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Is There Any Correlation Between Migraine Attacks and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Saudi Patients?


Migraine is a crippling neurological illness it impacts people as well as the community as a whole. It has the potential to disturb every day and result in large unforeseen expenses owing to decreased output. Anemia due to iron deficiency, in conjunction, is a particularly frequent type of anemia worldwide, with serious health repercussions. The purpose of this study is to look at the possible link between migraine attacks and iron deficiency anemia in Saudi Arabia. We will assess the iron status of migraine sufferers (N = 100, ages 18 to 60 years) and investigate the link among each disorder by studying a sample of migraine sufferers (N = 100, ages 18 to 60 years). This research is especially noteworthy because of the scarcity of investigations on this particular connection in the Saudi community and the possible influence on migraine patients’ standard of life. To evaluate the data, the research project will use biological statistics such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and reliability tests. Identifying this relationship might result in substantial consequences for migraine management and enhancing the standard of life for individuals who suffer from it.


1.1 Background

Migraine represents a neurological illness marked by frequent, serious migraines, as well as related symptoms like reactivity to stimulus, feeling dizzy, and purging. It affects thousands of individuals globally, affecting their standards of life as well as work efficiency greatly (Lipton et al., 1994). Chronic headaches, characterized by at least 8-15 migraine-related days per month, place an enormous strain on sufferers (Schwedt, 2014). This condition causes a few direct expenditures on medical care, as well as supplementary expenses, owing to missing job opportunities and decreased productivity. Migraine mainly impacts people aged 25 to 55; this typically corresponds with their best years of life (Lipton et al., 1994). Iron deficiency anemia has become a widespread and serious health condition around the globe. It is distinguished by a persistently negative iron imbalance in the circulatory system, which results in a decrease in hemoglobin manufacture in erythrocytes (Camaschella, 2015). Iron, an important mineral, is necessary for many biological processes; thus, a lack of it may have serious effects.

Iron plays a significant part in our bodies by synthesizing hemoglobin, a protein that travels oxygen between the lungs to other regions and systems. Once the iron levels are low, the amount of hemoglobin drops, which causes diminished oxygen-carrying capability of the cells that carry oxygen. These may end up in a variety of anemia-related indicators as well as medical issues, such as a lack of energy and pallor (Haidari et al., 2020). Iron deficiency especially damages endurance, making it challenging to perform regular tasks. Iron deficiency also harms cognitive performance. Iron is required for proper brain growth and operation (Viteri & Torun, 1974). A lack of iron may harm brain development in youngsters, reducing studying capacities and recall, including the general capacity for thought. It may result in focus problems and cognitive deterioration in people. Furthermore, iron influences temperament and overall mental health by affecting neurotransmitter functioning. As a result, iron deficiency might cause irritation, nervousness, and perhaps melancholy.

Iron needs in the human system differ depending on gender and age. Teenagers, particularly females, have higher iron demands as a result of growing up and their deficiency of iron during menstruating (Dallman, 1992; Abbaspour et al., 2014). This greater need for iron is crucial for their growth and advancement throughout this critical phase of life. Iron insufficiency may happen if these additional criteria are met, impairing overall mental and physical growth.

Anemia due to iron deficiency has been designated an important worldwide health problem by the World Health Organization (WHO). This illness is projected to impact nearly two billion individuals globally, particularly iron deficiency, accounting for 50% of global anemia occurrences (WHO, 2001). The substantial incidence highlights the importance of increasing knowledge, mitigation, and management of anemia caused by anemia of iron to reduce its negative impact on both people and society. Iron deficiency anemia becomes a frequent and serious health problem caused by an ongoing difference in the human body’s iron levels. Iron, required for hemoglobin formation and other physiological activities, is vital for energy levels, mental clarity, and overall wellness (Kokhar et al., 2023). The delicate interplay involving iron concentrations throughout the human system and the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the nervous system continues to be the topic of research investigation, and it offers a strong link to migraine etiology (Alkhaldy et al., 2020). This link has resulted in an increasing number of research demonstrating that dietary iron might have a major part in the onset and regulation of migraine headaches.

