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Justice in Society


Globally, different cultures and peoples have several acceptable and agreeable ways to describe, actuate and practice Justice according to their interpretation. The advent of political, economic and social jurisdictions/ groupings from whence civilization began till the modern-day world saw and has seen the human behaviour, habits and character concerning Justice for self, neighbour and countryman, for in any set-up, issues do occur that could need solving and the dispensation of equal consequences and or benefits of an outcome is Justice (Rawls, 2020). Justice is defined by equality and equity in the face of the law (courts) and impartiality in the heart of the juror/jury; otherwise, the process becomes unjust, and Justice could and or may not be served. This paper explores Justice and why and how society should uphold and refine Justice to fit all human beings.

Social Justice, a class of Justice, is a term that is associated with fairness in the broader sense that manifestations arise when individuals mess up or make mistakes. The infringed party/ parties take action. The action forthwith confirms a sound or unsound Justice. The family set-up (nuclear or extended/polygamous) is the ideal epicentre with which Justice is first told and retold as fathers take the lead and children copy. Their actions in character toward others are an indicator of Justice (Ross, 2019). The family unit is the fundamental jurisdiction with the hierarchical ranking of the father, mother and children within which family members associate and children learn of what is right and wrong with the obvious interpretation that right is just and wrong is unjust. With firsthand experiences of Justice, the young generations are bound to reciprocate the same in the world as they engage others or socialize. With all human beings originating from families, the combined know-how on Justice in basic understanding is an eye opener on the advanced ability to cope with upholding and promoting Justice.

In medieval times, societies had improvised ways to give Justice to the accused or the lawbreaker. Measures used were considered crude and inhuman, but Justice was always served. The 21st century has seen an overreliance on tech-based innovations that have diluted the discrete ways of practising Justice. Either way, Justice is not defined today as it was back then. Religion has been the backbone of interpreting and agitating for Justice for many generations. The major religions (Christians and Muslims) both had and have their ways of dispensing Justice.

Understandably, government establishments worldwide have long been at the forefront of promoting Justice. The USA (free world) is the world superpower, with its roots and policies inclined to the precepts of democracy. To many Americans and world elites, Justice is equated to democracy/ freedom (Mulligan, 2018). Arguments arise on the accuracy and actualization of democracy by USA governments due to the constant intrusions, partisan and double standards in their standing on world issues amongst their allies and foes in equal measure. The sale of arms to conflicted zones and parties in cluster/ proxy wars and mini-civil wars across the globe has resulted in increased suffering, fear and loss of lives of persons with no end in sight (Ross, 2019). This reality has defaced the USA as an unjust nation with a disfigured understanding of Justice and how to create such a society with its ranking as a top-tier superpower. Democracy, as campaigned by the USA, is not what just is or ought to be due to the partisan nature of affairs and disastrous policies and or ideas (capitalism) that do constrict the dispensation of Justice (Mulligan, 2018).

Furthermore, Justice could be classified into; distributive, restorative, retributive, procedural, social, environmental, economic and criminal classes (Cole et al., 2021). Despite the categorization, social Justice tends to outweigh other forms because it is all-inclusive.

#Characteristics of Justice

  • Impartiality
  • Consistency
  • Standing
  • Trust

The principles of Justice are the avenue through which unbiased, consistent and reliable decisions are generated procedurally.

The establishment of a just society could be achieved if the following are practised;

#Fast check on beliefs (individually or communal)

Often, persons/ groups of persons have certain beliefs passed on to them by older generations, and most abide by them with or without more profound knowledge of such myths per se. In studies that have been done, recommendations drawn upon conclusions made on results and findings provide the basis to refute unjust, backward, traditional and uncultured behaviours. With the realization of the modern understanding due to broader research and information-sharing technology, a common baseline on the minimum and, subsequently, the maximum within the bounds of Justice can be set and adhered to (Cole et al., 2021).

#Participation, awareness and volunteering in society about Justice

Community-based, national and international Non-Profit Organizations have unofficially taken over the mandate of calling for Justice. This characteristic move and the increased information sharing in the neighbourhoods have resulted in a better understanding of Justice. More so, the young generations get acquainted with appealing advertisements; hence awareness of Justice has to be told, retold and practised many times over to become a norm for all to glorify in action (Cole et al., 2021).

#Political right of voting

Consequently, political campaigns and elections give rise to leaders that head the independent nations and jurisdictions that house (citizens) and host (immigrants). By exercising the constitutional right to vote, the right-minded voter masses can kick out unjust leaders and put justice-inclined leadership into office. With increased Justice in the political class, the institutions that humans are bound shall be peaceful, for Justice begets peace, and vice versa is true. Hence, our political leaders play a gigantic role in dispensing Justice (Cole et al., 2021).

#Standing up to injustice through protests

Occasionally, the masses must get to the streets and riot for Justice to be upheld. In the case of autocracies, certain crucial human rights could be abused, and the rights of many curtailed unjustly and could result in an opposing voice to those in power; hence demonstrations could rock nations until their voices are heard and demands met. Justice is a term that enshrines all that society begets, and so humans are bound to be pro-justice in whichever scenario possible (Cole et al., 2021).

Moreover, Justice and ethics are intertwined, for without Justice, ethics is compromised. Of importance to note is the colour (blue) that denotes Justice (Ross, 2019).

In conclusion, it is right to assert that without Justice, virtually everything is compromised from virtues, values, rights and freedoms. All societies need to be vigilant in how societal issues are handled and solved to preserve the already present Justice to a better society for generations to come. All institutions of Justice should offer retribution to all and be just in solving matters brought to them, as morality and ethics are anchored on Justice. Isolation of Justice is a delimiter of societal progress. In all societies, whether civilized or not, Justice is always upheld, for it defines what a society is, who the leaders are, and to what extent the society befits to be appreciated for putting steps to maintain peaceful associations and relationships. A just society is a peaceful society.

Works Cited

Mulligan, Thomas. Justice and the meritocratic state. Taylor & Francis, 2018.

Cole, George F., Christopher E. Smith, and Christina DeJong. Criminal Justice in America. Cengage Learning, 2021.

Ross, Alf. On law and Justice. Oxford University Press, 2019.

Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice: Revised edition. Harvard university press, 2020.


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