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Intervention Selection and Application


As stated in my case study, City Center Hospitals Case Study Organizational Problem, for an organization to operate successfully, there have to be good leadership skills portrayed, healthy relationships between colleagues for easy collaboration, and increased motivation between employees. However, in this case, study, the nurse in the City Center Hospital noted a morale problem amongst the nurses, an issue that the organization has been trying to curb to increase profits and offer better patient services. The nurse’s lack of motivation has been said to be caused by the physician’s arrogant behavior towards the nurses. In contrast, the CEO is worried about the physicians due to the poor leadership skills displayed by the unit managers. In this paper, we will address an appropriate intervention that will help address this issue, elucidate why that intervention applies to this case study, and the actions used to utilize this intervention.

An appropriate Intervention

To ensure that the unit managers have good leadership skills and that all the staffs, nurses, and physicians feel motivated to work, the best intervention is executing a comprehensive mentorship and leadership development program (Bright,2019).

Why this intervention is appropriate to this intervention

The intervention is suitable in this case study since it aims at fostering a caring environment that empowers nurses and improves their sense of purpose and job happiness while also developing managers’ leadership abilities (Feyissa et al., 2019). The goal is to boost nurses’ motivation and create good leadership skills among the unit managers; this is the best intervention program.

Actions involved while utilizing this intervention ;

Launching of the program and communication; All staff members, such as the nurses, physicians, and managers, should be informed of the mentorship and leadership development program’s objective, advantages, and anticipated results. The health facility’s dedication to creating teamwork, the urge for professional development, and the need to increase morale among nurses should be addressed.

Pairing mentors and mentees and training: Determining the most appropriate mentors and mentees based on their qualifications, backgrounds, and compatibility. Mentors should receive thorough training on how to offer good mentorship, practice active listening, and offer constructive criticism that will encourage the staff to continue talking (PushFar).

Leadership Training workshops; Providing managers and nurses with leadership development seminars that focus on crucial leadership abilities, for example, how to communicate effectively with each other to avoid the physicians being arrogant to the nurses, how to solve issues in case they arise in the hospital, and how to be emotional intelligence. Create an engaging learning environment that promotes acquiring skills and their application in real-world situations.

Feedback and recognition mechanisms; Set up a method for mentors and mentees to regularly share feedback to foster open dialogue and personal development(Center for Creating Leadership,2021). Create procedures for recognizing nurses’ achievements and efforts to strengthen the appreciation culture.

Activities for fostering cooperation and teamwork: Plan team-building exercises and collaborative tasks that motivate nurses and supervisors to cooperate, fostering close bonds and a sense of community. Through this, no one will feel superior to the other person since every person’s role matters in the healthcare facility. Fostering an environment that values cooperation and helping each other is vital.

Constant Review and Improvement: To determine how effective the intervention is, there should be often Surveys, feedback sessions, and performance evaluations that should be conducted. If the intervention has not brought any changes within the given duration, then the structures can be changed.


In conclusion, executing a comprehensive mentorship and leadership development program can help the managers in the health facility boost their leadership skills and increase nurses’ motivation. In any organization, there has to be teamwork between all staff members. Further, there has to be respect between all employees. When conflict arises, there should be ways to talk them through and offer solutions. The intervention stated above will help attract positive yields in the healthcare facility, increasing profits and ensuring patients receive quality services.


Bright.A (2019).Practicing Leadership Skills through Peer Mentoring and Teaching: the Lived Experience of BSN Students .

Feyissa GT, Balabanova D, Woldie M.(2019). How Effective are Mentoring Programs for Improving Health Worker Competence and Institutional Performance in Africa? A Systematic Review of Quantitative Evidence. J Multidiscip Healthc. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S228951. PMID: 31824166; PMCID: PMC6901118.

Center for Creating Leadership (2021).How to Use Coaching and Mentoring Programs to Develop New Leaders.

Pushkar.How to Start a Mentoring Program in 6 Steps.


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