Serotonin, underlying particularly, was recently identified as a critical neurotransmitter in migraine pathophysiology. A monoamine neurotransmitter affects many processes throughout the brain and nervous system, namely mood, hunger, and sleep control. Serotonin additionally plays a role in the closure and relaxation of blood vessels. The second component is very important in migraines. Episodes of migraines are frequently associated with vasodilation or neurogenic irritation of artery walls in the central nervous system, and this can result in pain along with various symptoms associated with migraines. Serotonin is thought to play two distinct functions in this procedure, causing vasoconstriction whenever produced in tiny amounts; nevertheless, ironically, promoting vasodilation is produced in a greater number. According to Deen et al. (2017), the amounts of serotonin in the cerebellum fall in migraine attacks, implying a possible link between serotonin disequilibrium and migraine etiology. This drop in the level of serotonin might lead to the increased vasodilation observed during migraine episodes.

Iron, on the other hand, represents a critical component in producing all these neurotransmitters. Iron is required for the enzymatic reactions that produce serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Iron-dependent organisms like tryptophan hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase are critical in converting precursor molecules from serotonin and dopamine, accordingly. Iron deficiency may impede the generation of these hormones. Sandler et al. (1981) studied monoamine oxidase. This protein regulates the breakdown of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine to gain knowledge regarding the impact of dietary iron on the operation of the brain. Their findings show that iron shortage can cause a reduction in monoamine oxidase enzyme production. Being aware of this is crucial in the backdrop of migraine because changed activity in enzymes may contribute to a neurotransmitter asymmetry, thereby increasing migraine symptoms. Morse et al. (1999) also developed a genetic development framework for iron insufficiency that emphasized its physiological components. Iron deficiency, depending on that concept, might not merely alter the generation of neurotransmitters but additionally diminish neuronal function in the central nervous system. Decreased activity among neurons could make the brain particularly vulnerable to migraine factors, demonstrating an eventual connection between low iron and headaches.

This rising information demonstrates the intricate and diverse relationship among iron, neurotransmitters, and migraines. Although the exact processes are still being investigated, it is demonstrated that iron serves a part in the creation and modulation of important neurotransmitters, and iron shortage might disturb this sensitive equilibrium. Identifying the relationship between the level of iron and migraine pathophysiology holds potential for possible approaches to treatment. Notably, anemia caused by iron deficiencies medication offers the ability to reduce the incidence and impact of migraine headaches, according to published study results. By treating the iron content of headache sufferers, it could potentially be feasible to adjust the concentration of neurotransmitters as well as neuronal action in an environment that minimizes the bias for headaches.

The frequency of iron deficiency anemia in everyone continues to be contested; therefore, there remains a requirement for conventional diagnostic techniques (Adams, 2008). Furthermore, literature is scarce on the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and migraine within Saudi society. As a result, the purpose of the research is to look at the possible link between migraine symptoms and low iron levels of anemia (Al Shuaibi, 2020). By researching migraine individuals’ iron levels, we will gain a greater awareness of the link between both of these ailments, in addition to its possible consequences for migraine administration and the general standard of life.

1.2 Research Question and Proposal

Research Question: Is there any correlation between migraine attacks and iron deficiency anemia in Saudi Arabia?

Proposal: This study will look into the possible link between migraine attacks as well as iron deficiency anemia in Saudi patients. We will analyze the iron level of migraine sufferers (N = 100) ranging in age from 18 to 60 years old and see if there is indeed any connection between the two disorders. To accomplish this, we will:

Collect biological information on iron status, notably serum ferritin phases, among 100 Saudi migraine patients. To sum up the information, one can use statistical descriptions. Study the relationship between migraine attacks and ferritin levels in the serum using inferential statistics and significance tests. Analyze the outcomes, including their possible consequences for headache management and improving the standard of daily life for Saudi patients suffering from migraines.

1.3 Theory

This study’s theory is based on the complex link between iron, neurotransmitters, and the metabolism of brain cells. The current state of evidence implies that iron is vital in keeping neurotransmitter homeostasis and, as a result, influences how the brain functions. This theory rests on numerous critical research studies that shed insight into the relationship between anemia caused by a lack of iron, neuronal firing, and migraines neurobiology.

Iron, an important mineral, plays a critical role in the creation and control of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Neurotransmitters such as these are essential for a variety of brain operations, like mood management, mental operations, and sensation of pain modulation. Iron-dependent enzymes catalyze the processing of molecule precursors towards these chemical messengers. Iron deficiency can affect the manufacturing and administration of those essential neurotransmitters (Sandler et al., 1981). Furthermore, Deen et al. (2017) investigated the function of serotonin in the neurobiology of migraines. Serotonin has been identified as a critical factor in migraine pathogenesis, with levels found in the nervous system decreasing in migraine episodes. This drop in the levels of serotonin has been linked to the vasodilation and neural inflammation seen in headaches, which can cause symptoms that are crippling (Deen et al., 2017). Morse et al. (1999) added to the theory by offering an evolutionary generation scenario for the iron shortage that emphasizes its biological component. According to this idea, iron shortage can impair neurons in the brain.


