regularly. However, the most formidable challenge is remaining relevant in many messages. The strategy responds to this challenge by exploiting the spontaneous appeal of South Park, using humor and humor. Because of its effect on their culture, this strategy aims to create a lasting affinity linking the KFC brand with South Park views (Middleton et al., 2022). During this process, we will discuss various strategies and content related to Paramount, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to capture the overall notion that addresses the attention challenge and strengthens the advertising drive for KFC-SouthPark.


Using this as a foundation, a unique multimedia campaign entitled “KFC-South Park” was developed as an innovative partnership venture with South Park to reimagine public perception of KFC. Moreover, the campaign has made its mark by pinpointing accurately its target audiences. Additionally, it boasts a suitable $5 million budget, which was well distributed, and several media channels like Paramount, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok aimed at captivating consumers’ attention and loyalty. The life-touching storyline combined with the comprehensive management plan and the grand “South Park x KFC” party is an integrative approach that culminates in a multidimensional and permanent effect on consumers’ existence. The system is specifically designed to overcome the attention issue dynamics and take advantage of South Park to make a lasting impact in fast food advertising.


Amir, S., & Mital, I. (2021). The Anatomy of Obesity: Cartman and the Economy of Consumption in South Park. Food Culture Studies in India: Consumption, Representation and Mediation, 97-107.

Holm, N. (2023). Advertising and consumer society: A critical introduction. Taylor & Francis.

Middleton, K., Thompson‐Whiteside, H., Turnbull, S., & Fletcher‐Brown, J. (2022). How consumers subvert advertising through rhetorical institutional work. Psychology & Marketing39(3), 634–646.

Phyu, P. P. (2023). Influencing Factors on Attitude and Purchase Intention of KFC in Yangon (Doctoral dissertation, MERAL Portal).

Schlegelmilch, B. B. (2022). Global marketing strategy. Springer International Publishing.


KFC & South Park Media Strategy Budget


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