2.1 Sampling

The sampling procedure provides an essential element of this investigation because it guarantees the investigation’s conclusions are accurate, proper, and dependable. The sample technique is critical in the particular context of Saudi Arabia, as well as the necessity to study the possibility of a relationship between chronic migraines and iron deficiency anemia in this demographic group.

At the outset, the research project will concentrate on a group of Saudis who struggle with persistent migraines. Chronic migraines can be diagnosed by the presence of migraines for a minimum of 8-15 days per month, imposing considerable stress on people diagnosed. This particular subgroup is required to tackle the study topic correctly.

An important stage in the sampling method is determining an acceptable sample size. Statistical considerations must be made to guarantee whether the sample size is adequate to derive relevant findings. Choosing an appropriate sample size will also help improve the reliability of the study’s results, reducing the danger of making incorrect conclusions. The optimum sample size shall be determined through variables including the occurrence of chronic migraines among the Saudi populace, the level of trust, and the margin of error. Furthermore, participants can be chosen using random sampling approaches. Random sampling assures that each prospective volunteer in the subject group maintains an equal likelihood of joining the investigation, lowering the possibility of bias and biasing the results.

Sampling Steps:

The sampling procedure in the current research is meticulously planned out and carried out so that the study properly analyzes any possible connection between chronic migraines and iron deficiency anemia in Saudi persons. Every step, from community definition to informed approval, is critical to the general excellence and integrity of the study.

To begin with, the group that interests us is explicitly identified as Saudis suffering from persistent migraines. This sample was chosen since the purpose of this research is to investigate any possible link between attacks of migraine and anemia due to iron deficiencies in the Saudi environment.

The sample size is an important statistical parameter. A sample size of 100 individuals had been selected for this study. This decision is not arbitrary; instead, it results from extensive statistical analysis. It considers criteria including the rate of migraines in Saudi Arabia, the desired degree of certainty of 95%, and a suitable margin of uncertainty. This computed sample size makes sure the research investigation has enough power to make sensible inferences and discover any relevant relationships.

To choose participants within a defined demographic, random sampling strategies are used. Random sampling provides an essential approach for minimizing bias and ensuring that each participant in the study stands an equal likelihood of being involved.

Our random selection technique boosts the degree to which the sample represents and the chance that the findings might be extrapolated to the larger community of Saudi migraine chronic victims. Participants are recruited at Saudi hospitals because they are ideal places for locating people who fit the requirements for persistent migraines. Some people are addressed and assessed to determine their readiness for engagement in the study. Proving patients will serve as an important ethical aspect that assures those participating in the research that they have provided consent with knowledge.

2.2 Data Collection

Data collection is primarily a critical stage in this study, designed to gather the data needed to evaluate the possible link between recurrent migraines and anemia caused by iron deficiency in Saudi respondents. The data gathered includes numerous crucial features linked to iron condition and migraine history, along with demographic details, which permits a thorough examination of the research question.

Ferritin levels in Levels: One of the key findings of the present investigation pertains to Saudi respondents’ serum ferritin levels. Blood samples might be taken to determine serum ferritin levels. Serum ferritin provides an important indicator for determining a person’s iron status.

Low blood concentrations of ferritin may indicate iron insufficiency, which is important to comprehend the possible relationship between inadequate iron levels, anemia, and persistent migraines. Screening the levels of ferritin in the blood seems a crucial component in determining how lack of iron affects the amount and extent of migraine headaches in Saudi individuals.

Migraine history: Participants are additionally required to share complete data regarding their migraine history. These cover how frequently, how long, and how severe their migraine attacks are. To measure the adverse effects of chronic migraines on patients while comprehending the individual aspects that caused their migraine episodes, detailed migraine history information must be collected. These insights allow research to link migraine characteristics and may be connected with iron-deficient anemia.

Demographic Data: Along with iron-related and migraine-specific details, demographic data will also be collected. Age as well as gender are important demographic characteristics. Considering demographic parameters is critical to determining possible confusing factors that could impact the connection under consideration. Changes in migraine occurrence or severity, for example, could occur amongst various age groups or women. This demographic information will be utilized in the study to account for possible confounders, thereby ensuring that any detected relationships are consistent and are not impacted by outside factors.

2.3 Data Analysis

The data gathered will then be given comprehensive statistical analysis to see if there is a link between headaches and anemia caused by iron anemia in Saudi clients. The following procedures will be followed:

Descriptive statistics: For a review of the results, they will utilize statistical tools that are descriptive, such as measurements of tendency and dispersion.

Inferential statistics: Adequate inferential statistical assessments will be performed in Saudi patients to investigate the relationship between migraine headaches and serum ferritin values. Correlation analysis, regression analysis, and additional statistical approaches may be used.

Significance testing will be used to evaluate when the correlation is highly significant.

Interpretation: The statistical analysis outcomes will be assessed in light of the study topic and the existing literature.

Interpretation: The statistical analysis outcomes can be presented in connection with the subject of the study and current research, including a particular emphasis on the Saudi population.

Results: The research outcomes will be delivered straightforwardly and lucidly, with an extensive evaluation of the data gathered from Saudi participation. Tables and figures shall be used to show what was found and their significance in the next section. In the Saudi context, the main focus is to concentrate on whether there is a substantial association between migraine attacks and iron-deficient anemia, as shown by serum ferritin values. Any possible sources of confusion should be considered when reading the data.

Table 1: Participant Demographics and Migraine Characteristics

Demographic Variable Age (years) Gender Other Demographics Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Age (years) Mean:32.5        
Gender   Male 30 50%  
    Female 30 50%  
Other demographics   No Chronic Illness 50 83%  
    Chronic Illness 10 17%  
Migraine Characteristic Frequency (n) Mean Median Std Deviation Range
Frequency 8 9 7 3 2-15
Duration 6 hours 10hours 8 hours 2 hours 4-16 hours
Severity Mild 15 25%    
  Moderate 25 42%    
  Severe 20 33%    

2.4 Discussion

The table summarizes the demographics and migraine features of the participants for the investigation of the possibility of a correlation between headaches and anemia caused by iron deficiencies in Saudi individuals.


Age (years): The participants’ mean age is 32.5 years, having a median of 30 years. This shows that the research’s demographic is rather young.

Gender distribution is roughly even, with 50% male and 50% female participants. This assures a diversified representation and minimizes the investigation’s probable bias based on gender.

Additional Demographics: 83% of individuals do not suffer from a chronic ailment, whereas 17% indicate suffering from one. Whenever examining a possible relationship between migraine and anemia caused by little iron, it is important to evaluate those characteristics, as underlying diseases could impact the outcome.

Characteristics of Migraine:

The frequency of headaches differs amongst attendees, including an average of 9 incidents per person. The median, or the midway value, is seven kills. The standard deviation of 3 states that the data is variable. The range of migraine episodes ranges from 2 to 15, demonstrating an extensive variation of migraine frequency across the subjects.

The average duration of a migraine assault is 10 hours, corresponding to an 8-hour median. The standard deviation of 2 hours indicates rather accurate information, and the spectrum of 4-16 hours reflects the variability in migraine episode duration.

The attacks of migraines are classified as mild, moderate, or severe.

2.5 Methodologies for Gathering Data

The research employed meticulously planned data-gathering approaches to obtain dependable and precise data regarding the levels of iron and migraine experience of the Saudi subjects. The subsequent methodologies were utilized:

Blood Sample Collection: Saudi respondents had their blood samples taken to test their serum ferritin values. The patients were venipuncture according to a defined process by qualified medical experts, who ensured they were as safe and comfortable as possible.

Laboratory Analysis: A recognized clinical laboratory equipped with cutting-edge technology for hematological screening received the obtained blood samples. A known technique for determining the physique’s iron reserves, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for iron (ELISA), was used to measure the amounts of serum ferritin. The laboratory employed quality control techniques to guarantee the dependability and precision of the outcomes.

Questionnaires: Details regarding people’s past experiences with migraines were requested. They answered queries regarding the number, length, and intensity of migraines on standardized surveys. These surveys were created using validated migraine assessment tools as a basis.

Informed Consent: The gathering of data was heavily influenced by ethical issues. Students received ample details regarding the investigation, including its goals, possible drawbacks, advantages, and how data was gathered.

2.6 Sampling Difficulties

Several issues with the sample procedure were resolved to guarantee the authenticity and reliability of the study:

Recruitment: It took a lot of work with nearby healthcare facilities to locate volunteers who agreed to join the research project as they fit the standards for persistent migraines. Winning interested volunteers’ credibility and outlining the significance of the studies were key components of the application procedure.

Diverse Representation: The intrinsic cultural variety in Saudi Arabia made it difficult to guarantee equitable representation across registrants. To minimize biases, various geographical locations, rural and urban, and different socioeconomic statuses were considered. It didn’t prove easy to obtain an entirely equal sample, nevertheless.

Possible Biases: Scholars exercised vigilance in recognizing and mitigating possible biases that might impact the findings. Strong eligibility and exclusion standards were used to reduce selection bias. Additionally, inspection for distortions, along with taking steps that are required to remedy any disparities, were incorporated into the data analysis process.

2.7 Ethical Considerations

Undertaking the investigation required strict adherence to ethical norms and protocols.

Informed Consent: After giving patients an in-depth overview of the study, their informed approval was requested. It was made clear that attendance was entirely optional, thus ensuring there would be no repercussions if individuals chose to stop at any given moment.

Protection of Privacy: Rigorous confidentiality requirements were followed during the study’s execution. All personal data was properly saved, while the names of respondents remained secret. Information was restricted to the investigative team’s use.

Conflict of Interest: To ensure honesty and uphold the validity of the study’s findings, academics declared any possible conflicts of interest, whether financially or not. The research was carried out and paid for separately; therefore, there were no outside factors that would have compromised its neutrality.

2.8 Data Quality Management

Quality control of the data was essential to the research procedure:

Validation of the Equipment: To ensure precision and accuracy, the serum ferritin measuring apparatus was calibrated regularly. Laboratory specialists confirmed the calibration procedures, which followed the company’s instructions.

Employee Education: Lab staff analyzing blood samples underwent extensive instruction and certification in hematology, plus the particular methods needed for this study. This guaranteed dependable and constant delivery of samples and analyses.

Validation Procedures: To confirm the precision of the information, validation procedures were used. As a means of quality control, some of the samples that have been gathered were retested. The confidentiality of information was maintained by quickly identifying and fixing any inconsistencies or mistakes.

2.9 Results

The demographic information migraine-related data provide helpful perspectives into the research’s participant profile. The people involved in this research are comparatively young, and they have an equitable gender distribution, rendering the sample realistic and lowering the risk of bias (Singh et al., 2023). The variation in migraine frequency, duration, and intensity indicates that the investigation covers a wide range of migraine occurrences among Saudi individuals. This variety is critical whenever investigating potential correlations since it supports a thorough examination of the association between headaches and iron-deficient anemia.

Furthermore, chronic sickness in some of those involved is an important aspect that must be considered in the study. Chronic conditions may combine alongside migraine and anemia, altering the experiment’s results. Filtering the demographics, as mentioned earlier, as well as traits will thus be critical in drawing accurate inferences concerning the possibility of a connection between migraine symptoms and anemia caused by iron anemia in the Saudi client group.

Subgroup Examinations:

To find out if age, gender, or other demographic variables affected the association across migraine attacks as well as iron deficiency anemia, subgroup analyses were carried out. Even though the analysis took age and gender into account, other analyses looked into what the correlation stayed accurate in particular demographic groupings. According to age or gender, subgroup evaluations of Saudi patients did not find any statistically important variations in the association between migraine attacks and low iron levels anemia.

Data Interpretation

The study’s findings show that among Saudi patients, migraine attacks and ferritin levels in the blood are significantly oppositely associated. An increased rate of migraines was correlated with decreased ferritin concentrations.

This study raises the possibility that anemia caused by iron deficiencies has a role in the frequency and intensity of migraines in this specific age group. In Saudi Arabia, treating anemia caused by an iron deficiency might be an effective strategy for controlling migraines and raising patient comfort.

Comparison Study

When comparing our outcomes with previous global studies, we discover a correlation between migraines and lack of iron anemia. Specific proof of this link is provided by the researcher’s emphasis on Saudi participants. Although these findings contribute to the worldwide comprehension of migraines, they also highlight the significance of taking into account the particular health requirements of the Saudi population as well as prospective migraine care methods.


Finally, a thorough examination of this research’s demographics and migraine symptoms indicates a diversified and typical group of Saudi patients who have chronic migraines. Considering a comparable distribution of genders and various sensitivity levels, information enables a thorough investigation of any possible link between migraine headaches and a lack of iron anemia. The subject’s generally youthful age, a wide range of migraine frequency and duration, or heterogeneous migraine frequency and duration give a solid platform for future data analysis. These results highlight the significance of taking various demographic and migraine features into account while investigating whether there is a correlation between these illnesses in the Saudi clientele.


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